So, where to from here? (weird story inside)

  • Thread starter Edin_Dzeko
  • Start date
In summary: I missed with her. Turns out she had a kid with the guy she dumped me for. Anyways, the whole thing felt like an episode of How I Met Your Mother. In summary, the conversation discusses a high school crush who sends a message to a girl over social media, but then never speaks to her in person. They later end up in the same college and have a strange encounter during an activity. The conversation also delves into the topic of fate and destiny, as well as stereotyped beliefs about women.
  • #1
So in high school. I had the BIGGEST crush on this girl. I sent her a message over one of those social networking sites and she loved it. She said I made her feel really good about herself 'cause of the nice things I said. But I was never able to talk to her person 'cause I was soooo scared and nervous. Hard to look her in the eye. So then I got her instant messenger from one of her friends and I tried to ask her how she felt about me. It didn't go so well. Turned into this big thing. She hated me for it. Forgot all the nice things I said in the past and so for the remainder of h.s. we never talked. Once in a while a weird stare here and there but nothing serious. No exchange of words. I didn't even exist to her. At one point I said, eh, screw it. No point crying over spilled milk. I moved on. Found some other girl and just started doing a bunch of stuff with my life. Really didn't care about her anymore. We don't speak at all what so ever.

We end up going to the same college, living on the same floor, with the same major and the same career aspirations. We even got a course / two together. There was this activity in the early weeks of school where we made a circle and had to rotate and ask the person in-front of you questions about them and guess what, she and I ended up face to face!

hahahahah. weird huh?? lol. what do you guys think?? For those of you who believe in fate, destiny and pre-destination what do you think? Lol. hahahah. p.s. the walk by each other without saying anything still goes on even here in college.

But tell me what you think. lol. I want to hear your opinions on this. :smile:

[my thoughts]
: I do believe things happen for a reason / purpose but in this case I'm just confused. I just think it's a coincidence. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing special behind this. Nothing special or anything is destined to happened between us. Just a coincidence. But then that contradicts "things happen for a reason / purpose" lol.
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  • #2
I don't understand what's weird. You sent this girl a message years ago which she liked, you then obviously creeped her out over an instant messenger, and all this while never exchanging a word. Then you happen to go to the same college.
  • #3
Yah what is so weird? Just act normal... pretend you have grown up and are now an adult and that high school was just a time of dramatic shifts in hormones and biological chemical concentrations. If you two start talking again, so be it. If she still judges you over something years ago, then who cares, why deal with a person like that?
  • #4
If you never apologized for the IM, the present would be a good time. Just tell her you are sorry that she got spooked and indicate that you wish things had turned out differently - and leave it at that.
  • #5
There are 2 types of girls in this world: crazy girls, and non-crazy girls. The crazy ones tend to have anxieties deep inside of them, low self-esteem, paranoia, inability to take a joke for what it is without self-projection, manias, delusions grandeur, mood swings, incoherent thoughts, daddy issues, psychosocial factors, etc. Then there are normal chicks, who you can send an IM to and she is cheery and happy to talk. Those girls usually end up having a successful life, date a well-endowed man, and have a big house by the time they are in their mid-20s, a career, an education, etc.

The differences are there and this chick is from the crazy tribe. There is nothing wrong with you, just move on and act however you act, don't be sorry or feel ashamed for anything, just ignore her.

And as for destiny, no such thing. Its not even a coincidence unless you moved hundreds of miles away from home

Oh and..

Edin_Dzeko said:
There was this activity in the early weeks of school where we made a circle and had to rotate and ask the person in-front of you questions about them and guess what, she and I ended up face to face!

That is pathetic.
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  • #6
cronxeh said:
There are 2 types of girls in this world: crazy girls, and non-crazy girls. The crazy ones tend to have anxieties deep inside of them, low self-esteem, paranoia, inability to take a joke for what it is without self-projection, manias, delusions grandeur, mood swings, incoherent thoughts, daddy issues, psychosocial factors, etc. Then there are normal chicks, who you can send an IM to and she is cheery and happy to talk. Those girls usually end up having a successful life, date a well-endowed man, and have a big house by the time they are in their mid-20s, a career, an education, etc.

God, what load of stereotyped, sexist, horse crap. It pains me to say that I agree with that assessment.
  • #7
Pengwuino said:
God, what load of stereotyped, sexist, horse crap. It pains me to say that I agree with that assessment.

Embrace the dark side! :biggrin:
  • #8
cronxeh said:
Embrace the dark side! :biggrin:

As I began to read your list, I immediately thought of a few girls I know. I continued to read the list and ... every... single... description matched them.
  • #9
Pengwuino said:
As I began to read your list, I immediately thought of a few girls I know. I continued to read the list and ... every... single... description matched them.

Yeah there are definitely a lot of women who act this way when they're in their 20's, but hopefully it gets better as the age...please tell me it gets better.

Anyways to the OP that kind of stuff does happen. In my case, I hadn't spoken to a close female friend in 9 months. I bumb into a friend of a friend and he basically fills me in on the past year of her life, how she not only changed her major, but her uncertain future and how she dated someone right after I didn't pursue a relationship with her (her relationship with this guy also fell apart). Right after all of this talk I make my way home and I see her walking by with her sister...its a small and funny world sometimes.
  • #10
The reason I said it was weird was because I come from a big state population wise and there a quite a range of schools to choose from so what were the odds lol? But like I said it doesn't mean anything to me though.

Lol. So I went to go do some laundry and as I go into the laundry room there she was hahaha took me by surprise so wasn't thinking other wise I would have said hi but I didn't say anything. The machines were full so I dropped my stuff then went into a room where her room mate as playing the piano. I'm cool with her room mate and I'm an aspiring church organist so i sat next other just to watch lol. The girl comes in say something to the room mate and then leaves. The roomie follows shortly. I give a crack at several hymns then shortly the room mate and her dad and the girl walks in. The room mates dad asked to hear me play so I did. Then after, it turned out that I know someone who her room mate also knows so the room mate asked how I know the guy and I said he's my brother because we're from the same country and I said everyone from the country is my bro or sis. Then I was saying it's a small country almost like Texas and the girl cuts in saying Texas isn't small and I say the population is. Then the girl said I'm not making sense that everyone in my country is my bro or sis lol then she said that she thinks I say random things just to start a conversation hahahahaha lololol then they leave. The next day late in the night one of the kids on our floor asked if I wanted to go grab a bite. I agreed but turned out she was also coming with us. So while we were in the elevator I was on the phone cause I had to call home. She held the door for me and I was on the phone say my attention was on the phone convo and she was like you welcome <insert my name here>. she wasn't pissed kind of had a laugh like expression on her face. So as we were going she said to the room mate who invited him? Hahaha I was still on the phone. Then I said I heard that. What's that supposed to mean? She ignored me hahahah I ended up not going back with the group after I got my food. Hahaha so we finally said words to each other lol but I think either she finds me annoying or she felt bad after making her screwed up comment. But I don't care. How can I be annoying when I don't hang or talk with her lol but hey I'm not bothered I don't need her approval for my life

FAQ: So, where to from here? (weird story inside)

1. What is the purpose of "So, where to from here? (weird story inside)"?

The purpose of "So, where to from here? (weird story inside)" is to engage the reader and encourage them to think about what comes next in the story. It also adds an element of mystery and anticipation to the story.

2. Is "So, where to from here? (weird story inside)" a common phrase or saying?

No, "So, where to from here?" is not a common phrase or saying. It is often used in literature or storytelling as a way to transition to the next part of the story.

3. How does "So, where to from here? (weird story inside)" impact the overall story?

"So, where to from here?" serves as a turning point in the story, where the characters are faced with a decision or a new direction. This can add suspense and tension to the plot, making the story more interesting for the reader.

4. Why is "So, where to from here? (weird story inside)" considered a weird story?

The story may be considered weird because it likely contains unexpected or unusual elements that deviate from traditional storytelling. It could also be considered weird due to the use of non-traditional writing techniques or a bizarre plot.

5. Can "So, where to from here? (weird story inside)" be applied to real-life situations?

Yes, the phrase "So, where to from here?" can be applied to real-life situations as a way to prompt reflection and decision-making about what comes next. It can also be used in a metaphorical sense to represent a turning point or new direction in one's life.

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