Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me

In summary, a citizen of Earth, Moni, wrote a message about how she does not enjoy war and how she protests it during different times. She also has other talents, such as drawing cartoons.
  • #1
Sleeping Beauty !

Hello! Here is a sketch of a baby by me :)
I just uploaded it and thought to share with you :)
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Physics news on
  • #2
It is beautiful and is good for All The Arts lover post it at
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  • #3
Great sketch you've got talent...

I agree himanshu121.
  • #4
Moni, you are very talented!
  • #5
Nice drawing. Very detailed. I gave up on drawing real life people, I'm mostly in comics now and surrealism. All my real life images look distorted, but I guess to someone that's what they would say is art, I would say I just don't care for it.

Anyway, good drawing.
  • #6
Originally posted by Evo
Moni, you are very talented!

Thank you Evo! Thank you very much :)
  • #7
Originally posted by Jeebus
Nice drawing. Very detailed. I gave up on drawing real life people, I'm mostly in comics now and surrealism. All my real life images look distorted, but I guess to someone that's what they would say is art, I would say I just don't care for it.

Anyway, good drawing.

That's nice! I also do Illustrations and comics...I love to draw comics :)

You may see them...but most of them are in Bangla :(

This is one of my fav. Bush Cartoon :)

Here Bush says, "Jar jonno churi kori sai bole chor". (a famous Bangla proverb)

In English, the theme is: "You are under my shadow so you can't say anything that's against my attack policy!"

Or this one...which I draw during the war to protest the war!
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  • #8
Originally posted by Moni
That's nice! I also do Illustrations and comics...I love to draw comics :)

You may see them...but most of them are in Bangla :(
This is one of my fav. Bush Cartoon :)

Wow, you are multi-talented!. I enjoyed the cartoons!
  • #9
Originally posted by Moni

Or this one...which I draw during the war to protest the war!

I personally think that the second comic with the dove-bushhead was the funniest (and most creative). But that is just my opinion. Good job though, I could never draw anything like that (or anything at all for that matter.)
  • #10
You are very talented Moni. Is this your "calling" or just for fun?
  • #11
Thank you Evo, Motai, Ivan very much for inspiring me

Evo this is fine that you always support +ve things :)

Motai, yes you are correct that Dove when lays her Egg (Big Bomb) the whole country becomes silent :(
Why won't you draw? Don't you like may be dislike this matter ?

Ivan, of course this came as my "Calling" towards HUMANITY!

I don't want to say anything against any country or nation...I just want to say to stop war! I don't like war!

At that time I also protested war as a programmer:

Hello! Everybody!
Again I am writing this thread which is not programming related but I thought it should be in this board not as a programmer but more than a programmer as a human, as a citizen of this only warm planet Earth.

I know that no international community based writing i.e. attacking community sentiments is allowed here. You may consider that this is one of them which are not any programming related things or of any enjoyable occasion.

But one thing I must say that we are may be programmers, engineers, web developers, or even student but we are not out of this world, this society. All of us know what destruction can be done by the war. It doesn’t give us anything it can only take. It takes human lives, takes son from the lap of mother, removes smile from the kids, throughs rose from the hand of a little girl. Oh! Sorry of course it gives us many things! It gives us tears in the mother’s eyes, flowerless gardens, lifeless bodies, trampled roses, bloods all over the floor, few pieces of brains, hands, legs, coffins in the yards and many more things. Not only during the war but also after the war there remain more pathetic sceneries – Running children for food, for water, crying babies looking for his dead mother, few are walking with the help of a stick after loosing their legs, boy looking at his broken cycle once he played with it, father looking at his collapsed house where he lived with his happy family, some are searching for their relatives, some are crying loosing their friends, school boys have lost a year, young generation have lagged a lot from the current age. Oh! I can’t write more.

This is the month when our liberation war started; though we hadn’t seen the war but we have heard form our parents about the destruction of war, about the face of the killer war, how it plays with human lives, how laughing living faces become a simple ball of flesh. No, I don’t want to see these in any country, in any area of this world.

We all know there are many peace loving people in this world; they all are protesting this war of America against Iraq, against the humanity. I am one of them. I don’t hate any country or any of the people; I hate their acts which are against innocents, against humanity. Yes! I am with the same tone with all over the world’s peace lovers! I hate war! If there remains no people, no children, no next generation, then for what we are here? Whom we are programming for?

From the programmers community I am protesting the war!
“Please! Stop the war! Let the children play, let them grow in a beautiful environment, let the next generation come forward through contests, through challenge and merit. Let us all unite and heal the world!”

I just want to hear :-

"All Quiet On The Iraq Front!"
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FAQ: Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me

1. What is the purpose of "Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me"?

The purpose of "Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me" is to understand the stages of sleep and their effects on a baby's development. It is a visual representation of how a baby's sleep patterns change from birth to one year old.

2. How was the data for "Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me" collected?

The data for "Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me" was collected by monitoring the sleep patterns of a group of babies over the course of one year. This was done by using a specialized sleep tracker device that records movements and sleep cycles.

3. What are some key findings from "Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me"?

Some key findings from "Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me" include the gradual decrease in sleep duration as the baby grows, the emergence of distinct sleep stages, and the correlation between sleep patterns and developmental milestones.

4. How can the findings from "Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me" be applied in real life?

The findings from "Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me" can be applied in real life by helping parents and caregivers understand the importance of sleep for a baby's growth and development. It can also serve as a guide for establishing healthy sleep habits and identifying potential sleep issues.

5. Are there any limitations to "Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me"?

Like any scientific study, "Sleeping Beauty: A Baby Sketch by Me" has limitations. The data was collected from a small sample size and may not be representative of all babies. Additionally, external factors such as environment and parenting styles may also influence sleep patterns.

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