So, this girl wants to be my roommate

  • Thread starter Aero51
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In summary, the woman is propositioning the man for sex before they have even lived together. It's a terrible idea, and he should not agree to it.
  • #36
cristo said:
I think people are overreacting somewhat. Just because someone (a college kid) was drunk/high does not make her a psycho who's going to stitch you up, or is going to kill herself such that you would get the blame. That's the sort of thing that happens in movies.

I wish...I made a google search for "4 drunk girls false rape cab driver", and I saw 3 cases. I was looking for one instance, where the driver was about to be arrested, but his car had a camera, so he was let off the hook. He tried to sue, but I don't recall seeing anything positive coming out of it. The girls were drunk and smoking in his cab, he said they couldn't smoke. They said they'd get down, and they wouldn't pay their fare, and then said they'd call the cops and say he tried to (or actually? I can't remember) raped them. His life would have gone down the drain if it weren't for the video footage! [source]

Another more recent example (UK this time) is one where a girl's relationship was coming to an end. She couldn't deal with that. So, in a desperate attempt to get some attention from her boyfriend, she hits herself, tears off her clothes and says she was raped. Then, here's the worse part, she *randomly* picks two guys on Facebook and says it was them. Luckily, the court ruled in their favour, but they were not compensated and all she got was some community service iirc. [source]

Also this.

All sound like something that could be in a bad soap like Girls or Desperate Housewives. Those are just 3 examples, but if one were to spend a few minutes on a men's rights forum, one would easily find more examples. They usually have sub forums with numerous discussions on the subject.

Note how the men in these scenarios were treated more poorly than the women would have. In any of those cases, if those men did not have valid evidence, everything would be biased in favour of the women. Accusing a man of rape means he guilty of rape until otherwise proven. Recently, an international student was expelled from Vassar College just for being accused of having raped a fellow student (a professor's daughter, it seems). While we don't know if he actually raped her, we also don't know if she's lying. Why not suspend both? Or not allow them to take classes together until evidence is found?

I'm not well versed in the law, but this doesn't sound very right to me. That said, I choose to not complain about it, and instead, stay away from crazy people in general.

I will echo what others have said elsewhere: this is just disrespectful to women (and men!) who have actually been raped. The above examples are just pathetic. I read something a while back, which put this nicely: "I didn't want to pay my cab, I was raped" or "I just want some affection...oh honey, look! I just got raped!"

The bottom line is: watch for the red flags. A drunken woman wandering into your home, looking to get high from your pills, drinking your booze, having sex with you, and then actually taking some of your pills after drinking your whisky...well, those all look like red flags to me. Chances are nothing will happen to the OP, but if something does happen, and he has no evidence to prove otherwise (say, video footage - go see a lawyer, and see if you can get her to agree to have cameras in your house, haha), he will likely be considered guilty.

Let me put it this way: is this girl worth your career and your life?

Still, while the situation may be exciting, she's probably not someone you want to live with! If you really need the money, you could get a part time job?

AND he could cut down his expenses like someone else said. Chicken thighs instead of chicken breasts, ground beef, regular peanut butter/banana sandwiches, eggs (scrambled, boiled, fried, poached), oats, milk, rice...that's a healthy foundation for a diet, that's not too expensive. Buy whatever veggies and fruits that are on sale, and you're golden. Add some spices to the mix and use YouTube, and you can do a lot with that.

On that note, this is more or less my diet plan for the next few months.

1) In all truthfulness I am attracted to chaos as this is how I grew up.

Oh lord.


On another note, does anyone feel sorry for the dog?
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  • #37
Sounds like she'd only be a problem, not a solution.
  • #38
cristo said:
I think people are overreacting somewhat.

Not at all. My sister works in law and works with a few criminal defense lawyers. The amount of false domestic violence accusations on the part of greedy/crazy wives, ex-wifes or girlfriends she encounters are astounding. One of the more basic values of democratic law is the presumption of innocence, but it is rarely upheld in favor of men accused of committing violence against women. A lot of people DO get their lives ruined like this.

A more recent case she dealt with was that of a woman who suffered narcolepsy, she passed out and fell, bruising herself (something bound to happen to someone with a drinking problem that looks to combine alcohol with narcotics). She tried to accuse her husband (who he himself had asked for a divorce months earlier) of hitting her and tried to bring him to court. The medical examinations are jokes, nothing like in a CSI episode, just a bold-faced assertion, a quick look at the bruise, and you get a document from the doc indicating you were beaten. Changed her story around several times during the trial and she later gave up on it after the judge gave her a layman's run-down of the consequences of perjury, since he smelled something was fishy. Way to waste the court's time and taxpayer money, that kind of abuse of the legal system should carry some punishment.

Back on topic: please heed our advice Aero. The risks far outweigh any benefits.
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  • #39
On another note, does anyone feel sorry for the dog?

He has already determined that the dog is a slut.
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  • #40
Ok, I said this already but, apparently it didnt resonate with some of you: she is not all. And her dog is very nice and well taken care of. I'm not going to let her room with me, but I'll try to get to know her and maybe that night she visited me was just particularly bad. Who knows? Anyone whos gone out drinking has had good and bad nights.
  • #41
Aero51 said:
Ok, I said this already but, apparently it didnt resonate with some of you: she is not all. And her dog is very nice and well taken care of. I'm not going to let her room with me, but I'll try to get to know her and maybe that night she visited me was just particularly bad. Who knows? Anyone whos gone out drinking has had good and bad nights.

I think the key point is to be careful in this relationship, don't let your laisse-faire attitude cloud your commonsense and the warnings from your intuition. Clearly, you were bothered enough to even ask on this forum so for me that means just don't do it, just don't get too tied up into this situation. Be friends with her and then decide later on when things settle down.

Two-bits is worth more than one.
  • #42
Aero51 said:
Ok, I said this already but, apparently it didnt resonate with some of you: she is not all. And her dog is very nice and well taken care of. I'm not going to let her room with me, but I'll try to get to know her and maybe that night she visited me was just particularly bad. Who knows? Anyone whos gone out drinking has had good and bad nights.

Aero, I hope you know that I was kidding about the dog. My Kindle doesn't do :wink: easily. I was just noting that the dog warmed up to you immediately, followed you into your bedroom and... :wink:
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  • #43
I wasnt sure. I just wrote your comment off as an obnoxious 16 year old who happened to rank very high in PF. Sorry. Vocal inflections and body language do not propagate well though the internet medium.
  • #44
Your job is to take care of yourself. You cannot 'rescue' anybody else...they will be who they will be.

Chicks be crazy sometimes...and some of those are almost impossible to resist. You must resist the crazies.

Having said that, if miss crazy takes good care of her dog, that says a lot about who she would like to be. You job is to figure out if she can get there on her own.

Another test: if you see her again, sober, tell her your impressions and why you are hesitant in a helpful, supportive way. See how she reacts. Set some boundaries for her and see how she responds. Be wary of false promises.

Good luck. You will need it. Let us know what happens!
  • #45
Id love to tell her how I felt about the night but she's a pain to get in contact with. Ill text her and hear nothing back, the one day weeks later she will ask me to hang out then claim she never got them. Last time she asked me I just was a snide jerk - you get like that when you have to deal with bs all the time. Well, if she ever decides I am worth her time shell let me know.
  • #46
Last time she asked me I just was a snide jerk - you get like that when you have to deal with bs all the time.

not really. YOU get that way because that's YOU.
we all revert to such behavior sometimes, but that doesn't make it nice.
  • #47
It sounds like you already made up your mind that you need this cash badly, and that she's not that bad (from all the replies you've posted). Then why the heck are you asking the rest of us a question you already know the answer to?
  • #48
Aero51 said:
Maybe if I lock all the cabinets an put child safety warnings on my pills she will behave.

In all seriousness though its sad because she could be a nice person if she didn't make dumb decisions.

Well, as we know she DOES make dumb decisions. For Example:
1) She has hung out with you only 3 times and wants to be your roommate.
2) You talked about becoming room mates today and she wanted to move in...tomorrow.
3) She hasnt even seen your place
4) Didn't care to make any agreements on anything before hand.

My diagnosis is she is a controlling psycho or a plain iDiot.
Sorry to be a pessimist, but am in a bad mood right now.
  • #49
Nobody asks to move in with you after 3 dates - unless desperately broke, or nuts. Who needs that?
  • #50
I don't see anything wrong with this girl. As long as she's not violent and loud and doesn't steal your stuff (feeding your chicken wings to her dog doesn't count), what's the problem?

You should try hanging out with her. Maybe you'd learn a little about the other side? :smile: Loosen up dude. She thinks you're ok enough to pay you money to live with you. And you said she looks good. Expand your boundaries! You might find something you like.
  • #51
You need the $450. And if she's crazy, you can totally change her into a better person! Do eet, she's perfect for you!
  • #52
Im glas this thread was revived. I found out some stuff about her.

It turns out she wanted to room with me because her roommate was actually her boyfriend who cheated on her and she wanted to get out ASAP! I inadvertently met the neighbors and they gave me all the dirt. Apparently she likes to sit on her porch naked too! I met her boyfriend too awhile back and he was kind of a wierdo.
  • #53
Apparently she likes to sit on her porch naked too!
See, I told you she was awesome. :smile:
  • #54
Aero51 said:
Im glas this thread was revived. I found out some stuff about her.

It turns out she wanted to room with me because her roommate was actually her boyfriend who cheated on her and she wanted to get out ASAP! I inadvertently met the neighbors and they gave me all the dirt. Apparently she likes to sit on her porch naked too! I met her boyfriend too awhile back and he was kind of a wierdo.
Sitting on her porch naked seems to be a sign of mental distraction. Hopefully her boy friend's betrayal doesn't turn it into one of mental disorders. My porch has a lot of fire ants by the way, not sure about hers.
  • #55
So did you get some? *wink wink*
  • #56
Is she still interested in rooming with you? I kinda dig the crazier ones, they give my life excitement. She seems like a good mix from what I've read. Doesn't seem like the condom-hole poking type of crazy.

We need an update bro.

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