Solar system simulation -- Significant deviation of some Jovian moons

In summary, the conversation discusses the simulation of the solar system and the problems with the orbits of Europa and Io. It is mentioned that the orbits of Jupiter, Ganymede, and Callisto are consistent with NASA's simulations, but the simulated velocities deviate significantly from the reference values. The conversation also includes information about the first ten velocities in vx, vy, vz-format, and the physical constants used in the simulation for various celestial bodies. It is suggested that a smaller timestep may fix the issue with the unrealistic orbits of Io and Europa.
  • #1
I am working on a simulation of the solar system, but I am having problems with the orbits with Europa and Io shown in the image below, the orbits of Jupiter, Ganymede and Callisto are consistent with NASA's simulations. For all bodies I have used identical parameters in generating the initial values (position and velocities) from NASA Horizons, but the simulated velocities deviate significantly from the reference values, see below the image.

Simulated velocities Io
[[ -8614.49286 -21369.57154   -632.93203]
[  9413.68985 -45300.37648  -1230.23422]
[  9386.14932 -44351.41911  -1197.69465]
[  9380.29852 -44091.59352  -1189.38208]
[  9384.20206 -43964.90674  -1185.66855]
[  9392.3708  -43887.48053  -1183.64575]
[  9402.739   -43833.83182  -1182.43573]
[  9414.37123 -43793.50441  -1181.67948]
[  9426.78351 -43761.39524  -1181.20215]
[  9439.70035 -43734.71132  -1180.90818]]
Reference velocities Io
[[ -8.6145e+03  -2.1370e+04  -6.3293e+02]
[  1.4312e+04   3.7050e+03   5.8373e+02]
[  3.2327e+03  -2.8330e+04  -7.1454e+02]
[  5.2868e+02   5.4834e+03   4.5001e+02]
[  1.6449e+04  -2.4527e+04  -3.9360e+02]
[ -1.0069e+04  -3.4329e+03  -1.9295e+01]
[  2.2782e+04  -1.2263e+04   1.3100e+02]
[ -1.0724e+04  -1.7200e+04  -5.2041e+02]
[  1.8110e+04   7.9950e+02   5.2812e+02]
[ -1.1648e+03  -2.7069e+04  -7.3810e+02]]
Simulated velocities Europa
[[ 17409.7477 -17977.8844   -149.1204]
[ 19892.0848  -6577.1288    388.6789]
[ 15345.577   -6005.3129    330.4903]
[ 13644.4897  -6241.7316    288.5844]
[ 12703.5633  -6475.9464    260.4778]
[ 12088.5888  -6670.4873    239.9645]
[ 11648.2814  -6830.9437    224.0745]
[ 11314.4114  -6965.0308    211.2436]
[ 11051.081   -7078.774     200.5634]
[ 10837.3529  -7176.5748    191.4658]]
Reference velocities Europa
[[ 17409.7477 -17977.8844   -149.1204]
[  9657.1567   1697.3447    562.7489]
[ -8209.8182  -9418.8943   -242.2855]
[  6511.8877 -25017.7237   -653.561 ]
[ 18583.2     -7391.2116    327.0779]
[  -703.984     970.8296    340.24  ]
[ -5401.237  -19722.1106   -642.0661]
[ 16113.2379 -19990.1371   -266.1455]
[ 12018.9873    776.3151    558.5457]
[ -7545.2962  -6950.3879   -130.6148]]

These are the first ten velocities in vx, vy, vz-format. The stepsize used is 24 hours.

The physical constants, using in the simulation are
Sun, 695700e3,1.3271244004193938e20, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Mercury, 2439.7e3,22032.09e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Venus, 6051.8e3,324858.63e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Earth, 6371.0e3,398600.440e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Mars, 3389.5e3,42828.3e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Jupiter, 69911e3,126686511e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Saturn, 58232e3,37931207.8e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Uranus, 25362e3,5793966e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Neptune, 24622e3,6835107e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Pluto, 1737.4e3,872.4e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Luna, 469.7e3, 4902.801076e9, "Source: JPL, Lunar Constants and Models Document",
Ceres, 469.7e3,62.6284e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Pallas, 272.5e3,14.3e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Vesta, 262.7e3,17.8e9, "Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Hygiea, 203.56e3,7e9, "Asteroid. Source: NASA/JPL Horizons",
Ganymede, 2634e3,9887.83e9, "Moon of Jupiter. Source: International Astronomical Union, Icy Bodies of the Solar System",
Titan, 2575.5e3,8978.1356e9, "Moon of Saturn. Source: International Astronomical Union, Icy Bodies of the Solar System",
Callisto, 2410.3e3,7179.29e9, "Moon of Jupiter. Source: International Astronomical Union, Icy Bodies of the Solar System",
Io, 1821.46e3,5959.916e9, "Moon of Jupiter. Source: International Astronomical Union, Icy Bodies of the Solar System",
Europa, 1562.09e3,3202.72e9, "Moon of Jupiter. Source: International Astronomical Union, Icy Bodies of the Solar System",
Any help would be appreciated :)

.. Mads
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Io has an orbital period of 1.7 days. With a step size of 1 day, you cannot get a realistic orbit.
Europa has an orbital period of 3.6 days, still too low.
Ganymede has 7 days and Callisto has 17 days, for these moons steps of 1 day can lead to something that looks like an orbit (with a large error, however),
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Likes berkeman
  • #3
mfb said:
Io has an orbital period of 1.7 days. With a step size of 1 day, you cannot get a realistic orbit.
Europa has an orbital period of 3.6 days, still too low.
Ganymede has 7 days and Callisto has 17 days, for these moons steps of 1 day can lead to something that looks like an orbit (with a large error, however),

A smaller timestep fixed it, sorry for not looking before posting.

FAQ: Solar system simulation -- Significant deviation of some Jovian moons

1. What is a solar system simulation?

A solar system simulation is a computer model that illustrates the movements and interactions of celestial bodies, such as planets, moons, asteroids, and comets, in our solar system. It uses scientific data and equations to accurately depict the behavior of these objects.

2. Why do some Jovian moons show significant deviation in a solar system simulation?

Jovian moons, or moons that orbit the gas giant planet Jupiter, are subject to the strong gravitational forces of both Jupiter and its other moons. This can cause their orbits to become unstable and deviate from their predicted paths in a simulation. Additionally, the presence of other celestial bodies in the simulation, such as asteroids or comets, can also affect the orbits of these moons.

3. How accurate are solar system simulations?

Solar system simulations are based on scientific data and equations, but they are not perfect representations of reality. Small discrepancies can occur due to limitations in technology and our understanding of the universe. However, these simulations are constantly being improved and updated as new data and discoveries are made.

4. Can solar system simulations help us predict future events in our solar system?

Yes, solar system simulations can be used to make predictions about future events in our solar system. By inputting known data and equations, scientists can simulate the movements of celestial bodies and make predictions about their future positions and interactions. However, these predictions are not always 100% accurate and can be affected by unforeseen events.

5. How do solar system simulations benefit scientific research?

Solar system simulations allow scientists to study and understand the complex dynamics of our solar system in a controlled environment. They can also be used to test theories and hypotheses, and to make predictions about future events. Additionally, these simulations can help us visualize and communicate scientific concepts to a wider audience.
