Sociology of Religion: Articles of Faith

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of religion and its role in society. The participants discuss the idea of a parody religion, Pasta-worship, and how it could gain followers. They also suggest potential articles of faith, such as condemning those who believe in intelligent design and promoting the idea of evolution. The conversation also touches on the concept of Biblical literalism being considered blasphemy and the need for more commandments or articles of faith. Ultimately, they agree that religion should not be taught as science in schools.
  • #1
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For many years our next door neighbor was a sociologist, whose specialty was the Sociology of Religion. She studied several of the major religions, how they work, how they recruit participants, by what mechanisms do they change with time...

She would have been amused by the recent appearance of a Parody religion, Pasta-worship----flying spaghetti-ism.

Let's try an experiment. This is a sociology THOUGHT EXPERIMENT. Let's assemble the essential details of a serious religion: with heaven/hell polarity and articles of faith and all that good stuff. Try to imagine how it could gain adherents and whether it would work.

Please suggest some articles of faith. Here are a few possible things to believe, see if you think they are OK---if not propose alternatives.

1. He who believeth that his body parts were designed should be condemned to eternal fire.

2. He who believeth that an intelligent being interferes with the working of natural law should roast in everlasting flames.

3. He who believeth in the random evolution of species from single-cell organisms is worthy of eternal bliss.

4. Nature shall not be mocked by the setting up of false Design principles. The worship of an imagined Designer is idolatry---morally debased, irreverent and a blasphemy against natural law. Idolators are worthy of the pit, where they burn with unending torment.

5. He who teacheth little children about the big bang is worthy of eternal life, but he who strives to substitutute mythology in its place let his tongue be consumed by maggots.
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  • #2
Heee Hee! Priceless!

Actually I've always thought Biblical literalism was blasphemy. To think that a bunch of texts written down in historical times by human beings is the inerrant word of God is on the same level as worshipping a molten idol cast by human beings. Worshiping "stocks and stones?" What about paper and ink?
  • #3
selfAdjoint said:
Heee Hee! Priceless!

Actually I've always thought Biblical literalism was blasphemy...

I am delighted by your response! I think you are probably right about literalism being a debased and in some sense irreverent practice.

It would be nice if some more commandments injunctions articles of faith could be forthcoming. Is what we have really enough?
  • #4
I just found this (I guess I really have been too busy lately). This is great Marcus. I also agree with SA.
  • #5
I don't think he would approve of any of those commandments.
4. Are you an atheist/heathen/etc.?

I don't have a problem with religion. What I have a problem with is religion posing as science. Teach creationism in school, fine, but DON'T teach it in a science classroom.
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FAQ: Sociology of Religion: Articles of Faith

What is sociology of religion?

Sociology of religion is a subfield of sociology that focuses on the study of religion and its impact on society. It examines the beliefs, practices, and organization of religions, as well as the social and cultural factors that shape them.

What is the purpose of studying sociology of religion?

The purpose of studying sociology of religion is to gain a better understanding of the role of religion in society. It helps us understand how religious beliefs and practices shape individual and group behavior, and how religion interacts with other social institutions.

What are articles of faith?

Articles of faith are the core beliefs and values of a religious tradition. They often include beliefs about the nature of God, the afterlife, moral codes, and rituals or practices that are central to the religion.

How does sociology of religion differ from theology?

Sociology of religion is a social science that uses empirical research methods to study religion, while theology is a discipline that focuses on the study of religious beliefs and doctrines. Sociology of religion seeks to understand how religion functions in society, while theology seeks to understand the nature of God and religious truth.

What are common research methods used in sociology of religion?

Some common research methods used in sociology of religion include surveys, interviews, participant observation, and content analysis. These methods help sociologists gather data and analyze the beliefs, behaviors, and social structures related to religion.

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