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I have the following paper "Collecting Performance of a LiDAR Telescope at Short Distances":
I am supposed to calculate the efficiency of the LiDAR, as shown in Fig. 4 in the paper. However, my graphs do not look at all as they do in the paper. I calculate b, B, M and P and with this AL as shown in the paper. Then I calculate Omega.
Then I integrate, as shown in Eq. (7). I integrate of the implicit variable r from 0 to R= beta *z / 2. The python code I wrote is shown below.
Reasons, I think I am doing something wrong:
• The Graphs look different
• There is a removable discontinuity when z = z0
• A lot of the graph is undefined, even when the graph is shown, parts of the makeup is undefined
I am supposed to calculate the efficiency of the LiDAR, as shown in Fig. 4 in the paper. However, my graphs do not look at all as they do in the paper. I calculate b, B, M and P and with this AL as shown in the paper. Then I calculate Omega.
Then I integrate, as shown in Eq. (7). I integrate of the implicit variable r from 0 to R= beta *z / 2. The python code I wrote is shown below.
Reasons, I think I am doing something wrong:
• The Graphs look different
• There is a removable discontinuity when z = z0
• A lot of the graph is undefined, even when the graph is shown, parts of the makeup is undefined
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
f = 1.2 # focal length
beta = 2.4e-3 # laser beam divergence
L=0.1 # lense radius
d= 1.25 # distance of diaphrang
sign = 1 # in the plus minus part, the sign defines wether plus or minus
def R(z,beta):
return z * beta /2
def z0 (d,f): # particular depth
if (d-f)==0:
return None
return (d*f)/(d-f)
def Dcalc(f, d) : # radius of diaphrang
return R(z0(d,f), beta) * d / z0(d,f)
def b(z, f): # image distance
if z-f==0:
return None
return (z * f ) / (z - f )
def B (z, r, f): # image size
if z-f==0:
return None
return (r * f ) / (z - f )
def M(z, r,f,d) : # center of projection of diaphrgm to the plan of the lens
if b(z,f) == None or (b(z,f) - d ) == 0:
return None
return (B(z,r,f) * d ) / (b(z,f) - d )
def P(z,D,f,d) : # radius of the projection on lens plane
if b(z,f) == None or (b(z,f) - d ) == 0:
return None
return (D * b(z,f) ) / (b(z,f) - d )
def AL(z,r,f,d,D,L,sign): # Area
if ( M(z,r,f,d)==None or ((M(z,r,f,d) * L) == 0) or ((M(z,r,f,d) * P(z,D,f,d)) == 0 ) or P(z,D,f,d) ==None ):
return None
inAa = 1.1*(( M(z,r,f,d)**2 + L**2 - P(z,D,f,d)**2) / (2 * M(z,r,f,d) * L ))
inAb = 1.1*(( M(z,r,f,d)**2 - L**2 + P(z,D,f,d)**2) / (2 * M(z,r,f,d) * P(z,D,f,d)))
if not((inAa >-1 and inAa < 1) and (inAb >-1 and inAb < 1)):
return None
teilA = (L**2 * math.acos( inAa) + P(z,D,f,d)**2 * math.acos( inAb))
if sign >0:
teilB = 0.5 * (( 4 * L**2 * M(z,r,f,d)**2 + ( M(z,r,f,d)**2 + L**2 -P(z,D,f,d)**2)**2) )**(0.5)
teilB = 0.5 * (( 4 * L**2 * M(z,r,f,d)**2 - ( M(z,r,f,d)**2 + L**2 -P(z,D,f,d)**2)**2) )**(0.5)
return teilA - teilB
def Omega(z,r,f,d,D,L,sign):
if AL(z,r,f,d,D,L,sign) == None or z==0:
return None
return AL(z,r,f,d,D,L,sign)/ z**2
def IntegrationOfOmega(z,r,f,d,D,L,sign):
if Omega(z,r,f,d,D,L,sign) ==None:
return 0
return Omega(z,r,f,d,D,L,sign)*r
def Sensitivity (f,d,D,L,sign, beta):
sens = []
zValue = []
ooz = []
for iii in np.arange( 2, 60, 0.5):
integrand = lambda r: IntegrationOfOmega(iii,r,f,d,D,L,sign)
if iii==0:
if (R(iii,beta)) == 0 or R(iii,beta) == None:
sens.append (None)
elif (d-((iii*f)/(iii-f))==0):
sens.append (None)
result, error = quad(integrand, 0, R(iii,beta))
sens.append(2 / (R(iii,beta) ** 2) * result)
return zValue , sens , ooz
D = Dcalc(f, d)
Solution25p = Sensitivity (f,1.2501, D,L, sign, beta)
Solution23p = Sensitivity (f,1.2329, D,L, sign, beta)
Solution22p = Sensitivity (f,1.2245, D,L, sign, beta)
Solution25m = Sensitivity (f,1.2501, D,L,-sign, beta)
Solution23m = Sensitivity (f,1.2329, D,L,-sign, beta)
Solution22m = Sensitivity (f,1.2245, D,L,-sign, beta)
plt.plot( Solution25p[0], Solution25p[1],label='z0=30m, sign=+' )
plt.plot( Solution23p[0], Solution23p[1],label='z0=45m, sign=+' )
plt.plot( Solution22p[0], Solution22p[1],label='z0=60m, sign=+')
plt.plot( Solution25m[0], Solution25m[1],label='z0=30m, sign=-' )
plt.plot( Solution23m[0], Solution23m[1],label='z0=30m, sign=-' )
plt.plot( Solution22m[0], Solution22m[1],label='z0=30m, sign=-' )
plt.xlabel("depth z/m")
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