Smallest N for Ensuring 3 Colors in 100 Marble Draw

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In summary, the "Smallest N" problem is a mathematical problem that seeks to determine the minimum number of objects needed to ensure a certain outcome. It has practical applications in statistics, probability, and computer science and helps us understand the concept of "sample size". The formula for calculating the smallest N is N = (k-1)(m-1) + 1, where k is the number of colors and m is the number of marbles in the draw. The calculated number is the minimum number of marbles needed to ensure at least 3 different colors in a draw of 100 marbles. It is not possible to have a smaller number and still guarantee the desired outcome. However, there are ways to increase the chances of getting
  • #1
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There are 111 marbles in a box, each being green, yellow, purple and blue. It's known that if 100 marbles are drawn, we can ensure getting marbles of all four colors.

Find the smallest integer $N$ such that if $N$ marbles are drawn, we can ensure getting marbles of at least three different colors._______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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  • #2
No one answered last week's problem. :(

You can find the proposed solution below:

First off, note that $N>87$. This is because if there are $12$ blue, $12$ purple, $12$ yellow and $75$ green marbles in the box, we don't necessarily get marbles of at least three different colors when at most $87$ marbles are drawn (consider we many only get 75 green and 10 yellow marbles), and this combination satisfies the given condition if $100$ marbles are drawn, we can be sure to get marbles of all four colors because when $100$ marbles are drawn, only $11$ marbles are missing and hence no color can be missing from the marbles drawn as there are at least $12$ marbles of each color.

Next, we show that $N=88$ will meet the need. When $88$ marbles are drawn, $111-88=23$ marbles are left and it is entirely impossible to have 2 colors missing (in which case that requires at least $24$ marbles to be left over). It follows that $N=88$ is the answer.

FAQ: Smallest N for Ensuring 3 Colors in 100 Marble Draw

What is the "Smallest N" problem?

The "Smallest N" problem refers to a mathematical problem where the goal is to determine the minimum number of objects needed to ensure a certain outcome. In this case, we are interested in finding the smallest number of marbles needed to guarantee that we have at least 3 different colors in a draw of 100 marbles.

Why is this problem important?

This problem is important because it has practical applications in areas such as statistics, probability, and computer science. It also helps us understand the concept of "sample size" and its role in ensuring a representative sample.

What is the formula for calculating the smallest N?

The formula for calculating the smallest N is N = (k-1)(m-1) + 1, where k is the number of colors and m is the number of marbles in the draw. In this case, k = 3 and m = 100, so the smallest N = (3-1)(100-1) + 1 = 198.

Can the smallest N be lower than the calculated number?

No, the calculated number is the minimum number of marbles needed to ensure at least 3 different colors in a draw of 100 marbles. It is not possible to have a smaller number and still guarantee the desired outcome.

Is there a way to increase the chances of getting more than 3 colors in a 100 marble draw?

Yes, there are ways to increase the chances of getting more than 3 colors in a 100 marble draw. One approach is to increase the number of marbles in the draw. Another approach is to decrease the number of colors, as this reduces the minimum number of marbles needed to ensure a certain number of colors. However, these approaches may also increase the complexity and time required for the draw.
