SO(10) 16 representation, decomposition & young tableau

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) and the decomposition of the 16 irrep of SO(10) into 5*, 10, and 1. The speaker is looking for help understanding the mathematical basis for this decomposition and references where they can learn more. They also mention a similar decomposition in SU(3)_CxSU(2)_LxSU(2)_R. The suggested resource for learning more about these decompositions is Slansky's "Group Theory for Unified Model Building" paper.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I've been looking at Paul Langacker's "Grand unified theories and proton decay" for a course on GUTs. I'm stuck with the 16 irrep of SO(10), particularly I don't understand how to prove the statement that the 16 decomposes as 5* + 10 + 1. I can see why it's useful physics wise, but I would like to understand where it comes from mathematics wise. My lack of a decent group theory basics knowledge doesn't really help here.

Continuing from that if you look at 16 x 16 to get to a 126 for a Maiorana mass term, it would be my first idea to use Young tableaux and do it like I've done 5x5, 5x10 etc. in SU(5). However, I don't know what the young tableau of a 16 would be in SO(10). Maybe that would get me started?

Thanks for help towards a solution, or any decent references where I can look.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

- I don't know how to do decompositions
- I tried working with Young tableaux, but with 16 that's a problem for me
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  • #2
Well first of all the SO(10) has 20 elements 1 of which you can remove because det O = 1 where O [tex]\in[/tex] SO(10) similarly you remove another 3 elements from the fact that O[tex]^{2}[/tex]=I i.e. 1 condition for 0 above the diagonal another for 1 along the diagonal and another for 0 below the diagonal. The decomposition comes from the fact that you can decompose representations into symmetric and anti-symmetric parts plus ( I'm not sure for the general case) into a 1 parameter subgroup. My guess would be the 5* in your case is the anti-symmetric part since that is more restrictive

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  • #3
Thanks, but that doesn't help me in proving how you would get to a 5* , a 10 and a 1 starting from a 16. Why not say, a 4 and a 12 (just to name two random numbers which add to 16)?

I understand now where the 16 comes from, it's one of two spinor representations of dimension 2^m for a group SO(2m). However, I would really like to know how to make/get a decomposition properly. I know you can find them in tables, but where do they come from?

The 5* + 10 + 1 decomposition is with respect to SU(5), but then you can also ask the same question for 16 = (3,2,1) + (3*,1,2) + (1,2,1) + (1,1,2) with respect to SU(3)_CxSU(2)_LxSU(2)_R (which so nicely gives two quark-doublets and two lepton SU(2) doublets).
  • #4
You'll want to look at Slansky, "Group Theory for Unified Model Building", Phys.Rept. 79 (1981) 1-128 ( available), specifically section 6. The branching rules you're looking for could either be obtained by projecting weight vectors or by comparing various products of representations in the algebra and subalgebra.
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  • #5

Dear student,

Thank you for your question. The 16-dimensional representation of SO(10) is a fundamental representation, meaning it is the smallest representation that can fully describe the symmetry group. The decomposition of this representation into smaller representations is a fundamental concept in group theory, and it has important implications in physics, such as in the study of grand unified theories.

To understand the decomposition of the 16 representation, we need to first understand the structure of SO(10) and its representations. SO(10) is a Lie group, which means it is a continuous group that can be described by a set of generators and their algebraic relations. The 16 representation is a spinor representation, meaning it describes the spin of particles in three-dimensional space.

The decomposition of the 16 representation into 5*, 10, and 1 representations is a consequence of the structure of SO(10) and its irreducible representations. In group theory, every representation can be decomposed into a direct sum of irreducible representations, which are the building blocks of the group. These irreducible representations cannot be further decomposed into smaller representations.

In the case of SO(10), the 16 representation can be decomposed into a direct sum of the 5*, 10, and 1 representations, as you have mentioned. This means that the 16 representation can be written as a linear combination of these three representations, and each component of the 16 representation transforms independently under the symmetry of SO(10).

To understand the decomposition in more detail, we can use the concept of Young tableaux. Young tableaux are a graphical tool used to represent the decomposition of a representation into its irreducible components. In the case of SO(10), the 16 representation can be represented by a Young tableau with 16 boxes. The decomposition into 5*, 10, and 1 representations can then be visualized by rearranging the boxes in a specific way, according to the rules of Young tableaux.

I would recommend studying the basics of group theory and the use of Young tableaux in the context of SO(10) to gain a better understanding of the decomposition of the 16 representation. There are many resources available, such as textbooks and online lectures, that can help you in this regard. Additionally, consulting with your course instructor or a group theory expert can also provide valuable insights.

I hope this helps in your understanding of the 16 representation, its decomposition, and the use of

FAQ: SO(10) 16 representation, decomposition & young tableau

1. What is SO(10) 16 representation?

SO(10) 16 representation is a mathematical concept in group theory that describes a set of matrices with 10x10 dimensions, which are special orthogonal matrices. These matrices have the property that their inverse is equal to their transpose, and they are used to represent rotations and reflections in 16-dimensional space.

2. What is decomposition in the context of SO(10) 16 representation?

Decomposition in the context of SO(10) 16 representation refers to the process of breaking down a representation into its irreducible components. This allows us to study the structure and properties of the representation in a simpler and more manageable form.

3. What is a Young tableau and how is it related to SO(10) 16 representation?

A Young tableau is a method of organizing the elements of a representation into a table, with each row and column representing a different irreducible component. This method is particularly useful for understanding the symmetry properties of a representation and for finding the decomposition of a representation into its irreducible components.

4. How is SO(10) 16 representation used in physics?

SO(10) 16 representation has applications in theoretical physics, particularly in the study of particle physics and unified field theories. It can be used to describe the properties and interactions of fundamental particles, and to understand the symmetries and dynamics of the universe.

5. What are the practical applications of understanding SO(10) 16 representation?

Understanding SO(10) 16 representation has practical applications in fields such as quantum computing, cryptography, and signal processing. It can also be used in engineering and design, particularly in the development of new materials and technologies that require a deep understanding of symmetry and group theory.

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