Solar-Based Project: Making a Steam Engine to Generate Power

In summary, the student is working on a solar steam engine. He plans to use two different types of solar collectors to generate high temperature steam. He is unsure if the steam will be capable of generating enough power to rotate the turbine, and he is also confused about the mechanism for tracking the solar energy.
  • #1
hello folks,
as a last year student i have told to submit a project and so I decided to work on a solar based project.

Finally i came up with an idea of making solar steam engine.

I will be using two different solar collector to gain high temperature of working fluid. It will be a parabolic trough collector and a compound parabolic concentrator(700cm dia) placed in series through a pipe carrying water.

This steam will rotate the turbine that inturn generates electricity.

I just want to know will it create a high power steam that will be capable of generating?

The answer was NO when i asked to one of my professor.

I want to make it as possible as cheap, mobile(if possible), and small in size.

My main aim to do this is one can have this at their home to generate their own electricity and gets rid of bills, low use of fuels good for eco. Please suggest a good design and of-course a feasible one.

Thank you.
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  • #2
The answer is YES of course. It is done routinely at Solar thermal power plants.

The BUT is: you need Sunlight.

My suggestion: use a parabolic antenna from TV receivers. Coat it with a reflective layer, like: remove the paint, let deposit chromium.

With a simple boiler, you'll get saturated vapour, up to +374°C and 218b. Approximately bar = (°C/100)^4. This vapour will partially condense within the turbine, which is no big drawback. It happens at the high-pressure turbine of any pressurized water reactor.
  • #3
hey enthalpy,
thank you for your reply.

I mean to say i am working on a miniature of that kinda plant. So it might won't be possible to generate that energy to rotate the turbine giving high rotation.

And one more thing i am confused about it is solar tracking device. What kindof mechanism should i use?

  • #4
hey and maybe i am not using boiler. I am just taking that steam to turbine directly which leads to high pressure(passing it through venturi). Please guide me if i am wrong.
  • #5
I would work some numbers and see if you can optimize the efficiency and power output.
  • #6
thank you edgepflow.

FAQ: Solar-Based Project: Making a Steam Engine to Generate Power

1. How does a solar-based steam engine work?

A solar-based steam engine works by using the sun's energy to heat water and create steam. The steam then moves through a series of pipes and turbines, causing them to rotate and generate power.

2. What materials are needed to make a solar-based steam engine?

The materials needed to make a solar-based steam engine include a solar collector (such as a parabolic dish or solar panels), a boiler, piping, a turbine, and a generator. Other materials may also be needed depending on the specific design of the engine.

3. How efficient is a solar-based steam engine in generating power?

The efficiency of a solar-based steam engine can vary depending on factors such as the size and design of the engine, the quality of materials used, and the amount of sunlight available. However, on average, a solar-based steam engine can have an efficiency of around 20-25%, which is comparable to other renewable energy sources.

4. Can a solar-based steam engine be used to power homes or businesses?

Yes, a solar-based steam engine can be used to power homes and businesses. However, the size and output of the engine would need to be scaled accordingly to meet the energy needs of the specific building.

5. Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using a solar-based steam engine?

One limitation of a solar-based steam engine is that it is dependent on sunlight, so it may not be able to generate power during cloudy or nighttime conditions. Additionally, the initial cost of building a solar-based steam engine may be higher compared to other renewable energy sources. However, over time, the cost savings from using renewable energy can outweigh the initial investment.

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