Solid State physics, studying for a re-exam

Keep up the good work and don't hesitate to ask for further clarification or help.In summary, for a solid state physics course, I have gone through all the material and have three unsolved questions. The first question involves the nearly free approximation and the Fermi surface for one and two electrons per site, which results in a metal and an insulator respectively. For the second question, the speed of sound in diamond can be estimated using the formula v = √(E/ρ) and the specific heat capacity can be found using the Debye specific heat formula. For the third question, the London and Maxwell equations can be used to find the current density and magnetic induction at different distances from the wire surface. I hope this
  • #1
I have gone trough all the material for a solid state physics course I had earlier this exam, and there are three question I actually can't solve, even with all the lecture notes. Here they are:

1. An electron of mass m moves in a square lattice, spacing a. The nearly free approximation applies.
a) With one electron per site in the crystal, draw the Fermi surface on the kx-ky plane. Is this a metal or an insulator?
b) With two electrons per site, draw the Fermi surface. Is this a metal or insulator?

Comment: This is a theory question, which I am not that good at. So I haven't thought about a solution to this one, but I will try to check the course literature once more and ask about it here.

2. The Debye temperature Od pf diamond is Od=1860K, mass density is 3.5g/cm³. Using these data to:
a) Estimate the velocety of sound in diamond.
b) Find the specific heat capacity at temperature T=100K

Comment: I solved the b part of the problem by simply using the Debye T³ law (which you can use when T<<Od) but I have searched for a formula of the a) part and haven't found one

3. Considera cylindric wire of radius R= 1mm made oif a superconductor with the London penetration depth L = 100 nm. The wire carries electric current I =100 Amp. Find the distribution of the current density j(p) and the magnetic induction B(p) in the wire. Calculate the j and the B at (a) 50nm and /b) 500 nm beneath the wire surface.
Hint the current density j is parallel to the wire axis, and B has the only azimuthal component. Use the London and Maxwell equation to find the induction and the current density since R>>L, the curvature of the cylinder surface can be neglected.

Comment: none
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your questions with us. As a scientist in the field of solid state physics, I would be happy to provide some guidance and potential solutions to your questions.

1. For the first question, the nearly free approximation assumes that the periodic potential of the lattice is weak enough that the electron's wavefunction can still be approximated as a plane wave. With one electron per site, the Fermi surface would be a square with corners at (±π/a,±π/a). This would result in a metal, as there are still available states at the Fermi level for electrons to occupy. With two electrons per site, the Fermi surface would be a smaller square with corners at (±π/2a,±π/2a). This would result in an insulator, as all available states at the Fermi level are filled.

2. For the first part, you can use the formula for the speed of sound in a solid: v = √(E/ρ), where E is the Young's modulus and ρ is the mass density. For diamond, E = 1.22 x 10^12 N/m^2 (from the literature) and ρ = 3500 kg/m^3. Plugging these values in, you can estimate the velocity of sound in diamond. For the second part, you can use the Debye specific heat formula: C = (12π^4/5)R(3/4)(T/θD)^3, where R is the gas constant and θD is the Debye temperature. Plugging in the given values and T = 100K, you can find the specific heat capacity.

3. For this problem, you can use the London and Maxwell equations to find the current density and magnetic induction. Since R>>L, we can neglect the curvature of the cylinder surface and assume a uniform current density along the wire axis. At a distance p from the center of the wire, the current density can be calculated using the London equation: j(p) = I/(πR^2)e^(-p/L). Similarly, the magnetic induction can be calculated using the Maxwell equation: B(p) = μ0j(p)/2, where μ0 is the permeability of free space. Plugging in the given values, you can find the current density and magnetic induction at different distances from the wire surface.

I hope this helps you in

FAQ: Solid State physics, studying for a re-exam

1. What is solid state physics?

Solid state physics is a branch of physics that studies the physical properties of solid objects, such as crystals and amorphous materials. It focuses on the behavior of electrons, atoms, and molecules in solids, and how they interact to give rise to various properties.

2. What topics are typically covered in a solid state physics re-exam?

A solid state physics re-exam may cover topics such as crystal structure, lattice dynamics, electronic band structure, magnetism, and semiconductor physics. It may also include specific theories and models, such as the Drude model, the band theory of solids, and the Ising model.

3. How can I prepare effectively for a solid state physics re-exam?

To prepare for a solid state physics re-exam, it is important to review your class notes and textbook readings thoroughly. Practice solving problems and working through examples to strengthen your understanding of the material. It may also be helpful to form study groups with classmates and discuss challenging topics together.

4. Are there any helpful resources for studying solid state physics for a re-exam?

There are many helpful resources available for studying solid state physics, such as online lecture videos, practice problems and solutions, and study guides. Your professor or university may also offer review sessions or extra help sessions to assist with studying for a re-exam.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when studying for a solid state physics re-exam?

Some common mistakes to avoid when studying for a solid state physics re-exam include focusing too much on memorization rather than understanding the underlying concepts, not starting early enough, and not seeking help when needed. It is also important to take breaks and not overload yourself with too much studying at once.

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