Smallest Schwarzschild Radius: Theory & Facts

In summary, the conversation covers the topic of the smallest possible Schwarzschild radius and the formation of black holes. It is mentioned that classical physics does not have a lower limit on the Schwarzschild radius, but a successful quantum theory of gravity may change this. There is also a discussion on the possibility of micro black holes being formed at the Large Hadron Collider, but there is currently no evidence for this. The conversation ends with a request for more specific questions on the topic.
  • #1
Is there theoretically a smallest possible Schwarzschild radius?
Physics news on
  • #2
Classically, no.
  • #3
Though if a successful quantum theory of gravity is found, then yes most likely.
  • #4
Thanks, but your replies lack detail, so they're not helpful.
  • #5
What do you want? For quantum case, there can be no detail because there is no theory. For classical, it is trivial. The Schwazschild radius is proportional to mass. Since there is no lower limit on mass, there is no lower limit on Schwarzschild radius.

I can turn your critique around. It should really not have been necessary to ask this question at all. The most cursory search would have answered as has been done here. I could have ended this at the beginning with a report for 'didn't try google first'.
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Likes Stephanus and PWiz
  • #6
I guess a few questions you could have intended but didn't specify are:

1) What is the smallest BH that can form from gravitational collapse? This is not well known, but a guesstimate is around 3 solar masses.

2) What is the smallest primordial BH that could survive to the present era, assuming such BH formed in the first place (e.g. from fluctuations in the early universe)? This is about 1011 kg [assuming current models of Hawking radiation remain correct over the whole scale of BH sizes].

3) Some theorists propose that the result of evaporation isn't nothing but is a Planck mass BH that remains. This is just one speculative theory.

4) Various speculative QG theories predict different answers to these questions.
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Likes Stephanus
  • #7
PAllen said:
What do you want? For quantum case, there can be no detail because [..]
Yep, I still remember this.
PAllen said:
Each k in your series is smaller each time [..]Of course, this is all nonsense - no mirror is anywhere near that perfect. Also, of course, I do ignore quantum effects because [..]
PAllen said:
What do you want? [..]Since there is no lower limit on mass, there is no lower limit on Schwarzschild radius.
Yeah, unlike ##\sqrt{1-v^2}##, here the limit for V is C.

PAllen said:
I1) What is the smallest BH that can form from gravitational collapse? This is not well known, but a guesstimate is around 3 solar masses.
For natural BH you mean? I heard that CERN is creating tiny BH on daily basis.
  • #8
Stephanus said:
PAllen said:
1) What is the smallest BH that can form from gravitational collapse? This is not well known, but a guesstimate is around 3 solar masses.
For natural BH you mean? I heard that CERN is creating tiny BH on daily basis.
Natural of course. Should have read that a minute longer before posting.
  • #9
Stephanus said:
For natural BH you mean? I heard that CERN is creating tiny BH on daily basis.

There is currently exactly zero evidence than LHC has formed any BH at all. Most theorists believe it is unlikely that it will, but since some speculative theories include such a possibility, it is very interesting to look for them.
  • #10
PAllen said:
There is currently exactly zero evidence that LHC has formed any BH [..]
Perhaps if you calculate the momentum energy of two colliding protons each travels at 99.99%c multiply it by 2G in less then ##\frac{2GM_{proton}}{c^2}## radius, I don't know. I should have calculated it. Perhaps the concentration of the momentum energy in much less tiny radius could be called black hole. And I heard that for such tiny black hole, the hawking radiation will evaporate it in less then 1 second. You know better. Btw, I'm still studying your post about doppler effect in SR. Still trying to make sense out of it.
  • #11
Stephanus said:
Perhaps if you calculate the momentum energy of two colliding protons each travels at 99.99%c multiply it by 2G in less then ##\frac{2GM_{proton}}{c^2}## radius, I don't know. I should have calculated it. Perhaps the concentration of the momentum energy in much less tiny radius could be called black hole. And I heard that for such tiny black hole, the hawking radiation will evaporate it in less then 1 second. You know better. Btw, I'm still studying your post about doppler effect in SR. Still trying to make sense out of it.

While this article is old, I have not heard of any change in the status.

[edit: a recent reference that the status has not changed, see the footnote in: black hole formation LHC&f=false
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  • #12
Large Hadron Collider finds no signatures of microscopic black holes
  • #13
Shaw said:
your replies lack detail

That's because your question lacked detail. If you have a more detailed question, please start another thread. This one is closed.
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Likes PWiz

FAQ: Smallest Schwarzschild Radius: Theory & Facts

1. What is the Schwarzschild radius?

The Schwarzschild radius is a measure of the size of the event horizon of a black hole. It is the distance from the center of the black hole at which the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light, making it impossible for anything, including light, to escape from within that radius.

2. How is the Schwarzschild radius calculated?

The Schwarzschild radius is calculated using the formula Rs = 2GM/c^2, where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the black hole, and c is the speed of light. This formula is derived from Einstein's general theory of relativity.

3. What is the smallest possible Schwarzschild radius?

The smallest possible Schwarzschild radius is the Planck length, which is approximately 1.6 x 10^-35 meters. This is the smallest length that can be measured in the universe and is considered the limit of our current understanding of physics.

4. Can anything have a Schwarzschild radius smaller than the Planck length?

No, according to our current understanding of physics, nothing can have a Schwarzschild radius smaller than the Planck length. This is because at this scale, the laws of quantum mechanics and general relativity break down, and we do not have a complete theory that can accurately describe this phenomenon.

5. What happens when the Schwarzschild radius is reached?

When the Schwarzschild radius is reached, the escape velocity becomes equal to the speed of light, and the event horizon is formed. Anything that crosses this boundary is pulled into the black hole and cannot escape. This is also known as the "point of no return."

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