Sketch the graphs of solutions of diff. eqs

In summary: It might be helpful. In summary, the author is asking for help understanding how to sketch the graphs of solutions of diff. eqs in terms of y and t. He has some problems with equations of the form dy/dt = f(y). In each problem, he sketches the graph of f(y) versus y, determines the critical (equilibrium) points, and classifies each one as asymptotically stable, unstable, or semistable. He also has a cubic parabola for f(y), y plane and doesn't know how to interpret the data in terms of y,t plane. He asks for help with this.
  • #1
Hi people!
This is my first topic here so excuse me if I am doing smth wrong)

So basically I am having problems with understanding of how to sketch
the graphs of solutions of diff. eqs in terms of y and t...

Here is the description and 2 problems:
Problems 8 through 13 involve equations of the form dy/dt = f (y). In each problem sketch
the graph of f (y) versus y, determine the critical (equilibrium) points, and classify each one as
asymptotically stable, unstable, or semistable (see Problem 7).

dy/dt = y(1 − y2), −∞ < y0 < ∞ (1)

dy/dt = y2(1 − y)2, −∞ < y0 < ∞ (2)

so for (1) i have the following:
f(y)=-y3+y and the roots are f(y)=0 then y=0,1,-1.
so for each interval we have:
−∞,-1 (+)
-1,0 (-)
0,1 (+)
1,∞ (-)
which means that -1 and 1 are stable crit. points
and 0 is unstable
I have a cubic parabola for f(y),y plane and i don't know how to interpret all this
data in terms of y,t plane

for (2)
0 and 1 are both semi stable points since the function doesn't change its sign..
same story,cant move to t,y=(
Please help me to understand the idea here!
would be great to see ur sketches=)
Thank u all!
Physics news on
  • #2
You need to write the equations more precicely like for the second one:


Ok, so you find the critical points, where the derivative is zero. So for that one, they are 0 and 1. Now, what I suggest you do is code the slope fields in some language. Below I use Mathematica to draw the slope field as well as a test case (in red) with y(0)=0.5. Notice how the test case follows the slope field:

mysol = NDSolve[{y'[t] == y[t]^2 (1 - y[t])^2, y[0] == 0.5}, 
  y, {t, 0, 5}]
p1 = Plot[y[t] /. mysol, {t, 0, 5}, 
  PlotStyle -> {Thickness[0.008], Red}]

Show[{StreamPlot[{1, y^2 (1 - y)^2}, {t, 0, 10}, {y, -5, 5}], p1}]

Notice how initial points between 0 and 1 asymptotically approach the equilibrium point at 1. Notice how initial conditions outside of 0 and 1 move to or away from the equilibrium points. Try and work with this code or some other code in MATLAB or whatever and learn how to interpret the slope fields in terms of the stability of the equlibrium points.


  • slope field.jpg
    slope field.jpg
    27.2 KB · Views: 448
  • #3
Thank you for the tips with Mathematica jackmell, I am sure going to need it! But the problem is that i have to do it by hand... Its not a computer based course, so if i encounter one of these on the exam, i won't be able to use Mathematica..
I know that the basic idea is that the solution graphs approach the stable equilib. diverge from the unstable, and approach the semi stable points on one side (depends on arrows), but the graphs (of sols) have inflection points, they may go in different directions beyond the given points...etc
So how can i at least approximately sketch it by hand??
  • #4
SithV said:
Thank So how can i at least approximately sketch it by hand??

Ok, sorry but I'm pressed for time to show you that. However, "Differential Equations" by Blanchard, Devaney, and Hall does a good job of constructing slope fields qualitatively by analyzing the function f(y). Try and find that book in the library.

Related to Sketch the graphs of solutions of diff. eqs

What is a differential equation?

A differential equation is an equation that describes the relationship between a function and its derivatives. It involves the use of calculus to find the function that satisfies the equation.

What is the purpose of sketching the graphs of solutions of differential equations?

Sketching the graphs of solutions of differential equations allows us to visually understand the behavior of the solution over time. It can also help us to make predictions and analyze the stability of the solution.

What are the steps to sketch the graph of a solution of a differential equation?

The steps to sketch the graph of a solution of a differential equation include:
1. Find the general solution of the differential equation
2. Determine any initial conditions given
3. Use the initial conditions to find the specific solution
4. Plot the solution on a graph
5. Analyze the behavior of the solution over time.

What are the different types of solutions for a differential equation?

The different types of solutions for a differential equation include:
1. Explicit solution - where the dependent variable is expressed explicitly in terms of the independent variable
2. Implicit solution - where the dependent variable is not expressed explicitly in terms of the independent variable
3. Singular solution - where the solution does not satisfy the given initial conditions
4. General solution - a solution that includes all possible solutions, with arbitrary constants
5. Particular solution - a specific solution that satisfies the given initial conditions.

What are some common examples of differential equations?

Some common examples of differential equations include:
1. Newton's second law of motion - relates the acceleration of an object to the forces acting on it
2. Exponential growth and decay - describes the change in a quantity over time
3. Radioactive decay - describes the rate of decay of a radioactive substance
4. Heat transfer - describes the flow of heat in a physical system
5. Population growth - describes the change in population size over time.

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