Software for creating graphs for presentations

In summary, there are many software packages that can be used to create graphs, but they all have their own particular limitations. It is important to find one that suits your needs and style.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion for software that can be used to create good looking graphs for e.g Powerpoint presentations?
| have access to a range of packages (Excel, Origin, Matlab) but none of them can create really "slick" locking graphs (but they are fine for figures in papers etc). I usually end up having to use non-standard parameters in Matlab (and occasionally Scipy) to get really good looking figures.
I've have on occasion combined e.g. Matlab with e.g. GIMP to create figures. but surely there must be an easier way?

Is there a software packages that focuses on the "visual" aspects of creating graphs?
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  • #2
What's a slick looking graph?

Overly slick graphics will make your presentation a good candidate for addition to the world's worst PowerPoint presentations.

The same attributes that make for a good publication quality graph apply to presentations. Keep it minimalistic. Everything that does not add meaning is dross. Get rid of that dross. Stop deleting only when your deletions start removing meaning.

Powerpoint oftentimes brings out the worst in us. Fight that urge.
  • #3
I think it depends on the audience:wink:

I frequently have to present my work for various commitees and working groups (who to a large extent control my funding). These are mainly made up of people who know nothing about my work, are not really interested in what I do and by the time it is my turn to present they might have had to listen to 15 other presentations that that they were equally disinterested in.

Hence, while I agree that one should avoid overly "creative" presentations it is neverthless important to present ones work in a way that looks as interesting and -for lack of a better word- professional as possible.

Moreover, by "slick" I do not neccesarily mean 3D effects etc. I am more concerned about proper scaling of fonts and lines, good handling of backgrounds and colours (to make the graphs fit in with the our corporate template) etc.
  • #4
I used R to graph some stuff once. I found it very nice to use and very versatile.
Here is an example to make xkcd style graphs
I found that with a google search. It's definitely different from standard graphs.

GNUplot is another option however I think it's rather hard to fully customize your graphs with GNUplot.

These are just 2 options of the top of my head they have a learning curve though.
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  • #5

There are several software packages that are specifically designed for creating visually appealing graphs for presentations. One popular option is Adobe Illustrator, which offers a wide range of tools and customization options for creating professional-looking graphs. Other options include Tableau, Infogram, and Canva, which are all user-friendly and offer templates and design options for creating aesthetically pleasing graphs. It may also be worth exploring the features and options within the software packages you already have access to, as there may be ways to enhance the visual aspects of your graphs within those programs. Ultimately, it may be a matter of experimenting with different software and finding the one that best suits your needs and preferences for creating graphs for presentations.

FAQ: Software for creating graphs for presentations

1. What are some popular software options for creating graphs for presentations?

Some popular software options for creating graphs for presentations include Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Tableau, Adobe Illustrator, and Canva.

2. Is there any free software available for creating graphs for presentations?

Yes, there are several free software options available for creating graphs for presentations such as Google Sheets, Canva, and Tableau Public.

3. Can I customize the appearance of my graphs in presentation software?

Yes, most presentation software allows you to customize the appearance of your graphs by changing colors, fonts, layouts, and other design elements.

4. Can I import data from other sources into my graphing software?

Yes, many graphing software programs allow you to import data from various sources such as Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, and online databases.

5. Are there any advanced features in graphing software that can enhance my presentations?

Yes, many graphing software programs offer advanced features such as interactive charts, animations, and real-time data updates that can make your presentations more engaging and informative.

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