Simulate Hysteresis Loop in MATLAB | Step-by-Step Tutorial"

In summary, hysteresis is a phenomenon where the output of a system is influenced by past inputs, commonly seen in magnetic materials and electrical circuits. Simulating hysteresis in MATLAB is important for understanding and analyzing these systems in various scientific and engineering applications. The steps involved in simulating hysteresis in MATLAB include defining the input signal, specifying the hysteresis function, creating a loop, and plotting the output. There are different hysteresis functions available in MATLAB, each with its own complexity and applicability. Hysteresis simulations in MATLAB can be used in scientific research to predict and optimize system behavior. However, there are limitations to these simulations, such as assumptions and simplifications made in the models
  • #1
Hi there,

Would anyone help me in simulating hysteresis loop in MATLAB?

Thank You!
Physics news on
  • #2
like a transformer hysteresis loop? without the hysteresis, what does the curve look like?
  • #3
I meant the hysteresis loop of a ferromagnetic substance
  • #4
You can use Langevin function to describe a hysteresis loop. Exact form of Langervin function you can find out in many textbooks on magnetism.

[itex]M(H)=M_s.[\cosh(c(H+\alpha M))-\dfrac{1}{c(H+αM)}][/itex]

or use this

[itex]M(H)=M_s.\tanh(c(H+\alpha M))[/itex]

For the code, It is extremely easy, in ten lines, so try it.
  • #5

Hello there,

I am happy to assist you with simulating a hysteresis loop in MATLAB. This is a common task in many scientific fields, and MATLAB is a great tool for this type of simulation. I have outlined a step-by-step tutorial below to guide you through the process.

Step 1: Define the parameters of your system
Before starting the simulation, you need to define the parameters of your system. This includes the input signal, the material properties, and any other relevant variables. Make sure to have a clear understanding of your system and its behavior before moving on to the next step.

Step 2: Set up the loop
Next, you will need to set up a loop that will iterate through a range of values for your input signal. This will allow you to plot the hysteresis loop for different input values.

Step 3: Calculate the output
Within the loop, you will need to calculate the output of your system based on the input signal and the material properties. This will involve using mathematical equations and functions to model the behavior of your system.

Step 4: Plot the hysteresis loop
Once you have calculated the output for each input value, you can plot the hysteresis loop using the "plot" function in MATLAB. This will create a visual representation of the behavior of your system.

Step 5: Adjust parameters and repeat
You can now adjust the parameters of your system and repeat the simulation to see how it affects the hysteresis loop. This is a great way to understand the impact of different variables on the behavior of your system.

I hope this tutorial helps you in simulating a hysteresis loop in MATLAB. If you encounter any difficulties, please don't hesitate to reach out for further assistance. Happy simulating!

Best regards,

Related to Simulate Hysteresis Loop in MATLAB | Step-by-Step Tutorial"

What is hysteresis and why is it important to simulate it in MATLAB?

Hysteresis refers to the phenomenon where the output of a system depends not only on its current input, but also on its past inputs. This is commonly seen in systems such as magnetic materials and electrical circuits. Simulating hysteresis in MATLAB allows us to understand and analyze the behavior of these systems, which is crucial in many scientific and engineering applications.

What are the steps involved in simulating hysteresis in MATLAB?

The steps involved in simulating hysteresis in MATLAB include defining the input signal, specifying the hysteresis function, creating a loop to iterate through the input signal, and plotting the output.

What are some common hysteresis functions used in MATLAB simulations?

Some common hysteresis functions used in MATLAB simulations include the Preisach model, Jiles-Atherton model, and the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. These functions differ in their complexity and the types of systems they can accurately model.

How can hysteresis simulations in MATLAB be used in scientific research?

Hysteresis simulations in MATLAB can be used in a variety of scientific research fields such as material science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. They can help researchers understand and predict the behavior of complex systems, design new materials and devices, and optimize system performance.

Are there any limitations to simulating hysteresis in MATLAB?

Yes, there are some limitations to simulating hysteresis in MATLAB. These include the assumptions and simplifications made in the hysteresis models used, and the computational resources required for more complex simulations. It is important to carefully select a suitable hysteresis model and validate the results with experimental data to ensure accuracy and reliability.
