Smooth coordinate chart on spacetime manifold

  • #36
cianfa72 said:
That was basically my point: we need a smooth structure for the manifold in the first place; only then you can check if a given function defined on the manifold (e.g. a coordinate function) is indeed a differentiable smooth function or is not.
The manifold has a priori no "smooth structure", i.e., there's no definition of derivatives there. The aim in the theory of differentiable manifolds is to define such an idea, and the construction principle is to map the set of points, making up a Hausdorff topological space, to the ##\mathbb{R}^d## and then via these maps you are able to define differentiation for functions defined on open subsets of the manifold in terms of differentiation of functions defined on open subsets of the ##\mathbb{R}^d## (with the standard topology). To make this consistent you need these constructions of charts and atlasses and all that.
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  • #37
The set ##M=\{(x,|x|)\,|\,-1<x<1\} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2## is the image of a continuous injective function ##f## from ##\mathbb R## to ##\mathbb R^2## (both with their Euclidean topology). ##f## is also homeomorphism onto its image i.e. it is a topological embedding. Using such homeomorphism ##f##, we can endow the set ##M## with a smooth structure (only one chart) turning it in a smooth manifold. However this smooth structure is not compatibile with the given smooth structure from ##\mathbb R ^2##.

Coming back to the 3d cube surface I think the same applies to it: starting from a topological 2-sphere we can define the standard/canonical topological embedding of the cube within ##\mathbb R^3##. Even in this case we cannot define a smooth structure on the topological embedding's image in ##\mathbb R^3## compatibile with the standard smooth structure of ##\mathbb R^3##.
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  • #38
fresh_42 said:
The cube with its natural embedding doesn't allow a differentiable structure. If we transform it homeomorphic into a sphere, then we can use the new embedding for a differentiable structure.
Sorry, the homeomorphism between the 2-sphere and the natural embedding of the cube in ##\mathbb R^3## does not allow to define a smooth structure on the cube embedding's image ?
  • #39
cianfa72 said:
Sorry, the homeomorphism between the 2-sphere and the natural embedding of the cube in ##\mathbb R^3## does not allow to define a smooth structure on the cube embedding's image ?
The homeomorphism (##C^0##) between the cube and the sphere is not differentiable (##C^1##).
They are topologically the same object but they are not differential geometrically identical.
The cube itself has points where no tangent can be defined and is therefore not a smooth manifold.

You can put it the other way around: folding a sheet of paper is not smooth.

Why are you concerned about cubes? AFAIK they do not occur in physics. They have points where the derivatives flip their sign.
(Maybe in symmetry breaks of gauge field theories which I do not know enough about.)
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  • #40
cianfa72 said:
The set ##M=\{(x,|x|)\,|\,-1<x<1\} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2## is the image of a continuous injective function ##f## from ##\mathbb R## to ##\mathbb R^2## (both with their Euclidean topology).
Yes, the function is continuous but it is not everywhere differentiable (the derivative is undefined at ##x = 0##).

cianfa72 said:
we can endow the set ##M## with a smooth structure
No, we can't, because of the lack of differentiability described above. "Smooth" implies differentiability everywhere on the domain.

You can endow the set ##\{ x, -1 < x < 1 \}## with a smooth structure (to the extent that even makes sense for a one-dimensional set), but that set is not ##M##; ##M##, by your own definition, includes a specific embedding into ##\mathbb{R}^2## which, as above, is not differentiable at ##x = 0##.
  • #41
PeterDonis said:
No, we can't, because of the lack of differentiability described above. "Smooth" implies differentiability everywhere on the domain.
I'm not sure about this. We've just one chart (the homeomorphism with ##\mathbb R##) and so by definition the above set ##M## endowed with that chart is a smooth manifold. As said before that homeomorphism is not however a smooth immersion in ##\mathbb R^3##, so it is not a smooth embedding.
  • #42
cianfa72 said:
The set ##M=\{(x,|x|)\,|\,-1<x<1\} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2## is the image of a continuous injective function ##f## from ##\mathbb R## to ##\mathbb R^2## (both with their Euclidean topology). ##f## is also homeomorphism onto its image i.e. it is a topological embedding.
Yes, it is the graph of the continuous function ##x\mapsto |x|.## This graph is a one-dimensional manifold.
cianfa72 said:
Using such homeomorphism ##f##, we can endow the set ##M## with a smooth structure (only one chart) turning it in a smooth manifold.
Do it. I'm curious how your tangent at ##(0,0)## will be defined. Homeomorphisms are not diffeomorphisms. If this was true, we could use the chain rule and construct a tangent of ##x\rightarrow |x|## at ##x=0.##
cianfa72 said:
However this smooth structure is not compatibile with the given smooth structure from ##\mathbb R^2##.
This doesn't make any sense. How do you even define "smooth" without relating to ##\mathbb{R}^n##?
cianfa72 said:
Coming back to the 3d cube surface I think the same applies to it:
If the same applies, why do you want to complicate the issue?

cianfa72 said:
starting from a topological 2-sphere we can define the standard/canonical topological embedding of the cube within ##\mathbb R^3##. Even in this case we cannot define a smooth structure on the topological embedding's image in ##\mathbb R^3## compatibile with the standard smooth structure of ##\mathbb R^3##.
You are repeatedly confusing several different concepts. You mix surfaces with functions, properties of functions with properties of spaces, you use embeddings without need, and I think (my impression) you do not know what a differential manifold is. Forget about the atlas, forget the embedding. Take a path on the manifold and define its tangent bundle.

And I am still curious how you would do this at ##(0,0)\in M## for, say for the path ##\gamma :[0,1]\rightarrow M## defined by ##\gamma (t)=(t-1/2\ ,\ |t-1/2|).## What is ##\dot\gamma (0)##?
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  • #43
cianfa72 said:
We've just one chart (the homeomorphism with ##\mathbb R##)
If that's all you have, you don't have a smooth structure. As has already been pointed out, a smooth structure requires differentiability. A homeomorphism by itself does not give you differentiability.
  • #45
cianfa72 said:
That discussion is mixing up two different things. The "projection map" that is defined there does not give you a "one-dimensional manifold" that matches your definition of ##M##. The projection is ##(x, y) \to x##, which throws away information that is necessary for your definition of ##M##. All you are left with is the open set ##(-1, 1)## on the real line, with no other structure at all. You can of course define a "one-dimensional manifold" on this topological set, but this manifold will not meet your definition of ##M##.

I already said all this in post #40. @fresh_42 gave a more rigorous version of the same thing in post #42.
  • #46
You can say that it is not a differentiable submanifold of ##\mathbb{R}^2## but, as a topological space, admits a smooth structure, i.e. is homeomorphic to a smooth manifold.
This is a smoke grenade. What does admit mean? Obviously a homeomorphism here. But a homeomorphism isn't differentiable. The "as a topological space" means

fresh_42 said:
Only if you blow it up to a 2-sphere and "smoothen" the corners.

Let ##h\, : \,C\longrightarrow S## be the homeomorphism from the cube ##C## onto the sphere ##S## and ##p\in S## such that ##h^{-1}(p)=c\in C## where ##c## is a corner of the cube. Let ##\gamma ## be a path through ##p## on the sphere. Then ##\dot\gamma (0)## is the tangent vector at ##p.## We then get the tangent of the corresponding point ##c\in C## of ##h^{-1}\circ \gamma ## by
D_0(h^{-1}\circ \gamma)\stackrel{!}{=}\left. \dfrac{d}{dt}\right|_{t=0}\left(h^{-1}\circ \gamma \right)&=\left. \dfrac{d}{dx}\right|_{x=p}h^{-1}(x) \cdot\left. \dfrac{d}{dt}\right|_{t=0} \gamma (t)\\
&=\underbrace{\left(\left. \dfrac{d}{dx}\right|_{x=p}h^{-1}(x)\right)}_{=D_{p}\,h^{-1}}\cdot \dot\gamma (0)
And here is the problem: ##D_p\,h^{-1}## does not exist. A contradiction.

However, if we had smoothened it, then we are only talking about the sphere ##S## and ##\gamma ## anymore. The cube is history! Lost in "as a topological space".
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  • #48
You can use a single chart, for that matter. So, yes, you have a smooth structure on M, but with that structure it is not an embedded (smooth) submanifold of ##\mathbb R^2##.
Surely I'm wrong, but to me this claim is clear.
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  • #49
cianfa72 said:
Surely I'm wrong, but to me this claim is clear.
Yes, it's clear, and wrong. You are claiming that you can have a smooth structure on ##M##. But as you have defined ##M##, that's not possible. You can have a smooth structure on the open set ##(-1, 1)## of real numbers, but that set is not ##M## as you defined it.
  • #50
cianfa72 said:
to me this claim is clear
You have made the same claim several times now, and each time you have received the same explanation of why it is wrong in response. How many times are we going to go around this merry-go-round?
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  • #51
No more time...I'm definitly wrong.
  • #52
cianfa72 said:
No more time...I'm definitly wrong.
Ok. This thread is now closed.

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