Solid hemisphere center of mass in spherical coordinates

In summary, the conversation revolves around a problem with finding the center of mass of a solid hemisphere using spherical coordinates. The correct formula for Cm is derived and a mistake in the original equation is identified. The conversation also discusses the use of vectors and trigonometric terms in the integral. Ultimately, the correct formula for Cm is found to be 1/V * z * r^2 * sin(theta) dr d(theta) d(phi), which results in a value of 3R/8 for Cm.
  • #1

I am struggling with what was supposed to be the simplest calc problem in spherical coordinates. I am trying to fid the center of mass of a solid hemisphere with a constant density, and I get a weird result.
First, I compute the mass, then apply the center of mass formula. I divide both and voila, obviously wrong result. What is wrong here?

Cm = 1 / M [itex]\int[/itex] [itex]\rho[/itex] r^3 sin [itex]\theta[/itex] dr d[itex]\theta[/itex] d[itex]\varphi[/itex]

M = ρ V → 1/M = 1/ρV

V = 2 [itex]\pi[/itex] R^3 / 3

Cm = 3/ (2 [itex]\pi[/itex] R^3) [itex]\int[/itex] r^3 sin [itex]\theta[/itex] dr d[itex]\theta[/itex] d[itex]\varphi[/itex]

Integrated over:
r → 0 to R
[itex]\theta[/itex] → 0 to [itex]\pi[/itex]/2
[itex]\varphi [/itex] → 0 to 2 [itex]\pi[/itex]

Cm = 3/ (2 [itex]\pi[/itex] R^3) * [itex]\pi[/itex] R^4 / 2
Cm = 3R / 4

So, what do I do wrong?
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Physics news on
  • #2
How did you derive your equation for the Cm?
  • #3
Ledamien said:
[itex]\int[/itex] [itex]\rho[/itex] r^3 sin [itex]\theta[/itex] dr d[itex]\theta[/itex] d[itex]\varphi[/itex]
Isn't there a trig term missing in that integral? There should be one from the Jacobian and another for the fact that you're interested in the displacement in only one Cartesian coordinate.
  • #4
1/M [itex]\sum[/itex] mi ri
1/M[itex]\int[/itex] [itex]\rho[/itex](r) r dV - this is a volume integral.
1/M[itex]\int[/itex] [[itex]\rho[/itex](r) r] r^2 dr sin [itex]\theta[/itex]) d[itex]\theta[/itex] d[itex]\varphi[/itex] - this is a volume integral in spherical coordinates.
My idea was that a simple volume integral for a hemisphere, going from 0 to r, 0 to [itex]\pi[/itex]/2 and 0 to 2[itex]\pi[/itex] would be sufficient. As the density is constant I can pull it out of the integral, and [itex]\rho[/itex]/M is simply 1/V, one over the total volume - the same integral but with r^2 instead of r^3. I seem to be missing a 1/2 somewhere, but where?
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  • #5
Ledamien said:
1/M [itex]\sum[/itex] mi ri
1/M[itex]\int[/itex] [itex]\rho[/itex](r) r dV - this is a volume integral.
What exactly does ri stand for in the first line? What is the appropriate formula to replace it in the second?
  • #6
ri is the vector position of a mass in some direction. I know that by symmetry it should be on the z axis. Should I multiply the whole thing be z hat in spherical (cos[itex]\theta[/itex] - sin[itex]\theta[/itex]). That does not make much sense, and it does not work.
  • #7
Ledamien said:
ri is the vector position of a mass in some direction.
Yes, it's a vector. But you have replaced it by r, the magnitude of the vector. You cannot do that because in the integral the components of the vector in the x and y directions would cancel.
Should I multiply the whole thing be z hat in spherical (cos[itex]\theta[/itex] - sin[itex]\theta[/itex]). That does not make much sense, and it does not work.
Multiplying by sin or cos of theta (depending on which way it's measured) makes sense to me.
  • #8
OK I got it, I skipped a step:
Cm = 1/V[itex]\int[/itex] r (r hat) dV
As I know it's on the z axis:
Cm = 1/V[itex]\int[/itex] z (z hat) dV

z = r cos[itex]\theta[/itex]
dV = r^2 sin[itex]\theta[/itex]dr d[itex]\theta[/itex] d[itex]\varphi[/itex]

Cm = 1/V[itex]\int[/itex]r cos[itex]\theta[/itex] (z hat) r^2 sin[itex]\theta[/itex]dr d[itex]\theta[/itex] d[itex]\varphi[/itex]

I can pull out z hat from the integral.

With V = (2[itex]\pi[/itex]R^3)/3, this gives me 3R/8 (z hat).

Well, that was silly...

Thank you guys for your help.
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FAQ: Solid hemisphere center of mass in spherical coordinates

1. What is the formula for calculating the center of mass of a solid hemisphere in spherical coordinates?

In spherical coordinates, the center of mass of a solid hemisphere can be calculated using the formula:

xcm = 0

ycm = 0

zcm = (3R/8)(1-cosθ)

Where R is the radius of the hemisphere and θ is the angle measured from the positive z-axis to the point of interest on the surface of the hemisphere.

2. How does the center of mass of a solid hemisphere change with varying radius?

The center of mass of a solid hemisphere is directly proportional to the radius. This means that as the radius increases, the center of mass also moves further away from the origin.

3. What is the physical significance of the center of mass in a solid hemisphere?

The center of mass represents the point where the mass of the solid hemisphere can be considered to be concentrated. It is a useful concept in mechanics and physics as it simplifies calculations involving the motion or stability of objects.

4. Can the center of mass of a solid hemisphere be located outside of the hemisphere?

No, the center of mass of a solid hemisphere will always lie within the hemisphere itself. This is because the mass of the hemisphere is distributed symmetrically around the center, making it impossible for the center of mass to be located outside of it.

5. How does the center of mass of a solid hemisphere compare to that of a hollow hemisphere?

In a solid hemisphere, the center of mass will always be located at the center of the hemisphere. However, in a hollow hemisphere, the center of mass will be located slightly closer to the open side of the hemisphere due to the uneven distribution of mass.
