So, a weird question about water and oil separation

In summary: It can actually decelerate or even stop if the concentration of oil or water becomes too high. This is due to the law of equilibrium, which states that at a certain point, the concentration of each component in the mixture will be the same.
  • #1
Well, the question is not weird, but the circumstances are.

I am not a physicist, and I am not studying physics. I am a student at a university, and quite interested in physics, but I am intentionally keeping myself away from taking any more physics classes.

I like to be able to imagine physics without the constraints of the math. I understand that the math has to add up in the end, but so far I have had an issue with it limiting my ability to think through it because I get caught up in numbers before I can see the end result. I've been able to come up with multiple theories so far that match up with currently accepted theories this way, without any previous knowledge that those theories exist.

But, working through what I am currently on, which is a question that no theory has explained thus far, requires that I understand something. It is a simple question from basic chemistry \ physics, but I cannot remember the answer, nor can I find a simple solution online.

When water separates from oil, does the rate of separation accelerate over time, or does it decelerate over time? Or does it accelerate\decelerate with certain concentrations of water vs oil, and finally reach an equilibrium?
Physics news on
  • #2
What is "the rate of separation". I.e. How do you quantify separation?

Btw, physics without math is silly. The "constraints" that math imposes is that it excludes illogical theories.
  • #3
DOB87 said:
When water separates from oil, does the rate of separation accelerate over time, or does it decelerate over time? Or does it accelerate\decelerate with certain concentrations of water vs oil, and finally reach an equilibrium?

The question is not so weird- phase separations are an active area of research and have a lot of practical applications (especially in the food and consumer products industries).

Oil and water form a very simple system, the phase separation is due to buoyancy- in space, oil and water can remain well-mixed for a long period of time. On earth, adding surfactants will stabilize the emulsion. Controlling the dynamics of phase separation (to increase the shelf life of fabric softener, for example) is a multi-billion dollar industry.

Even a simple buoyancy-driven two-fluid phase separation has very complicated dynamics:
  • #4
DaleSpam said:
What is "the rate of separation". I.e. How do you quantify separation?

Btw, physics without math is silly. The "constraints" that math imposes is that it excludes illogical theories.

Sorry, I was very tired last night and had had a few drinks. I did not actually mean that I want to ignore the math. It is more an issue of, if I think too much about the math, I will get distracted and never have the ability to see the bigger picture.

I generally try to visualize a problem in my head and look at it from as many different ways as possible, and imagine myself inside, until I find a configuration that makes sense to me. Then, I try to go back and connect the dots with the math. If I can make the math work, then great, and if not, then I rethink my idea.

I know am being vague, but I'm not that great at explaining my thought processes, and the idea I am trying to grasp right now has no math to completely explain it. Water and oil will not work for me, because I was thinking of it in the wrong way.

Andy Resnick said:
The question is not so weird- phase separations are an active area of research and have a lot of practical applications (especially in the food and consumer products industries).

Oil and water form a very simple system, the phase separation is due to buoyancy- in space, oil and water can remain well-mixed for a long period of time. On earth, adding surfactants will stabilize the emulsion. Controlling the dynamics of phase separation (to increase the shelf life of fabric softener, for example) is a multi-billion dollar industry.

Even a simple buoyancy-driven two-fluid phase separation has very complicated dynamics:

Thanks for the links. They are very interesting. It always amazes me how complex ideas are, even when they seem so simple at first glance.
  • #5

FAQ: So, a weird question about water and oil separation

1. How do water and oil separate from each other?

Water and oil separate from each other due to their different densities. Oil is less dense than water, so it floats on top. Additionally, oil molecules are nonpolar, while water molecules are polar, causing them to repel each other.

2. What methods can be used to separate water and oil?

There are several methods that can be used to separate water and oil, including gravitational separation, centrifugal separation, and distillation. These methods take advantage of the physical and chemical properties of water and oil to separate them.

3. Can water and oil ever mix together?

No, oil and water cannot mix together. This is due to the difference in polarity between the two substances, as well as their different densities. However, if an emulsifier is added, such as soap, the two substances can form an emulsion, but they will eventually separate again.

4. Why is it important to separate water and oil?

It is important to separate water and oil because they are considered contaminants when mixed together. Oil can harm aquatic life and pollute water sources, while water can contaminate and degrade the quality of oil. Separating the two substances allows for proper disposal and prevents environmental damage.

5. Can other substances besides water and oil be separated using similar methods?

Yes, other substances can be separated using similar methods based on their physical and chemical properties. For example, substances with different densities can be separated using gravitational or centrifugal separation. Distillation can be used for separating substances with different boiling points. The specific method used will depend on the properties of the substances being separated.
