Size of universe and uncertainty principle

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of using the uncertainty principle to measure the size of the universe. It is mentioned that if an oscillator in the early universe absorbed energy and then emitted it today, the uncertainty in the energy would correspond to a wavelength of 10^26 meters, which is the current size of the universe. However, it is also stated that the minimum uncertainty does not necessarily reflect the real uncertainty, which could be much larger. The conversation also addresses the idea that the universe may follow quantum theory and proposes a scenario in which the size of the universe could be related to the minimum uncertainty in an oscillator's energy. Ultimately, it is concluded that the uncertainty principle alone cannot accurately measure the size of the universe.
  • #1
If I use E x t = h bar

and put t = age of universe in seconds = 10^ 18 seconds,
E x 10^18 = 10 ^ -34 gives E = 10^ -52 Joules.

So if an oscillator of some sort in the early universe absorbed a photon,
and emitted the energy of that photon today, there would be an uncertainty in the photon energy of 10 ^ -52 Joules.This energy corresponds to a wavelength of 10 ^ 26 metres - the current size of the universe.
This makes sense because a particle can't exist outside of the universe -
the maximum uncertainty in its position has to equal the size of the universe.
So can the uncertainty principle be used to measure the size of the universe?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
The uncertainty relation is not an equality, it's an inequality. What you described is the minimum possible uncertainty, but the real uncertainty could be much larger.

- Warren
  • #3
The uncertainty relation is not an equality, it's an inequality. What you described is the minimum possible uncertainty, but the real uncertainty could be much larger.

- Warren

But will this minimum uncertainty always relate to the real size of the universe?
  • #4

- Warren
  • #5
Why won't the minimum uncertainty always relate to the size of the universe?
  • #6
Why would it? As I've already explained, the minimum uncertainty is a minimum. Nothing is stopping the uncertainty from being much, much larger. There's no reason to expect the universe to be at such a minimum.

Sorry, your argument about the size of the universe from an observation of the energy-time uncertainty relation is just not meaningful.

- Warren
  • #7
i do agree that the size of the universe could never be zero or infinity. the uncertainty principle would forbid both states [an h-bar thing]. doing the math is, however, hard. that does, of course, assume the universe, as a whole, submits to quantum theory. i think it does, but, i have been wrong before.
  • #8
Sorry, your argument about the size of the universe from an observation of the energy-time uncertainty relation is just not meaningful.

The argument is meaningful if the oscillator is made from two particles which were at opposite ends of the universe at the time of the Big Bang - when the energy was absorbed by the oscillator ( this energy does not have to be a photon , it could be energy arising from the expansion of space-time, and when it is emitted, this could amount just to saying that the universe has contracted again), and assuming the universe oscillates over a time span of at least its current age, 10^18 seconds.Under all these conditions, the size of the universe at a particular time relates to the minimum uncertainty in the oscillator's energy, and, as you correctly say, not to the uncertainty in the energy the oscillator emits.
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FAQ: Size of universe and uncertainty principle

1. What is the current estimated size of the universe?

The current estimated size of the observable universe is approximately 93 billion light years in diameter. However, it is constantly expanding and may be even larger than our current estimates.

2. How is the size of the universe measured?

The size of the universe is measured using various methods, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation, redshift of galaxies, and the distance of observable objects. These measurements can be used to calculate the observable universe's size and expansion rate.

3. How does the uncertainty principle relate to the size of the universe?

The uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, states that it is impossible to know the exact position and momentum of a particle simultaneously. This principle is important in understanding the size and behavior of subatomic particles in the universe, which ultimately affects the overall size and structure of the universe.

4. How does the size of the universe affect our understanding of physics?

The vast size of the universe allows us to observe and study a wide range of physical phenomena, from the behavior of galaxies to the properties of subatomic particles. This allows scientists to develop and refine theories and models of the physical world, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the laws of physics.

5. Is the size of the universe finite or infinite?

The observable universe is believed to be finite, but the exact size is still uncertain. Some theories suggest that the universe may be infinite, extending far beyond what we can observe. However, due to the expansion of the universe, there are regions beyond our observable limit that we will never be able to see or measure.
