Solar System Similar to Ours Found

In summary: I found the cube on a website called "Universe Today." It's a great website that covers a lot of different scientific topics.
  • #1

Its similar in that the "Jupiter-like" planet they've viewed in this case is caught in a circular orbit. Most of the planets found in other star systems are in the oval shaped orbit. The oval orbit of large planets tends to wack the smaller ones out of the system.

In this case there is a chance that an "earth-like" planet has remained in the system due to the circular orbit of the "Jupiter-like" planet. Check it out! Thanks.
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
Originally posted by quantumcarl

Its similar in that the "Jupiter-like" planet they've viewed in this case is caught in a circular orbit. Most of the planets found in other star systems are in the oval shaped orbit. The oval orbit of large planets tends to wack the smaller ones out of the system.

In this case there is a chance that an "earth-like" planet has remained in the system due to the circular orbit of the "Jupiter-like" planet. Check it out! Thanks.

glad to hear of HD70642
the eccentricity is estimated at 0.10 according to this extrasolar planets data site:

their figure for the period is 2231 days
for the semimajor axis: 3.3 AU
for the mass (if system seen edge on) 2 jupiters

the journal article announcing it (authors include both Marcy and Butler who are veterans) is:

at the end this article has nice plots of data, curves and
tables of the wobble speed.

the star is a metal rich G5, very similar to the sun in both mass and surface activity (they say)

the wobble speed amplitude is estimated at 32 meter/second

(the msn article you gave a link to may have a mistake, it said 7 m/s)

this is a real interesting system, 0.1 is still pretty eccentric by solar system standards I think. striking thing is the rarity of
only moderately eccentric jupiters at jupiter-like distances
solar system looks like as good as it ever gets compared with these others
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  • #3
if the universe is infinite than it was bound to happen. Well not infinite but constanly exspanding
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  • #4
Thanks for the link to the article, quantumcarl.
Now let's get those next generation telescopes up and running so we can detect some terrestrial planets!

Originally posted by The Grimmus
if the universe is infinite than it was bound to happen. Well not infinite but constanly exspanding

Possibly infinite AND expanding, but let's not get into that in this topic. :wink:
  • #5
Hey Carl, where did you get that neat cube?

Also, did they mention how far away this system is?
  • #6
Originally posted by Phobos
Thanks for the link to the article, quantumcarl.
Now let's get those next generation telescopes up and running so we can detect some terrestrial planets!

Possibly infinite AND expanding, but let's not get into that in this topic. :wink:

Yeah... or, we just keep an eye out for pirated TV signals of "I Love Lucy" and the "Tonight Show" emanating from one of these solar systems with a high metal pool sun. That wouldn't be to hard to miss!
  • #7
Originally posted by Eh
Hey Carl, where did you get that neat cube?

Also, did they mention how far away this system is? eh?
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FAQ: Solar System Similar to Ours Found

1. What is the significance of finding a solar system similar to ours?

The discovery of a solar system similar to ours is significant because it provides evidence that our solar system is not unique and that there may be other habitable planets in the universe. This increases the likelihood of finding extraterrestrial life and expands our understanding of the formation and evolution of solar systems.

2. How was this solar system discovered?

This solar system was discovered using the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), which searches for planets outside of our solar system by measuring the tiny dips in brightness of stars caused by planets passing in front of them.

3. How is this solar system similar to ours?

This solar system, named TOI-1231, is similar to ours in terms of its size, age, and distance from its host star. It also has a rocky planet, similar to Earth, within its habitable zone where liquid water could exist.

4. Could there be other solar systems similar to ours in the universe?

Yes, it is highly likely that there are other solar systems similar to ours in the universe. With the vast number of galaxies and stars in the universe, it is probable that there are many other planets and solar systems that share similar characteristics to ours.

5. What implications does this discovery have for the search for extraterrestrial life?

This discovery increases the chances of finding extraterrestrial life, as it provides evidence that habitable planets like Earth exist outside of our solar system. It also expands our understanding of the conditions necessary for life to exist, and may help guide future research and exploration for potential life on other planets.
