Solar System inside a black hole

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of our solar system being located inside a black hole at the galactic center. However, the experts state that this idea is incorrect and that there is no evidence to support it. They suggest studying actual cosmology and not relying on pop-sci theories. The answer to the question is a clear "no" as our solar system and the galactic center are in different locations.
  • #1
!Jon Snow!
Is it possible for our solar system to be located inside a black hole which is our galactic centre?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Listen Jon! I don't want to disappoint you but the experience I have in dealing with such questions, tells me that this is going to reach nowhere. Such questions usually come out of a sequence of thoughts which are usually a little confused and also with some wrong assumptions because of the low level of knowledge. Now if we only answer this question, we're going to tell you this idea is all wrong and you're not going to get much out of it. So I suggest you to present the sequence of thoughts that led you to this question and then we can explain to you the wrong things in that sequence and lead you to a conclusion you can actually learn something from.
  • #3
This "universe in a black hole" kind of thing is debunked here regularly. I suggest a forum search. Or better yet, read some actual cosmology, not pop-sci nonsense like this. It's easy to get confused by such concepts if you haven't studied the basics but if you have, such questions become immediately apparent as nonsense.
  • #4
As posed, the question has a clear, well-defined answer, and that is "no". Our solar system and the galactic center are in two different places. It can't be over there, because it's over here.
  • #5

I can say that it is highly unlikely for our solar system to be located inside a black hole. Black holes are incredibly dense objects with a gravitational pull so strong that even light cannot escape. If our solar system were inside a black hole, we would not be able to observe or detect anything outside of it.

Furthermore, the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, is not a black hole. It is a supermassive black hole, which means it is much larger than a typical black hole. However, the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy is surrounded by a large amount of gas and dust, making it an active region for star formation and not a suitable environment for a solar system to exist.

Additionally, the conditions inside a black hole are not conducive to the existence of planets or other celestial bodies. The intense gravity and radiation would prevent the formation and stability of planetary systems.

In summary, it is highly unlikely and scientifically implausible for our solar system to be located inside a black hole at the center of our galaxy.

FAQ: Solar System inside a black hole

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region of space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. This is due to the extreme curvature of space-time caused by the collapse of a massive star.

2. Can a solar system exist inside a black hole?

No, a solar system cannot exist inside a black hole. The intense gravitational pull of a black hole would tear apart any objects, including planets and stars, that come near it.

3. Is it possible for a black hole to contain a star?

Yes, it is possible for a black hole to contain a star. When a star collapses, it can form a black hole with a singularity at its center. However, this star would no longer be a part of a solar system.

4. How would a solar system be affected by being near a black hole?

A solar system near a black hole would experience extreme tidal forces, where the gravitational pull on one side of the system is much stronger than the other. This would cause the objects in the system to be stretched and distorted, and could eventually result in their destruction.

5. Could a black hole create an entirely new solar system?

No, a black hole cannot create a new solar system. Solar systems are formed from clouds of gas and dust, which are pulled together by gravity. The extreme gravitational pull of a black hole would not allow for the formation of a new solar system.

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