Single quarks vs the top quark

In summary, the top quark is different from the other quarks because its lifetime is much shorter and because it has a high mass.
  • #1
You often see written that quarks cannot exist by themselves and only exist in mesons (2-quark combos) or baryons (3-quark combos). Yet you also see the top quark referred to as existing by itself. Which is right?
Physics news on
  • #2
zincshow said:
Yet you also see the top quark referred to as existing by itself.

Where do you see this?
  • #3
jtbell said:
Where do you see this?

"A distinctly different process is the production of single tops via weak interaction."


"As a result top quarks do not have time to form hadrons before they decay, as other quarks do. This provides physicists with the unique opportunity to study the behavior of a "bare" quark."

  • #4
What makes the top quark different from the other quarks is its extremely short lifetime. The typical timescale for the strong interaction is 10-23 sec, i.e. about the time it takes light to travel 1 fermi. This represents the time required for quarks to get together and assemble themselves into a hadron. However the lifetime for a top quark is much less than this, roughly 5 x 10-25 sec.

The reason is because the top quark's mass is so much greater than that of the other quarks. The weak interaction causes quarks to beta decay. For example the charmed quark beta decays into a strange one: c → s + W followed by W → e + ν. And weak decays usually proceed at a slow pace because there's not enough energy available to create a real W. As a consequence the W in the reaction is far off the mass shell.

But the mass of the top quark, 173 GeV, provides plenty energy, and when it beta decays into a bottom quark a real W is created. Thus we never observe mesons that contain top quarks, such as "toponium", we always observe the decay of a top quark by itself.

FAQ: Single quarks vs the top quark

What is the difference between a single quark and a top quark?

A single quark is a fundamental particle that makes up protons and neutrons, while the top quark is the heaviest known elementary particle. They differ in mass, charge, and interaction with other particles.

Can a single quark exist on its own?

No, single quarks are always found in groups of two or three bound together by the strong nuclear force. This is due to a phenomenon called quark confinement.

What is the role of the top quark in particle physics?

The top quark plays a crucial role in the Standard Model of particle physics, as it is involved in the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking, which explains the origin of mass for particles.

How are single quarks and top quarks studied in experiments?

Single quarks are studied indirectly through the observation of their decay products, while top quarks are directly produced in high-energy particle collisions and their properties are measured using sophisticated detectors.

Are there any practical applications for understanding single quarks and top quarks?

Studying these particles allows us to better understand the fundamental forces and building blocks of the universe. This knowledge can lead to advancements in technology, such as more efficient energy production and medical imaging techniques.
