Solution of Separable Equation, Plotting Graph, Interval Estimation

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  • Thread starter shamieh
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In summary: So, you can plug in x=1, but you just need to keep in mind that \ln(1) is equal to zero.In summary, we have a given initial value problem of \frac{dr}{dx}=\frac{r^2}{x} with the initial condition of r(1)=2. After separating variables and integrating both sides, we get the solution r=\frac{2}{1-\ln(x^2)}. Using definite integrals and the initial condition, we can also arrive at this solution. It is important to note that we can plug in x=1 despite the presence of ln(1), since ln(1) equals zero. The solution is defined for all x values except when
  • #1
(a) Find the solution of the given initial value problem in explicit form.
(b) Plot the graph of the solution
(c) Determine (at least approximately) the interval in which the solution is defined

\(\displaystyle \frac{dr}{dx} =\frac{r^2}{x} \) and \(\displaystyle r(1) = 2\)

I'm kind of confused..How do I start this problem?
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  • #2
Well, the first thing you want to do is separate the variables:

\(\displaystyle \frac{1}{r^2}\,dr=\frac{1}{x}\,dx\)

Notice we just lost the trivial solution \(\displaystyle r\equiv0\), however we know this cannot be the solution to the IVP given the initial condition.

So, integrate both sides...what do you get?
  • #3
\(\displaystyle -\frac{1}{r} = ln(x) + C\)

now do I need to plug in r(1) = 2?
  • #4
shamieh said:
\(\displaystyle -\frac{1}{r} = ln(x) + C\)

now do I need to plug in r(1) = 2?

Yes, you could do that now, or you could solve for $r$ first...your choice. Another way to integrate is to use definite integrals along with your boundary conditions as the limits and change the dummy variables:

\(\displaystyle \int_2^r \frac{1}{u^2}\,du=\int_1^x\frac{1}{v}\,dv\)

\(\displaystyle \left[-\frac{1}{u}\right]_2^r=\left[\ln|v|\right]_1^x\)

\(\displaystyle \frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{r}=\ln|x|\)

\(\displaystyle \frac{1}{r}=\frac{1}{2}-\ln|x|=\frac{1-\ln\left(x^2\right)}{2}\)

\(\displaystyle r=\frac{2}{1-\ln\left(x^2\right)}\)
  • #5
I wanted to elaborate a little about the equivalence of using either indefinite integrals and then using the initial conditions to determine the constant of integration or using definite integrals and the boundaries as the limits of integration.

Suppose you have the initial value problem (IVP):

\(\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx}=f(x)\) where \(\displaystyle y\left(x_0\right)=y_0\)

Now, separating variables and using indefinite integrals, we may write:

\(\displaystyle \int\,dy=\int f(x)\,dx\)

And upon integrating, we find

\(\displaystyle y(x)=F(x)+C\) where \(\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}\left(F(x) \right)=f(x)\)

Using the initial condition, we get

\(\displaystyle y\left(x_0 \right)=F\left(x_0 \right)+C\)

Solving for $C$ and using \(\displaystyle y\left(x_0\right)=y_0\), we obtain:

\(\displaystyle C=y_0-F\left(x_0 \right)\) thus:

\(\displaystyle y(x)=F(x)+y_0-F\left(x_0 \right)\)

which we may rewrite as:

\(\displaystyle y(x)-y_0=F(x)-F\left(x_0 \right)\)

Now, we may rewrite this, using the anti-derivative form of the fundamental theorem of calculus, as:

\(\displaystyle \int_{y_0}^{y(x)}\,dy=\int_{x_0}^{x}f(x)\,dx\)

Now, since the variable of integration gets integrated out, it is therefore considered a "dummy variable" and since it is considered good form not to use the same variable in the boundaries as we use for integration, we may switch these dummy variables and write:

\(\displaystyle \int_{y_0}^{y(x)}\,du=\int_{x_0}^{x}f(v)\,dv\)

This demonstrates that the two methods are equivalent.

Using the boundaries (the initial and final values) in the limits of integration eliminates the need to solve for the constant of integration, and I find it a more intuitive and cleaner approach to separable initial value problems.
  • #6
\(\displaystyle -1/r = ln(x) + c\)

is going to turn into \(\displaystyle r = \frac{-1}{ln(x)+c}\) right?
  • #7
shamieh said:
\(\displaystyle -1/r = ln(x) + c\)

is going to turn into \(\displaystyle r = \frac{-1}{ln(x)+c}\) right?

Yes, that would be valid (although you want the absolute value of $x$ as the argument for your natural log function). Another approach would be to begin with:

\(\displaystyle -\frac{1}{r}=\ln|x|+C\)

Now multiply both sides by -1, and observe that an arbitrary constant negated is still just an arbitrary constant, so we may write:

\(\displaystyle \frac{1}{r}=C-\ln|x|\)

And so:

\(\displaystyle r=\frac{1}{C-\ln|x|}\)

How you choose to do it though is up to you, as long as you perform legal algebraic steps you will arrive at the correct answer. :D
  • #8
ahh I see...But I can;t plug in the Initial condition r(1) = 2 because if I do then ln(1) is not going to work right? so does x have to be > 1 ?
  • #9
shamieh said:
ahh I see...But I can;t plug in the Initial condition r(1) = 2 because if I do then ln(1) is not going to work right? so does x have to be > 1 ?

You can use $\ln(1)$ since:

\(\displaystyle \ln(1)=0\)

This comes from the fact that:

\(\displaystyle e^0=1\)

FAQ: Solution of Separable Equation, Plotting Graph, Interval Estimation

1. What is a separable equation?

A separable equation is a type of differential equation that can be written in the form dy/dx = f(x)g(y). This means that the equation can be separated into two parts, one containing only x and the other containing only y. This makes it easier to solve the equation by integrating both sides separately.

2. How do you plot a graph for a separable equation?

In order to plot a graph for a separable equation, you will need to first solve the equation by integrating both sides. This will give you a general solution in the form of y = f(x). Then, you can choose different values for x and plug them into the equation to get corresponding values for y. Plot these points on a graph and connect them to create a smooth curve.

3. What is interval estimation?

Interval estimation is a statistical technique used to estimate the range of values within which the true value of a population parameter is likely to fall. It involves calculating a confidence interval, which is a range of values that is likely to contain the true population parameter with a certain level of confidence.

4. How do you calculate an interval estimate?

To calculate an interval estimate, you will need to first determine the confidence level you want to use. This is typically denoted by the symbol (1-α), where α is the level of significance. Then, you will need to calculate the standard error of the sample mean and use it to find the margin of error. Finally, the interval estimate will be given by the sample mean plus or minus the margin of error.

5. What is the purpose of interval estimation?

The purpose of interval estimation is to provide a range of values within which the true population parameter is likely to fall. This allows us to make inferences about the population based on a sample, while also acknowledging the uncertainty that comes with using a sample to estimate a population. It also allows us to compare different groups or populations based on their interval estimates.
