Software/database for simple crystal structure design?

In summary, software and databases are available for designing simple crystal structures, allowing for efficient and accurate visualization and analysis of crystal structures. These tools are used by researchers and scientists to study the properties and behavior of crystals, and can also aid in the development of new materials and technologies. Some popular options for software and databases include Materials Project, CrystalMaker, and Crystallography Open Database. These tools provide a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features for designing, simulating, and analyzing crystal structures.
  • #1

Does anyone know any (free) software for generating simple crystal structures like forms of SiO2 or TiO2? It must be a really common problem.

My current strategy is to search the web for hours until I get lucky. There are online databases which have really complicated structures from scientific papers, but I just want simple crystal structures (in xyz or pdb format, for example).

Any advice would be appreciated!

Thank you!

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Physics news on
  • #2
Hi I guess you could use PowderCell to visualize the structure. You can define your own structure from atom coordinates and symmetry of the unit cell. There are some structures included in the install file, but I don't remember if it includes SiO2 or TiO2. The program also simulates powder diffraction patterns if that is of interest.
Hope this helps!
  • #3
Thanks for your kind suggestion!

I appreciate your suggestion a lot, but I'm not sure it matches the requirements closely enough (and it's old: System requirements are Windows 9x or NT !).

I'll check it out in more detail if I can hold of a computer with windows on, but meanwhile, can anyone suggest more modern software, perhaps which specifically has the atomic co-ordinates of these simple crystals built in? Like I said before, this must be a really common requirement. There must be something out there used by scientists.

  • #4
If I encounter something like that, I make a Python script to generate the structure from the unit cell definition for the specific structure in question. If've seen other people do that, too.

You might want to try this route if you cannot find a proper program to do it. (There very likely are some, but I am not aware of them)
  • #5
I also share your desire to find a database of simple crystal structures. I have constructed a number of structures at by searching for hours on the internet, but this would be so easy if they could be found like you say in pdb or xyz structure. Some of mine I found in cif format, but for some reason, a database of simple structures does not seem to be around.
  • #6
cgk, edguy99, thanks for your replies.

As I was looking for the best place to obtain information about the crystal structure codes and how to calculate co-ordinates based on them, I came across this website:

It seems to have a fairly comprehensive database of crystal structures. Maybe this is useful for you both, too.

By the way, if either of you can recommend any good reference website/book about how to construct structures from unit cell definitions, I'd be interested to hear about it, since I'd be interested to learn the skill of constructing such structures myself. The link above perhaps is also a good reference.

Thanks for the discussion!
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  • #7

Great find, to quote the site: This page currently contains links to 286 structures in 98 of the 230 space groups.
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Related to Software/database for simple crystal structure design?

1. What is a software/database for simple crystal structure design?

A software/database for simple crystal structure design is a computer program or electronic database that allows users to create and manipulate the atomic structure of crystals. It can be used for various purposes, such as predicting the properties of materials and studying crystal growth.

2. How does a software/database for simple crystal structure design work?

These programs use mathematical algorithms and visualization tools to generate and manipulate crystal structures. They also contain databases of known crystal structures, which can be used for comparison and analysis.

3. What features should I look for in a software/database for simple crystal structure design?

Some important features to look for include user-friendly interface, accurate algorithms and prediction capabilities, comprehensive database, and compatibility with other scientific software and databases.

4. Can I use a software/database for simple crystal structure design for educational purposes?

Yes, many of these programs are available for educational use and can be used to teach students about crystal structures and their properties. Some programs also offer educational versions with simplified interfaces for younger students.

5. Are there any free options for software/database for simple crystal structure design?

Yes, there are several free software and databases available for simple crystal structure design, such as OpenBabel, Materials Project, and CrystalMaker. However, paid software usually offers more advanced features and a larger database.

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