Simultaneity in General Relativity and Problem with coordinate systems concepts.

In summary, Landau is discussing the concept of time intervals and how to calculate them. He is explaining that the time interval is measured in terms of the coordinates in which the metric is expressed. He also mentions that there is a choice when determining the coordinates and that the time interval may be measured in terms of the same coordinates or a different coordinate system.
  • #1
MManuel Abad
Hi there, Physics lovers. I'm studying "The Classical Theory of Fields" from the "Course of Theoretical Physics" book series by Lev D. Landau, and I'm stuck with simultaneity in General Relativity.

In page 251 of the Fourth "revised" english edition, by Butterworth Heinemann, There begins the section 84 on "Distances and time intervals". At the beginning we obtein the proper time in terms of the curvilinear coordinates x0, x1, x2 and x3. I don't get it: Are this coordinates the coordinates with respect to what system? Any system?

Then in the next page Landau explains fig. 18. x0 is the time when the light signal arrives at point A. As measured by that arbitrary system? or by B?

And at last, at page 254 Landau talks about simultaneity, and considers as simultaneous with the moment x0 at point A that reading of the clock at B which is half-way between the moments of departure and return of the signal at that point. Now I'm really confused:

Again, with respect to what system? That very same arbitrary system? Why would x0 be simultaneous with x0+[tex]\Delta[/tex]x0, if they're both times measured at that arbitrary system and they're different? And why [tex]\Delta[/tex]x0 is equal to that "mean" of those differentials of x0??

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  • #2
MManuel Abad said:
At the beginning we obtein the proper time in terms of the curvilinear coordinates x0, x1, x2 and x3. I don't get it: Are this coordinates the coordinates with respect to what system? Any system?

General Relativity allows essentially any coordinates whatsoever.
  • #3
Yeahh, thank you so much... but Landau may be considering in the other precise situations which I also explain, a reference frame centered on B or something like that.
  • #4
MManuel Abad said:
In page 251 of the Fourth "revised" english edition, by Butterworth Heinemann, There begins the section 84 on "Distances and time intervals". At the beginning we obtein the proper time in terms of the curvilinear coordinates x0, x1, x2 and x3. I don't get it: Are this coordinates the coordinates with respect to what system? Any system?
(my bold)
I don't have the text in front of me, but maybe this will help.

The 'system' here seems to be a curved spacetime where infinitesimal distances are defined - so there must be a metric. We have to assume that the space is endowed with coordinates, and there is a choice when we write the metric.

So, to calculate the proper intervals along worldlines, use the coordinates in which the metric is expressed, over the range in which the coordinates are valid.
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  • #5
Thanks a lot! It really helped! :D

FAQ: Simultaneity in General Relativity and Problem with coordinate systems concepts.

1. What is simultaneity in general relativity?

Simultaneity in general relativity refers to the concept that events that appear to happen at the same time to one observer may not appear simultaneous to another observer in a different frame of reference. This is due to the fact that time is relative and can be affected by factors such as gravity and velocity.

2. How does general relativity explain the problem with coordinate systems?

In general relativity, coordinate systems are used to describe the position and motion of objects in space. However, since gravity can warp the fabric of space-time, the use of a single coordinate system can lead to inconsistencies and inaccuracies. This is known as the problem with coordinate systems in general relativity.

3. Can simultaneity be determined objectively in general relativity?

No, simultaneity cannot be determined objectively in general relativity. It is a relative concept and can differ between different observers depending on their frame of reference and the effects of gravity.

4. How does general relativity affect our understanding of time and space?

General relativity has completely revolutionized our understanding of time and space. It has shown that time is not absolute, but rather a flexible concept that can be influenced by gravity. It has also revealed that space and time are interconnected and can be affected by the presence of matter and energy.

5. Are there any practical applications of general relativity's concepts of simultaneity and coordinate systems?

Yes, the concepts of simultaneity and coordinate systems in general relativity have practical applications in various fields such as GPS technology, astronomy, and space travel. They allow us to make precise calculations and measurements in systems where the effects of gravity and time dilation must be taken into account.
