Smolin-TWOP on string theory does not reproduce time dependant phenomenon

In summary, Smolin in his book "The Trouble with Physics" points out that while general relativity offers quantitative predictions of time dilation effects, string theory fails to do so. This is one of the reasons why Smolin argues that string theory is not a theory of quantum gravity. However, there is no guarantee that the 11 dimensions of strings will hide away 4 large smooth dimensions, making the semiclassical limit of string quantum gravity as far away as in loop quantum gravity.
  • #1
While I cannot now offer a page #, Smolin in TWOP offers his assessment of string theory as a theory of QG by pointing out that while GR does offer quantitative predictions of time dilation effects, string theory does not (if I understood Smolin correctly).

Any comments?
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  • #2
Get your page reference and exact quote, we can't have a discussion based on vague hearsay, with no assurance that you got the correct impression from what you read.

Maybe someone else can get a page reference and quote for this. I don't remember seeing what you say you saw in the book, but someone else may.

ensabah6 said:
...Smolin in [The Trouble with Physics] ... pointing out that while GR does offer quantitative predictions of time dilation effects, string theory does not...
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  • #3
marcus said:
Get your page reference and exact quote, we can't have a discussion based on vague hearsay, with no assurance that you got the correct impression from what you read.

Maybe someone else can get a page reference and quote for this. I don't remember seeing what you say you saw in the book, but someone else may.

Smolin was alluding to this:

"Yet another central problem of string theory is that the best understood backgrounds of string theory preserve much of the supersymmetry of the underlying theory, which results in time-invariant space-times: currently string theory cannot deal well with time-dependent, cosmological backgrounds."

Smolin argues that the above failure is why string theory is NOT a theory of QG.

Personally there is no guarantee that the 11D of strings will hide away 4 large smooth dimensions. The so-called semiclassical limit of string QG is as far away as in LQG.

FAQ: Smolin-TWOP on string theory does not reproduce time dependant phenomenon

1. What is Smolin-TWOP?

Smolin-TWOP (Time Without Time from Principles) is a theory proposed by physicist Lee Smolin that aims to explain time as an emergent phenomenon from the fundamental principles of physics.

2. What is string theory?

String theory is a theoretical framework in physics that attempts to reconcile the conflicting theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics. It proposes that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are tiny, vibrating strings rather than point-like particles.

3. How does Smolin-TWOP relate to string theory?

Smolin-TWOP is a criticism of string theory, arguing that it does not adequately reproduce time-dependent phenomena. Smolin suggests that string theory needs to incorporate a fundamental notion of time in order to accurately describe the universe.

4. What are time-dependent phenomena?

Time-dependent phenomena refer to any physical processes or phenomena that change or evolve over time. Examples include the motion of planets, weather patterns, and chemical reactions.

5. Why is the inability to reproduce time-dependent phenomena a problem for string theory?

Time-dependent phenomena are a fundamental aspect of our universe, and any theory attempting to describe it must be able to account for them. The fact that string theory fails to do so is a significant challenge to its validity and suggests that it may not be the complete theory of everything as originally proposed.

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