Smolin at Kepler's in Menlo Park on Wednesday

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, Smolin's book The Trouble with Physics is currently the #1 best-selling book in general physics on Amazon, and has been for four weeks. A book tour has been scheduled to promote it, including stops in Toronto, New York City, Princeton, Menlo Park, San Francisco, Seattle, Ottawa, Milwaukee, Chicago, and Albany. Notable appearances include the Hayden Planetarium Space Theater and a panel on Intelligent Thought at Cooper Union in New York City, and a talk at Microsoft in Seattle. This book tour is considered a cultural event.
  • #1
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Smolin's book The Trouble with Physics is having considerable impact---approaching fourth week as #1 best seller.
Somebody, maybe Houghton Mifflin the publishers, scheduled quite a tour to promote it:

September 2006
Sept 20, 7:30 pm Innis Town Hall, Toronto, with Jay Ingram0th
Sept 25, 6:30 pm New York City Hayden Planetarium space theater
Sept 26, 7 pm Princeton NJ, Princeton University Store
Sept 27, 7:30 pm Kepler's book store, Menlo Park, California
Sept 28, 7 pm Bookshop West Portal, San Fransisco California
Sept 29, 1:30 pm Microsoft, Seattle
Sept 29, 7:30 pm Pacific Science Center, University Book Store, Seattle

October 2006
Oct 1, 6 pm Ottawa International Writers Festival
Oct 4, 7 pm Milwaukee, Harry W Schwartz Bookstore, Donner Ave.
Oct 5, 7 pm Chicago, Seminary Coop bookstore
Oct 6, 7 pm Chicago, Adler Planetarium, Far-out Friday
Oct 7, 3:15 pm Mensa Colloquium, Albany NY
Oct 17, 6:30 pm New York City, Cooper Union, Panel on Intelligent Thought

Imagine, Hayden Planetarium Space Theater!
And Kepler's is THE Silicon Valley bookstore. It's a tradition on the Peninsula.
And then off to Seattle to talk at Microsoft.
this booktour is a cultural event.
EDIT: I decided, for the sake of decorum, to tone this post down. click on "public appearances"
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Physics news on
  • #2
amazon gen phys bestseller list
6:00 PM pacific Saturday 23 September

1. Trouble with Physics #232
2. Not Even Wrong #1006
3. Elegant Universe # 1151
4. Road to Reality #1282
5. Physics for Dummies #1393

  • #3
for details

I am pleased to see that Smolin's book The Trouble with Physics is having a significant impact and is currently the #1 best seller. This indicates that there is a strong interest in the topic of the book, which is the challenges and shortcomings in modern physics. The fact that the book is on its fourth week as a best seller is a testament to its relevance and importance in the scientific community and beyond.

I find it impressive that Smolin has a packed schedule for promoting his book, with events at various universities, bookstores, and even at Microsoft. It is clear that this book has sparked a cultural event and has generated a lot of discussion and interest in the scientific community. I am particularly excited to see that Smolin will be speaking at the Hayden Planetarium Space Theater, as this is an iconic and prestigious venue for discussing scientific topics.

I am also pleased to see that Kepler's, a well-known and respected bookstore in Silicon Valley, is hosting an event for Smolin. This shows that the book is not only of interest to scientists, but also to the general public. I hope that Smolin's book tour will continue to generate meaningful discussions and debates about the current state and future of physics.

Related to Smolin at Kepler's in Menlo Park on Wednesday

1. What is "Smolin at Kepler's in Menlo Park on Wednesday"?

"Smolin at Kepler's" refers to a speaking event featuring renowned physicist Lee Smolin, taking place at Kepler's Books in Menlo Park on a Wednesday.

2. When is "Smolin at Kepler's in Menlo Park on Wednesday" taking place?

The event is taking place on a Wednesday, but the specific date may vary. It is best to check the event schedule on Kepler's Books website for the most accurate information.

3. Is "Smolin at Kepler's in Menlo Park on Wednesday" open to the public?

Yes, this event is open to the public. Tickets may be required, so it is best to check the event details on Kepler's Books website.

4. Can I purchase tickets for "Smolin at Kepler's in Menlo Park on Wednesday" in advance?

Yes, tickets for this event may be available for purchase in advance. It is recommended to check Kepler's Books website for ticket availability and purchase options.

5. What can I expect from "Smolin at Kepler's in Menlo Park on Wednesday"?

This event will feature a talk by Lee Smolin, a renowned physicist and author, on a topic related to science and/or his work. There may also be a Q&A session and book signing opportunity. Check the event details on Kepler's Books website for more information.

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