Solution: Is a retraction a quotient map?

  • MHB
  • Thread starter Chris L T521
  • Start date
In summary, a retraction in topology is a continuous function that maps a space onto a subspace, where the subspace is a deformation retract of the original space. It differs from a quotient map in that it maps onto a subset of the original space, while a quotient map maps onto a different space entirely. The significance of a retraction being a quotient map is that it allows for certain properties and structures to be preserved. However, not all retractions can be considered quotient maps, only those where the subspace being mapped onto is a deformation retract of the original space. To prove that a retraction is a quotient map, one must show that there is a homotopy between the identity map on the subspace and the composition of
  • #1
Chris L T521
Gold Member
Here's this week's problem! Sorry about the delay!


: If $A\subset X$, a retraction of $X$ onto $A$ is a continuous map $r:X\rightarrow A$ such that $r(a)=a$ for each $a\in A$. Show that a retraction is a quotient map.


Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
I had an emergency to tend to the last couple days, so sorry for the delay in posting the solution!

This week's problem was correctly answered by Deveno. You can find his solution below.

[sp]I will assume that the subspace (or relative) topology on $A$ is what is intended in this problem.

Note that the subspace topology on $A$ automatically makes the function:

$i:A \to X$ given by $i(a) = a$, for all $a \in A$ continuous. Hence:

$r \circ i: A \to A$ is continuous, being the composition of 2 continuous maps. In fact: $(r\circ i)(a) = r(i(a)) = r(a) = a$, so $r \circ i = 1_A$.

Now $r$ is clearly a surjection, since any $a \in A$ is in its own pre-image.

Now suppose $U \subseteq A$ is such that $r^{-1}(U)$ is open in $X$.

Since $i$ is continuous, $i^{-1}(r^{-1}(U))$ is open in $A$.

But $i^{-1}(r^{-1}(U)) = (r \circ i)^{-1}(U) = (1_A)^{-1}(U) = U$.

Hence $U$ is open in $A$, that is, $r$ is a quotient map.[/sp]

FAQ: Solution: Is a retraction a quotient map?

1. What is a retraction in topology?

A retraction in topology is a continuous function that maps a space onto a subspace, such that the subspace is a deformation retract of the original space. This means that the subspace can be continuously deformed onto itself within the larger space.

2. How is a retraction different from a quotient map?

A retraction and a quotient map are both types of continuous functions in topology. The main difference is that a retraction maps a space onto a subspace, while a quotient map maps a space onto a quotient space. In other words, a retraction maps onto a subset of the original space, while a quotient map maps onto a different space entirely.

3. What is the significance of a retraction being a quotient map?

A retraction being a quotient map is significant because it means that the subspace being mapped onto is actually a quotient space of the original space. This allows for certain properties and structures to be preserved, making it a useful tool in topology.

4. Can a retraction always be considered a quotient map?

No, a retraction cannot always be considered a quotient map. While a retraction being a quotient map is significant, it is not always the case. A retraction can be a quotient map if and only if the subspace being mapped onto is a deformation retract of the original space.

5. How do you prove that a retraction is a quotient map?

To prove that a retraction is a quotient map, you need to show that the subspace being mapped onto is a deformation retract of the original space. This can be done by finding a homotopy between the identity map on the subspace and the composition of the retraction and quotient map.
