SO2 Conversion Equilibrium Curve

  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Conversion Equilibrium Curve
i want to draw Equilibrium curve for SO2 oxidation to SO3, i found following relations but don't know to use them... kindly tell me how to draw Equilibrium curve using these equations or any source on web from where i can get directly SO2 oxidation data Vs Temp?

Equations are following;

1. Kp = (PSO3) /(PSO2) (PO2)1/2
2. log Kp = (4956 /T) - 4.678
thank you!
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  • #2
dragon01 said:
i want to draw Equilibrium curve for SO2 oxidation to SO3

It is not clear what you are looking for, please elaborate.

Kp is the equilibrium constant for the process so technically just using the second equation to make a plot of Kp vs T is a possible answer. That is, assuming by "curve" you mean the dependence on the temperature, because even that is not clear from your post.
  • #3
Borek said:
It is not clear what you are looking for, please elaborate.

Kp is the equilibrium constant for the process so technically just using the second equation to make a plot of Kp vs T is a possible answer. That is, assuming by "curve" you mean the dependence on the temperature, because even that is not clear from your post.

Well, I should find the equilibrium curve of conversion of SO2 in SO3. I should have on the Y axes the conversion ratio, on the X axes the Temperature measured in Kelvin. I have the definition of Kp as showed, but I really don’t know how to elaborate a graph on excel with this characteristics
  • #4
There is not enough data - conversion ratio is not only a function of Kp and T, but also of total pressure.

For a given pressure you should be able to calculate the conversion ratio from Kc (probably with some additional assumptions about initial amounts/volume), then making a plot is easy.

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