Simulating velocity behavior w/ IF conditionals and ODE45

In summary: In this case you can also use the fact that the field is constant during these intervals so you can use explicit RK45. This method will be very fast and efficient, but it is a bit "special" in the sense that to use RK45 you need to "know" the interval length in advance and it is also special in the sense that it is a bit "hacked" since the field is constant within the intervals making the use of RK45 unnecessary. Another method could be to use some kind of implicit RK45 with adaptive step size to "hit" the boundary, but I am not sure if this is the best way to go.
  • #1
Hello, I've made a script to solve a non-linear ordinary differential equation for the temperature (lumped-mass) of a brake rotor due to some constant deceleration of a race car (Qbrake in script). The problem I'm having is properly simulating the velocity of the car. What I'd like for it to do is start from 60mph (Vmax), decelerate (@ Gdec=-1.6 g's) to 30mph (Vmin), and accelerate (@ Gacc=0.5 g's) back to 60 mph, and repeat this process for the time span (a few minutes) of ODE45 which should drive the temperature to a roughly steady value as this velocity cycles between Vmin and Vmax. I've attempted this w/ IF conditionals and a persistent "gees" (the acceleration value changing based on velocity conditions), but running the script results in erratic velocity values over the time span. That is, it does not run smoothly between the velocity limits.

Would would be a better way to simulate this behavior within the ODE45 algorithm?

My script:

function thermalrotor
% Initial conditions
Vo=60*1.67;     % mph --> ft/s
To=75;          % degF, ambient
% ODE45
[t,y]=ode45(@thermalt,tspan,[Vo To])
Tm=2795;    % melting temperature of ductile iron
title('Temperature as a function of time, ductile iron rotor');
ylabel('Temperature, F');
xlabel('Time, s');
legend('Rotor Temp.','Melting Temp.');
%% Subfunction
function dx=thermalt(t,x)
% Constants:
persistent gees
W=575;              % lbf
g=32.18;            % ft/s             
Vmax=60*1.67;       % ft/s
Vmin=30*1.67;       % ft/s
As1=48.027/144;     % ft^2
As2=38.799/144;     % ft^2
Ah=4*0.2281/144;    % ft^2
Lh=0.31846/12;      % ft
M=0.9335;           % lbm
Cp=0.128;           % Btu/(lbm*degF)
k=46/3600;          % Btu/(s*ft*degF)         
h=25/3600;          % Btu/(s*ft^2*degF)  
sigma=1.714*10^-9/3600;   % Btu/(ft^2*s*R^4)  
Tamb=75;            % degF

if x(1)>=Vmax
elseif x(1)<=Vmin

% Energy absorbed by rotor from deceleration (Q=Fv):
% Energy radiated to air
% x(1) = Vc = car velocity (linear)
% x(2) = Tr = lumped mass rotor temperature

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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

You should in general not expect numerical integration of discontinuous fields to produce accurate solutions, and since your field is discontinuous I would not be surprised if that is why you see weird results (this does of course not exclude the possibility that you get weird results because of some other issues in your code).

If you want to integrate a "multi-mode" field in a more exact way using RK45 or similar, you should split the field up into multiple fields such that each field is continuous and sufficiently smooth. In your case that would be two fields, one for acceleration and one for braking. Starting with the field for a particular mode (deceleration in your case) you then integrate a solution (using only the field for that mode) until the trajectory reach a boundary to another mode (in your case until speed equals a certain speed) and then continue integrating the solution with the field for this new mode and so forth.

If your mode boundary conditions had been determined by time alone (the independent variable) then you could just have integrated to that time in order to get a solution point on the boundary. However, in your case the boundary conditions between your two modes are determined by speed alone (a dependent variable) so you will have to use interpolation, bisection or similar to find a solution point that is close enough to the boundary value (the initial solution samples from the RK45 will in general not be close enough by themselves since the sample distance is controlled by error measures and not by any effort to "hit" the boundary).
  • #3
Thanks for this Filip. I did not realize this was possible using ODE45. This seems like the solution to my problem, and while I understand generally the process you're describing, I'm not sure I understand how I would actually go about splitting a multi-mode field into two fields within the algorithm of ODE45 - I've done a search for an example of how to do this, but I'm not seeing any documentation. Could you point me in the right direction?

Thanks again for your help.
  • #4
I'm not sure what would be the best way to solve such systems in general using matlab. When I was involved with such stuff (20+ years ago) we coded a RKF78 in C++ with the capability to provide high order interpolation with only a few extra field evaluations extra on top of those required by the solver (cannot at the moment recall what this technique was called). The interpolations was used in the phase when the solver had advanced the solution from a point that was within the state boundaries for the current mode to a point that lay outside it, where bisection or a Newton-Ralphson like method applied to some kind of boundary distance function was used to find a point "on the boundary".

However, for your particular problem it will probably be possible to skip the interpolation I mentioned above by noting that the speed is changed by constant acceleration and thus it is possible to calculate in advance precisely when the speed in either mode will reach the boundary to the next mode. So one method for you should be to start at some initial value in some mode (like decelerating), calculate how long this mode will last (time until speed is at limit), solve with RK45 to this time, change to the other mode, calculate new time interval using last point of previous solution as initial condition, and so forth.
  • #5

I would recommend using a different approach to simulate the velocity behavior within the ODE45 algorithm. One possible solution could be to use a time-varying acceleration function that takes into account the different acceleration values at different velocity ranges. This function can then be integrated along with the temperature equation in the ODE45 algorithm. This would provide a more accurate representation of the velocity behavior and would result in smoother velocity values over time.

Another approach could be to use a nested IF conditional within the ODE45 algorithm, where the acceleration value is updated based on the current velocity value. This would eliminate the need for a persistent "gees" variable and could potentially provide more accurate results.

Furthermore, it may be helpful to review and refine the physical equations and constants used in the script to ensure they accurately represent the behavior of a race car and its brake rotor. This could also help in improving the simulation results.

In conclusion, there are various ways to approach simulating velocity behavior within the ODE45 algorithm. It may require some trial and error and fine-tuning of the equations and constants, but with careful consideration and testing, a more accurate and smooth simulation can be achieved.

FAQ: Simulating velocity behavior w/ IF conditionals and ODE45

1. What is the purpose of simulating velocity behavior with IF conditionals and ODE45?

The purpose of simulating velocity behavior with IF conditionals and ODE45 is to model and predict the movement of an object based on certain conditions and equations. This allows scientists to study and understand the behavior of objects in motion, and to make accurate predictions in various scenarios.

2. How do IF conditionals and ODE45 work together in simulating velocity behavior?

IF conditionals are used to set certain conditions for the object's movement, while ODE45 (ordinary differential equation solver) is used to solve the equations of motion and calculate the object's velocity at different time points. Together, they create a simulation of the object's movement based on the given conditions.

3. What are some common IF conditionals used in simulating velocity behavior?

Some common IF conditionals used in simulating velocity behavior include conditions for acceleration, velocity, and position. For example, an IF conditional may be set to change the object's acceleration if it reaches a certain velocity threshold.

4. How does ODE45 solve equations of motion in simulating velocity behavior?

ODE45 solves equations of motion using numerical methods. It breaks down the equations into smaller time steps and calculates the velocity at each step, taking into account the object's initial conditions and any IF conditionals that may apply.

5. What are the advantages of using simulating velocity behavior with IF conditionals and ODE45?

Simulating velocity behavior with IF conditionals and ODE45 allows scientists to study and understand the behavior of objects in motion in a controlled environment. It also enables them to make predictions and test different scenarios without having to physically perform experiments, which can be time-consuming and costly.
