Solid sphere rolling down a house roof.... angular speed

In summary, a solid sphere of radius 16cm and mass 10kg rolls without slipping down a house roof with an inclination of 43 degrees, starting from rest and traveling a distance of 9m. The angular speed about its center as it leaves the roof is 100.5 rad/s, and the horizontal displacement between the time it leaves the roof and hits the ground is 5.82m. The inertia of the sphere was calculated to be 0.1024 kg*m^2, but was not used in the solution. The equation for torque (τ = Iα) was also not used.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A solid sphere of radius 16cm and mass 10kg starts from rest and rolls without slipping a distance of 9m down a house roof that is inclined at 43 degrees.

What is the angular speed about its center as it leaves the house roof?

The height of the outside wall of the house is 6m. What is the horizontal displacement of the sphere between the time in which it leaves the roof and the time at which it hits the ground?

Homework Equations

Torque=Inertia*Angular Acceleration (?)

Inertia of a solid sphere =0.4*m*r^2

I'm not really sure.. but:


The Attempt at a Solution

Inertia of the sphere.. incase I need it?
I=0.4*10kg*0.16m^2= 0.1024 kg*m^2

Viy= 0m/s
Vfy= ?
Ay= -9.8m/s^2
delta y= 9sin43= -6.1379m (vertical displacement)

Then I tried to calculate for the final vertical velocity (before it rolls off the roof)

Vfy= sqrt(2*-9.8m/s^2*-6.1379m)

Vfy= 10.968 m/s

Then I tried to calculate for the final velocity before the ball rolls off the roof:
Vf= 10.968/sin43 = 16.0821

Then I tried to convert it to angular velocity:
ω=16.0821m/s / 0.16m = 100.5 rad/sI know this is incorrect, but I'm unsure as to where I went wrong. I'm trying to solve the problem without using work/energy, as my teacher hasn't yet covered those topics. If someone could point me in the right direction it would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks :)
Physics news on
  • #2

Did you make a sketch of the various forces that accelerate/slow down the ball ?
shmoop said:
Ay= -9.8m/s^2
No. See your drawing. And use subscripts.
shmoop said:
rolls without slipping
Where do you use that ?
Where do you use ##\tau = I\alpha## ?
shmoop said:
Who is ady ? Use only variables you have explained. Don't use A and a to denote the same variable.
  • #3
Basic hint: sum of kinetic energies due to distance traveled by the c.g. plus rotational kinetic energy = total loss of potential energy.

FAQ: Solid sphere rolling down a house roof.... angular speed


What is the relationship between the angle of the roof and the angular speed of the solid sphere?

The angle of the roof and the angular speed of the solid sphere are directly proportional. This means that as the angle of the roof increases, the angular speed of the sphere rolling down the roof also increases.


How does the mass of the solid sphere affect its angular speed?

The mass of the solid sphere does not affect its angular speed. The angular speed is only dependent on the angle of the roof and the radius of the sphere.


Is the angular speed of the solid sphere constant throughout its motion down the roof?

No, the angular speed of the solid sphere is not constant throughout its motion down the roof. It increases as the sphere gains momentum and decreases as it reaches the bottom of the roof.


What is the relationship between the radius of the solid sphere and its angular speed?

The radius of the solid sphere is directly proportional to its angular speed. A larger radius will result in a higher angular speed and a smaller radius will result in a lower angular speed.


How does friction affect the angular speed of the solid sphere rolling down the roof?

Friction can affect the angular speed of the solid sphere by slowing it down as it travels down the roof. This is due to the force of friction acting in the opposite direction of the sphere's motion, causing it to lose some of its kinetic energy.
