Solution to the wave equation in Rindler coordinates

In summary, the notes in question discuss Rindler coordinates and how they relate to the wave equation. The given solution depends on which region of space-time is being considered, and the solutions in R and L wedges correspond to the general solution over the entire space-time.
  • #1
Wise Owl
I have been reading these notes on Rindler coordinates for an accelerated observer. In Rindler coordinates, the hyperbolic motion of the observer is expressed through the coordinate transformation
$$t=a^{-1}e^{a{{\xi}}}\sinh a{\eta}\\
{}x=a^{-1}e^{a{{\xi}}}\cosh a{\eta}.$$On a space-time diagram, the null light rays act as a horizon for the observer. This is because light sent from outside the observer's "Rindler wedge" can never catch up.

Now let's consider the wave equation. In regular Minkowski space, the equation reads $$\square\,\varphi = \bigg(\frac{{\partial}^2}{{\partial}t^2}-\frac{{\partial}^2}{{\partial}x^2}\bigg)\,\varphi=0$$ with a general solution corresponding to plane waves $$\varphi = e^{\pm ikx-i{\omega}t}.$$ In Rindler coordinates, the wave equation is $$\square\,\varphi = e^{-2a \xi}\bigg(\frac{{\partial}^2}{{\partial}\eta^2}-\frac{{\partial}^2}{{\partial}\xi^2}\bigg)\,\varphi=0$$ Since this equation has the same form of that for Minkowski space, I would expect the solutions to be the same. However, in the notes, the solution depends on what region of space-time is being considered. Specifically, the given solution is (see eqs. (17), (18) )
$$^R\varphi =
e^{ik\xi -i{\omega}{\eta}} & \text{in }R \\
0 & \text{in }L
^L\varphi =
0 & \text{in }R \\
e^{ik\xi +i{\omega}{\eta}} & \text{in }L
$$where $$^R\varphi$$ and $$^L\varphi$$ correspond to the solutions in R and L, the right and left "Rindler wedges", respectively. The sum of these solutions is the general solution to the wave equation over the entire space-time.

My question:

1. Why does the solution need to be broken down into these L and R wedges? Since the wave equation is identical to that for regular Minkowski space, why wouldn't the solution be identical as well?
2. How are the signs chosen for each wedge? For instance, why does the right wedge have $$e^{ik\xi \textbf{-}i{\omega}{\eta}}$$ while the left wedge has $$e^{ik\xi \textbf{+}i{\omega}{\eta}}\,\,?$$
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  • #2
In both cases, you haven't written the general solution, what you've written is a complete set of particular solutions, two different sets in Minkowski and Rindler coordinates. The general solution of the two-dimensional wave equation can be written f(x - t) + g(x + t) where f and g are arbitrary functions. It's easy to show that x - t is a function of ξ - η alone, and x + t is a function of ξ + η alone, so an equivalent form for the general solution is F(ξ - η) + G(ξ + η ). The particular solutions R and L result from making suitable choices for F and G. The value of R and L is that they may be used to expand arbitrary right- and left-going waves.
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Likes vanhees71, strangerep and dextercioby
  • #3
Welcome back to PF, Bill_K. I've definitely missed your valuable contributions here.
  • #4
dextercioby said:
Welcome back to PF, @Bill_K. I've definitely missed your valuable contributions here.

@WannabeNewton cried himself to sleep for a week when you (Bill_K) disappeared. :biggrin:
  • #5
Welcome back Bill_K!
  • #6
Yeah! Welcome back!

FAQ: Solution to the wave equation in Rindler coordinates

1. What is the wave equation in Rindler coordinates?

The wave equation in Rindler coordinates is a mathematical equation used to describe the propagation of waves in a curved spacetime. It is derived from the more general wave equation in a flat spacetime, but takes into account the effects of gravity and acceleration in Rindler spacetime.

2. What is the significance of solving the wave equation in Rindler coordinates?

Solving the wave equation in Rindler coordinates allows us to better understand the behavior of waves in a curved spacetime, which is important for many areas of physics, including general relativity and cosmology. It also has practical applications in fields such as astrophysics and gravitational wave detection.

3. How is the solution to the wave equation in Rindler coordinates derived?

The solution to the wave equation in Rindler coordinates is derived using mathematical techniques such as separation of variables and Fourier transforms. The resulting solution is a complex function that describes the amplitude and phase of the wave at every point in spacetime.

4. Can the solution to the wave equation in Rindler coordinates be applied to other coordinate systems?

Yes, the solution to the wave equation in Rindler coordinates can be transformed and applied to other coordinate systems. This allows us to study the behavior of waves in different spacetime geometries, providing a deeper understanding of the underlying physics.

5. Are there any limitations to the solution of the wave equation in Rindler coordinates?

Like any mathematical model, the solution to the wave equation in Rindler coordinates has its limitations. It is most accurate in regions of spacetime that are close to flat, and may not accurately describe the behavior of waves in highly curved regions such as near black holes. Additionally, it only applies to waves that are described by the wave equation, and may not be applicable to other types of waves.

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