So, the two definitions are equivalent.

In summary: So Del_* (c_n+C_n(A))= Delc_n+ C_{n-1}(A) which is not consistent with either i) or ii).In summary, the conversation discusses the definition of the boundary operator in relative homology and the confusion around defining it. There are two different definitions, i) and ii), which are not equivalent. The conversation also touches on the concept of induced maps and whether there is more than one natural way to define the Del operator for a given homology theory. The conversation ends with a joke about visiting relatives.
  • #1
No, the boundary operator is not relative--sorry, Einstein . I mean,

the boundary operator in relative homology.

I have seen it defined in two different ways , which I do not

believe are equivalent to each other:

Given a pair (X,A), A<X, and Del is the Bdry. operator on X, and (c_n+C_n(A))

is a relative n-chain. The relative Del_XA has been defined like this :

i) Del_XA (c_n+ C_n(A)):= Del(c_n)+ Del(C_n(A))

ii) Del_XA (c_n+ C_n(A)):= Del(c_n)+ C_(n-1)(A)

Now, i makes sense , since Del is linear, and i agrees with the relative operator

induced by the map Del: C_n(X)--->C_(n-1)(X)

But both i , ii satisfy Del^2=0 . But the two are not equivalent, because

Del(C_n(A)) is not equal to C_(n-1)(A) , unless every chain in C_(n-1)(A)

is a boundary, which is not always the case --i.e., when H_n is not trivial, I

think ( Am I right.?)

Which brings me to another question: Is there more than one natural way

of defining a Del operator for a given homology theory.?

Got to go: I got to go visit my relatives . That's what the operator said.

Thanks in Advance ( and sorry for cheesy operator joke)
Physics news on
  • #2
But um... how does i) even makes sense? If Del_XA is supposed to take relative n-chains in X to relative (n-1)-chains, then the image of a relative n-chain c_n+C_n(A) should be a relative (n-1)-chain, that is, a set of the form c'_{n-1} + C_{n-1}(A).

And as you said, C_{n-1}(A) is not always the same as Del(C_n(A)).
  • #3
Yes, Quasar, I agree, but this is part of the confusion. The operator in i)
agrees with the operator induced by the global boundary operator Del, by
the map Del: C_n(X)-->C_(n-1)(X) , which preserves chains in A.
  • #4
I do not see what you mean by that.

What I said is that the operator in i) is ill-defined as a map C_n(X,A)-->C_{n-1}(X,A).
  • #5
What I mean is that the format of induced maps is this:

Given groups G,G' , with respective normal subgroups N,N'

and a homomorphism h:G-->G' , such that h(N)<N' (this last condition

is necessary for well-definedness of induced map)

This gives us the induced map (by passing to the quotient) h_*: G/N --->G'/N'

defined by : h_*[( g+N)] := [h(g+N)]+N'

In our case, we have Del:C_n(X) -->C_(n-1)(X)

which sends the normal subgroup C_n(A)<C_n(X) ,

to the normal subgroup C_(n-1)(A) <C_(n-1)(X), which gives us the

induced map:

Del_* [( c_n+C_n(A))]:= [Del(c_n+C_n(A)]= (by linearity of del)


And I agree that the map is not well, defined, but

Del_XA =Del_* it is the map induced by Del:C_n(X)-->C_(n-1)(X)
  • #6
Please let me clarify my point, which I think I did not make too clearly:

AFAIK, the relative Del operator on (X,A) , is the operator induced by

the Del. operator on X. But this induced operator seems to make no sense.

Thanks for your comments, though.
  • #7
Bacle said:
Del_* [( c_n+C_n(A))]:= [Del(c_n+C_n(A)]= (by linearity of del)

={ Delc_n+Del(C_n(A)) } + C_{n-1}(A) = Delc_n+C_{n-1}(A) since Del(C_n(A) is contained in C_{n-1}(A).

FAQ: So, the two definitions are equivalent.

What is a relative boundary operator?

A relative boundary operator is a mathematical concept used in topology to define the boundary of a subset within a larger space. It is used to determine which points are inside and outside of the subset, and is denoted by the symbol ∂.

How is a relative boundary operator different from an absolute boundary operator?

While both relative and absolute boundary operators are used to define boundaries, they differ in the context of the larger space. An absolute boundary operator defines the boundary of a set within the entire space, while a relative boundary operator defines the boundary of a subset within a larger space.

What is the purpose of a relative boundary operator?

The purpose of a relative boundary operator is to help classify and analyze topological spaces, specifically by determining the relationships between different subsets. It is a useful tool in many areas of mathematics and physics.

How is a relative boundary operator calculated?

The calculation of a relative boundary operator involves defining the boundary of a subset within a larger space. This is done by identifying the points on the boundary that are shared by both the subset and the larger space. These boundary points are then denoted by the relative boundary operator ∂.

What are some applications of a relative boundary operator?

A relative boundary operator has various applications in mathematics and physics, including in the study of manifolds, homology theory, and differential equations. It is also used in computer graphics and data visualization to analyze and represent complex data sets.

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