Solubility & Acids: HIn, In, pH, pOH, Ksp, Ka, pH Value

In summary: Acidity is measured in pH, and pOH is the negative logarithm of the pH. Importance of [HIn] and [In][HIn] and [In] are important because they are concentrations of H and OH. They are used to determine the acidity of a solution or to calculate the pH of a solution. [In] and [In] are also important because they are the concentrations of H and OH when the pH is in the range of 7-14. Above 14, the concentrations of H and OH are too high and can cause problems.
  • #1
what does [HIn] and [In] stand for? what are the importance of them? are they the concentrations of H and OH? or pH and pOH?

another Q: the compound Ag2S has solubility of 1.3 * 10^-4M at 25 degrees celsius. what is the ksp? i tried using the ICE table, but the answer i got was wrong. the correct answer is 8.8 * 10^-12 but i have no idea how to get that answer..

also, would u look at the Ka of an acid to find the highest pH value? the Q asks: the 1.0M acidic solution with highest pH value is...
-H3BO3 << that's the correct answer, but i thought it would be HNO3 as it has a higher Ka value and is a stronger pH..

-how does pH relate to Ka, temperature and the strength of an acid?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
another Q: the compound Ag2S has solubility of 1.3 * 10^-4M at 25 degrees celsius. what is the ksp? i tried using the ICE table, but the answer i got was wrong. the correct answer is 8.8 * 10^-12 but i have no idea how to get that answer..

start out by writing the ksp equation for us, that way you get to show some work

also, would u look at the Ka of an acid to find the highest pH value? the Q asks: the 1.0M acidic solution with highest pH value is...

H3BO3 has three protons, consider ka1, ka2, ka3

-how does pH relate to Ka, temperature and the strength of an acid?
this is a pretty general question you should be able to find explicit answers by reading your text.
  • #3
what does [HIn] and [In] stand for?

In pH context In usually stands for Indicator - and HIn is its protonated form. Both forms differ in color (that's why indicator is... indicator).

FAQ: Solubility & Acids: HIn, In, pH, pOH, Ksp, Ka, pH Value

1. What is solubility and how does it relate to acids?

Solubility is the measure of how much of a substance (known as the solute) can dissolve in a given amount of another substance (known as the solvent) at a specific temperature and pressure. In the case of acids, solubility is important because it determines how much of the acid will dissociate into its ions in a solution.

2. What is the difference between HIn and In in acid-base chemistry?

HIn and In both refer to the conjugate acid and base forms of an indicator, respectively. HIn is the protonated form of the indicator and is present in acidic solutions, while In is the deprotonated form and is present in basic solutions. The ratio of HIn to In is what allows indicators to change color at a specific pH.

3. How do pH and pOH relate to each other?

pH and pOH are two ways of measuring the acidity or basicity of a solution. pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution, while pOH is a measure of the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) in a solution. The two are related by the equation pH + pOH = 14, meaning that as one increases, the other decreases.

4. What is Ksp and how is it used to determine the solubility of a compound?

Ksp, or the solubility product constant, is a measure of the equilibrium between a solid substance and its ions in a solution. It is used to calculate the maximum amount of a substance that can dissolve in a solution before reaching saturation, and can also be used to predict the formation of precipitates.

5. What is Ka and how does it relate to the pH value of an acid?

Ka, or the acid dissociation constant, is a measure of the strength of an acid in a solution. It is used to calculate the equilibrium concentration of H+ ions, which is directly related to the pH value of the solution. A larger Ka value indicates a stronger acid and a lower pH value.
