Solid-State and molecular physics; allowed energy states

In summary: Bohr radius.In summary, when two objects move under the influence of their mutual force alone, we can treat the relative motion as a one-particle system of mass μ=m1m2/(m1+m2). An object of mass m2 and charge -e orbits an object of mass m1 and charge +Ze. By appropriate substitutions into formulas given in the chapter, we can show that a) the allowed energies are : (Z2μ/m)E1/n2, where E1 is the hydrogen ground state, and b) the "bohr radius" for this system is (m/Zμ)a0, where a0 is the hydrogen Bohr radius.
  • #1
When two objects move under the influence of their mutual force alone, we can treat the relative motion as a one-particle system of mass μ=m1m2/(m1+m2). An object of mass m2and charge -e orbits an object of mass m1 and charge +Ze. By appropriate substitutions into formulas given in the chapter, show that a) the allowed energies are : (Z2μ/m)E1/n2, where E1 is the hydrogen ground state, and b) the "bohr radius" for this system is (m/Zμ)a0, where a0 is the hyrogen bohr radius

Homework Equations

En= -me4/2(4πε0)2hbar2(1/n2); n=1,2,3...


Lz=mLhbar ; mL=...-2,-1,0,1,2,...

-hbar2/2m(∇2ψ(r) + U(r)ψ(r)= Eψ(r)

U(r)= -1/(4πε0)(Ze)(e)/r ---->
En= - me4Z2/2(4πε0)2hbar2*(1/n2)

NOTE: hbar= plancs constant divided by 2 pi.

The Attempt at a Solution

Im at a standstill just starting this problem, i know its a long shot asking for help. But if anyone looks at this and has an idea it would be greatly appreciated. Just looking and playing around with substitution i did not get anything close... even some insight or ideas would be great thanks.
Physics news on
  • #2

Thank you for your post. I can help you with this problem. Let's start by looking at the given equation for the allowed energies: En= - me4Z2/2(4πε0)2hbar2*(1/n2). We can see that this equation is similar to the equation for the hydrogen ground state energy, except for the Z2 term. This suggests that Z2 is related to the charge of the orbiting object, -e, and the charge of the central object, +Ze.

Now let's look at the Bohr radius equation: a0=4πε0hbar2/(me2). Again, we can see that this equation is similar to the hydrogen Bohr radius equation, except for the substitution of μ for m. This suggests that μ is related to the masses of the two objects, m1 and m2.

To show that the allowed energies are (Z2μ/m)E1/n2, we can substitute the given values for Z, μ, and m into the hydrogen ground state energy equation. We get:

En= - me4Z2/2(4πε0)2hbar2*(1/n2)

= - (m1m2)4(-e)2/2(4πε0)2hbar2*(1/n2)

= (m1m2)(-e)2/2(4πε0)2hbar2*(1/n2)

= (Z2μ/m)E1/n2

For the "Bohr radius" equation, we can substitute the given values for μ and m into the hydrogen Bohr radius equation. We get:


= 4πε0hbar2/((m1m2)2e2)

= (m1m2)2/(4πε0hbar2e2)

= (m1m2)2/((4πε0hbar2)(-e)2)

= (m1m2)2/(4πε0hbar2)(Ze)(e2)

= (m1m2)/(4πε0hbar2)(Ze)

= (m/Zμ)a0

Therefore, the "Bohr radius" for this system is (m/Zμ)a0, where a0 is

FAQ: Solid-State and molecular physics; allowed energy states

1. What is solid-state physics?

Solid-state physics is a branch of physics that focuses on the physical properties of solid materials. It deals with the study of the behavior of electrons, atoms, and molecules in solids, as well as the interaction between these particles.

2. How do energy states in solids differ from those in molecules?

In solids, the energy states are closely packed and form a continuous band of energy levels, while in molecules, the energy states are more discrete and can be separated by larger energy gaps.

3. What are allowed energy states in solid-state and molecular physics?

Allowed energy states refer to the energy levels that an electron, atom, or molecule can occupy within a solid or a molecule. These states are determined by the physical properties of the material and the quantum mechanical principles that govern them.

4. Can energy states in solids and molecules be manipulated?

Yes, energy states in solids and molecules can be manipulated through various methods, such as applying external electric or magnetic fields, changing the temperature, or altering the composition of the material. These manipulations can lead to changes in the material's properties and behavior.

5. How do allowed energy states affect the properties of a material?

The allowed energy states have a direct impact on the physical and chemical properties of a material. They determine the material's electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, optical properties, and many other characteristics. The distribution and occupation of energy states also affect the material's stability, reactivity, and phase transitions.
