SNR in dBV vs dBm - Insight Needed

  • Thread starter stevenjones3.1
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of signal to noise ratio (SNR) in relation to an optical signal measured with a FFT Spectrum analyzer in dBV. There is a discussion about the difference between reporting SNR in power and voltage, with a suggestion that 120dB could be used as the SNR in power. However, other measurements made with spectrum analyzers that measure in dBV suggest that the SNR is not 120dB. The conversation also touches on the use of decibels (dB) as a logarithmic unit of measurement for the ratio of two values of a physical quantity, and how it can be used sloppily and cause confusion. The speaker ultimately seeks clarification on this concept.
  • #1
Hello All

I have a question regarding the SNR of an optical signal

The optical signal was measured with a FFT Spectrum analyzer with the amplitude in dBV
- the "SNR" was observed to be 60dB (peak value in dBV - noise floor value in dBV = "SNR" in dB)

The SNR is typically reported as the signal to noise ratio for power and not voltage. I was having a discussion with my boss about this and he was saying the the SNR in power could be reported as 120dB since there is a factor of two difference between the formula for dBV (w.r.t. V) and dBm (w.r.t. mW).

Although I can see his resoning, this seemed odd to me as other measurement (made in power) suggest that the SNR is not 120dB, however, the other measurements were made with spectrum analyzers that are not as good as the FFT spectrum analyzer (which measures in dBV).

I was just hoping someone could give some insight on this.

Cheers and thanks.
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  • #2
Remember how decibels are defined.
See :

The decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit used to express the ratio between two values of a physical quantity (usually measured in units of power or intensity).
The decibel symbol is often qualified with a suffix that indicates which reference quantity or frequency weighting function has been used.
It follows that:

dB(Power) = dB(V²) = 2 db(V)
  • #3
Strictly, the Bel is a measure of the ratio of Powers (originally it was sound power iirc). A perfect transformer has a true gain of 0B - or 0dB (i.e. None).The Power ratio is 1, despite there may be a step up in volts. It's only when you are considering a system where the impedance is unchanged that you can use dB without making it clear that you are 'breaking the rules'.
In practice, it is often used sloppily and people can easily get twice or half the answer they wanted when they use the factor of 2 wrongly.
i.e 10log(ratio) or 20log(ratio)

When you get down to it, any amplifier / receiver / spectrum analyser is responding to signal Power. What it does with the value it gets and how it displays it will depend upon the specific requirement. The truth is the same. (Unless it's a cheap copy.)

RF equipment tends to use a fixed working impedance throughout and it's normal to use dBm, dBW or dBμ and the voltage problem doesn't arise. Use of the dB in audio is littered with confusion and misunderstandings. Except in studio systems with a standard working impedance (600Ω in the old days - but even there, many line amplifier inputs needed a 600Ω termination to be included or the dreaded 6dB error would creep in.

Related to SNR in dBV vs dBm - Insight Needed

1. What is SNR?

SNR stands for Signal-to-Noise Ratio, which is a measure of the strength of the desired signal compared to the background noise. It is typically expressed in decibels (dB) and is used to evaluate the quality of a signal in a communication system.

2. What is dBV and dBm?

dBV and dBm are both units of measurement used to express power levels in a communication system. dBV stands for decibels referenced to 1 volt, while dBm stands for decibels referenced to 1 milliwatt. They are both logarithmic scales and are commonly used in audio and radio frequency systems, respectively.

3. What is the difference between SNR in dBV and dBm?

The main difference between SNR in dBV and dBm is the reference point for the decibel scale. SNR in dBV is measured relative to a 1 volt signal, while SNR in dBm is measured relative to a 1 milliwatt signal. This means that dBV and dBm have different numerical values for the same SNR. In general, SNR in dBV will be a larger number than SNR in dBm.

4. Which unit of measurement is better for evaluating SNR?

The choice of unit depends on the specific application and the type of signal being measured. In general, dBV is used for low-level audio signals, while dBm is used for high-frequency signals. It is important to use the appropriate unit for the signal being measured in order to accurately evaluate the SNR.

5. How can SNR in dBV and dBm be converted?

SNR in dBV and dBm can be converted using the following formulas:

SNR(dBm) = SNR(dBV) + 10log(P1/P2)

SNR(dBV) = SNR(dBm) - 10log(P1/P2)

Where P1 is the reference power level for dBm (1 milliwatt) and P2 is the reference power level for dBV (1 volt).

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