Solar Flare Danger: Worst Damages & Preparing for X Class

  • Thread starter libbon
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In summary, a solar flare is not going to do much damage to Earth directly, but it could disrupt electrical systems and communications and have other indirect impacts. If a large CME was to be detected approaching earth, the space station would be evacuated, which would be a significant fraction of the total cost.
  • #1
What could be the worst damages in a very bad solar flare, but a solar flare that's likely to happen in the next couple years with the solar maximum, like a really high x class, what could happen on earth? If NASA or noaa knew about this happening, would they tell everyone, if they would, what would we have to do to be safe from the flare, would they announce a national emergency?

thank so much
Astronomy news on
  • #2
There are really two questions here. How much damage could a solar flare do on earth? Not much, most of the power lines are now protected, and use of short wave radio frequencies that will be most disrupted has been decreasing for decades.

As for satellites, a big flare can puff up the thermosphere and cause them to deorbit early. However, during the recent quiet sun period, the opposite has happened, so it would average out.

The other possibility though is called a coronal mass ejection (CME). These are associated with solar flares, and if an X class flare caused a CME headed toward Earth it could do a lot more damage to satellites (and humans) in orbit, to communications and to power distribution. Since the CME does not travel at the speed of light, it arrives at the Earth (if it is headed in that direction) one to five days after it leaves the sun.

On 1 September 1859 there was a huge disruption in the Earth's magnetic field. This is thought to be the biggest CME to hit the Earth in recent history. Of course there was no radio, no television, no artificial satellites, and no long range electric transmission. So the only damage was to some telegraph cables.

A CME of that size and speed (it arrived the same day as the associated flare) hitting the Earth today would be on the order of a billion dollars or so.

If a large CME were to be detected approaching earth, the space station would be evacuated, which would be a significant fraction of the total cost. (The radiation would approach or exceed the LD50 dose for humans.) Putting astronauts in orbit is expensive, and some experiments on the space station would be ruined if left unsupervised--especially since there would probably be breakers blown, etc. on the space station.
  • #3
libbon said:
What could be the worst damages in a very bad solar flare, but a solar flare that's likely to happen in the next couple years with the solar maximum, like a really high x class, what could happen on earth?
Not much to humans directly, from what I understand. Had we been living over a couple hundred years ago, before the technological revolution, we probably wouldn't even notice.

But in today's technological era, the outcome might be a little different, indirectly. If major electrical power outages and/or communications systems were disrupted, it could impact humans which have come to depend upon such systems.

Here is a general solar flare Q/A from NASA's Dr. David P. Stern."

And some related good news is that solar flares may now be easier to predict (and if if they are predicted, it follows that preventative action can be taken)."

If NASA or noaa knew about this happening, would they tell everyone, if they would, what would we have to do to be safe from the flare, would they announce a national emergency?
I don't know. But I would think so. They have a track record of being very forthcoming with estimates and warnings of disasters (warnings such as NOAA's report of impending disaster prior to hurricane Katrina striking New Orleans).

But again, there's nothing really you'd have to do to be "safe from the flare." The flare itself won't harm you directly. But it wouldn't do any harm to have water, batteries, and canned food around.

Here are a couple of links to estimates involving space weather and solar flares:

Recent article from NASA:"

A space weather FAQ from NOAA."
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  • #4
The fossil evidence shows no real evidence of CME or solar flare effects on life. Such an event now could, however, be inconvenient for cell phone users
  • #5
for your question. Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation that occur on the surface of the sun. They can range in size and intensity, with the most powerful being classified as X-class flares. These flares can release massive amounts of energy and radiation into space, potentially causing disruptions on Earth.

Some of the worst damages that could occur from a very bad solar flare include disruptions to satellite communications, power grids, and GPS systems. This could lead to widespread blackouts, loss of communication, and disruptions to transportation and navigation systems. In addition, the increased radiation could pose a danger to astronauts and airline crew flying at high altitudes.

It is important to note that while solar flares can cause significant damage, the likelihood of a catastrophic event is low. However, it is still important for NASA and NOAA to monitor and track solar activity in order to prepare for potential flares.

If NASA or NOAA were to detect a high X-class solar flare that posed a potential threat to Earth, they would likely inform the public and take necessary precautions to minimize the impact. This could include issuing warnings and advisories, working with utility companies to protect power grids, and advising astronauts and airline crew to take necessary precautions.

In the event of a severe solar flare, it is important for individuals to follow any instructions or precautions given by government agencies and emergency responders. This could include staying indoors, avoiding unnecessary travel, and seeking shelter in protected areas.

While solar flares can pose a potential danger, it is important to remember that the sun is a natural and unpredictable phenomenon. As scientists, it is our responsibility to continue studying and monitoring solar activity in order to better understand and prepare for potential events.

FAQ: Solar Flare Danger: Worst Damages & Preparing for X Class

1. What is a solar flare and how does it pose a danger?

A solar flare is a sudden and intense burst of radiation from the sun. It can pose a danger to Earth by damaging satellites, disrupting communication and navigation systems, and causing power outages. The radiation can also be harmful to humans and animals in space and can even affect the Earth's climate.

2. What is an X class solar flare and why is it considered the most dangerous?

An X class solar flare is the most powerful type of solar flare, with the potential to release massive amounts of energy. It is considered the most dangerous because it has the highest impact on Earth's technology and can cause severe disruptions to our daily lives.

3. How often do X class solar flares occur and how can we predict them?

X class solar flares occur approximately once every 11 years during the peak of the solar cycle. However, they can occur at any time during the cycle. We can predict solar flares by monitoring the sun's activity and using advanced technology such as satellites and telescopes.

4. What are the worst damages that can be caused by an X class solar flare?

An X class solar flare can cause extensive damage to satellites, communication systems, and power grids. It can also disrupt air travel, radio communication, and GPS signals. In extreme cases, it can even damage sensitive electronic equipment on Earth and pose a health risk to astronauts in space.

5. How can we prepare for the potential damages of an X class solar flare?

To prepare for the potential damages of an X class solar flare, we can invest in robust and resilient technology, such as hardened satellites and power grids. We can also have emergency plans in place to mitigate the effects of power outages and disruptions to communication systems. It is also essential to stay informed and follow any warnings or updates from space weather agencies.

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