Solutions of the schrödinger eq. for a potential step

In summary, the conversation discusses the derivation of the wave function for a free particle using the Schrödinger equation. The general solution for the interval I is given as ##\psi_I = C \sin(\mathcal L x) + D \cos (\mathcal L x)## where ##\mathcal L \equiv \sqrt{2mW/\hbar^2}##. However, the solution used in most books is ##\psi_I = C e^{i\mathcal L x} + D e^{-i \mathcal L x}##, which lacks an imaginary ##i## and has a different definition for ##\mathcal L##. The conversation then discusses the use of Euler's formula to
  • #1
Lets say we have a potential step as in the picture:


In the region I there is a free particle with a wavefunction ##\psi_I## while in the region II the wave function will be ##\psi_{II}##. Let me now take the Schrödinger equation and try to derive ##\psi_I## which bugs me:

&~~W \psi = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\, \frac{d^2 \Psi}{d\, x^2} + W_p \psi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nonumber \\
&~~W \psi = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\, \frac{d^2 \Psi}{d\, x^2}\nonumber \\
&\frac{d^2 \Psi}{d\, x^2} = -\frac{2m W}{\hbar^2}\,\psi \nonumber\\
{\scriptsize \text{DE: }} &\boxed{\frac{d^2 \Psi}{d\, x^2} = -\mathcal L\,\psi}~\boxed{\mathcal{L} \equiv \sqrt{\tfrac{2mW}{\hbar^2}}} \nonumber\\
&~\phantom{\line(1,0){18.3}}\Downarrow \nonumber\\
{\scriptsize \text{general solution of DE: }} &\boxed{\psi_{I} = C \sin\left(\mathcal{L}\, x \right) + D \cos \left(\mathcal{L}\, x \right)}\nonumber

I got the general solution for the interval I, but this is nothing like the solution they use in all the books: ##\psi_{I} = C e^{i\mathcal L x} + D e^{-i \mathcal L x}## where ##\mathcal L \equiv \sqrt{{\scriptsize 2mW/\hbar^2}}##. I have a personal issue with this because if ##x= -\infty## part ##De^{-i \mathcal L x}## would become infinite and this is impossible for a wavefunction! I know that i would get exponential form if i defined constant ##\mathcal L## a bit differently as i did above:

{\scriptsize \text{DE: }} &\boxed{\frac{d^2 \Psi}{d\, x^2} = \mathcal L\,\psi}~\boxed{\mathcal{L} \equiv -\sqrt{\tfrac{2mW}{\hbar^2}}} \nonumber\\
&~\phantom{\line(1,0){18.3}}\Downarrow \nonumber\\
{\scriptsize \text{general solution of DE: }} &\boxed{ \psi_{I} = C e^{\mathcal L x } + D^{-\mathcal L x} }\nonumber

This general solution looks more like the one they use in the books but it lacks an imaginary ##i## and ##\mathcal L## is defined with a - while in all the books it is positive. Could anyone tell me what am i missing here so i could connect all this into a solid one piece of knowledge?
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  • #2
71GA said:
I have a personal issue with this because if ##x= -\infty## part ##De^{-i \mathcal L x}## would become infinite and this is impossible for a wavefunction! I know that i would get exponential form if i defined constant ##\mathcal L## a bit differently as i did above:
The problem is here :
[itex]lim_{x-> \infty} e^{icx} \neq \infty[/itex]
Use the fact that:
  • #3
bp_psy said:
The problem is here :
$$lim_{x-> \infty} e^{icx} \neq \infty$$
Use the fact that:

That is eulers formula i know and i can ALMOST derive the connection between the example used in books: ##\scriptsize \psi_I = Ce^{i\mathcal L x} + De^{-i \mathcal L x}## and the first general solution to the DE: ##\scriptsize \psi_I = C\cos (\mathcal L x) + D \sin (\mathcal L x)##.

Here it goes:

\underbrace{Ae^{i\mathcal L x} + B e^{-i \mathcal L x}}_{{\scriptsize \text{used in the books}}} = A \cos(\mathcal L x) +A i \sin (\mathcal L x) + B \cos(\mathcal L x) - B i \sin(\mathcal L x) = \underbrace{(A+B)}_{\equiv C} \cos(\mathcal L x) + \underbrace{(A-B)}_{\equiv D} i \sin (\mathcal L x) \neq \underbrace{C\cos (\mathcal L x) + D \sin (\mathcal L x)}_{{\scriptsize \text{solution to the DE}}}

I can notice that the function used in books is NOT equal to the solution to the DE. It is diffrent for an imaginary number ##i##... Here is allso one small snippet from Griffith where he doesn't use ##i##. Take a closer look to the eq. 2.149. I am sorry for posting a snippet, i can remove it if necessary. So my question is why or how does ##i## dissapear?

  • #4
You are right except that D=(A-B)i, the i is included there and the two forms of the solution are equivalent.
  • #5
The constants don't have to be real.
  • #6
71GA said:
I got the general solution for the interval I, but this is nothing like the solution they use in all the books: ##\psi_{I} = C e^{i\mathcal L x} + D e^{-i \mathcal L x}## where ##\mathcal L \equiv \sqrt{{\scriptsize 2mW/\hbar^2}}##.

Eulers formula.
  • #7
So if i conclude all this (and please correct me if i am in any way wrong). I have a schrödinger equation which for a free particle can be rearanged like this:
\frac{d^2 \Psi}{d\, x^2} = -\frac{2m W}{\hbar^2}\,\psi
This is ofcourse a differential equation whose general solutions depend on how we define the constant ##\mathcal L##.
\mathcal L \equiv \sqrt{\frac{2mW}{\hbar^2}} \Longrightarrow \underbrace{\psi = C \sin(\mathcal L x) + D \cos (\mathcal L x)}_{\text{1st general solution where $\mathcal L$ is real}}~~~~~~~~\mathcal L \equiv \sqrt{-\frac{2mW}{\hbar^2}} \Longrightarrow \!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\underbrace{\psi = C e^{\mathcal L x} + D e^{\mathcal L x}}_{\text{2nd general solution where $\mathcal L$ is complex}}
We choose 1st solution which has real ##\mathcal L## and a complex constant ##D## (which can be seen from):
\!\!\underbrace{A}_{\text{real}}\!e^{i\mathcal L x} + \!\!\underbrace{B}_{\text{real}}\! e^{-i \mathcal L x}= A \cos(\mathcal L x) +A i \sin (\mathcal L x) + B \cos(\mathcal L x) - B i \sin(\mathcal L x) = \underbrace{(A+B)}_{\equiv C} \cos(\mathcal L x) + \underbrace{(A-B)\,i}_{\equiv D} \sin (\mathcal L x) = C\cos (\mathcal L x) + \!\!\!\!\underbrace{D}_{{\scriptsize \text{complex}}}\!\!\! \sin (\mathcal L x)
From above equation it can be seen that i can write ##\psi = C \sin(\mathcal L x) + D \cos (\mathcal L x)## in a form ##Ae^{i\mathcal L x} + Be^{-i \mathcal L x}## where ##A## and ##B## are real and ##\mathcal L## is also real ##{\scriptsize \mathcal L \equiv \sqrt{2mW/\hbar^2}}##. Please correct me if i am wrong or confirm my assumptions.
  • #8
Neither constant are (C,D) necessarily real or complex they are determined by your boundary conditions.
The usual argument in a ODE class is that a second order ODE with a characteristic equation with complex roots we have:
as solutions. Then by superposition we can get two other solutions

[itex]u(x)=f(x)+g(x)=e^ax(e^{ibx}+e^{-ibx})=2e^{ax} cos(bx)[/itex]
[itex]v(x)=f(x)-g(x)=e^ax(e^{ibx}+e^{-ibx})=2i e^{ax} sin(bx)[/itex]
Since the a solution multiplied by a real or complex constant is still a solution we can ignore the constants,we get the two solutions
[itex]u(x)=e^{ax} cos(bx)[/itex]
[itex]v(x)= e^{ax} sin(bx)[/itex]
Then the general solution by superposition will be :
[itex]v(x)=A e^{ax} cos(bx) +Be^{ax}sin(bx)[/itex] where A and B are two constants set by your boundary conditions.
For physics it is usually better to work with the complex exponential form because the integrals are usually more simple.
  • #9
Thank you. This solved my issue.

FAQ: Solutions of the schrödinger eq. for a potential step

1. What is the Schrödinger equation?

The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes how a quantum system changes over time. It is a differential equation that relates the wave function of a quantum system to its energy.

2. What is a potential step in the context of the Schrödinger equation?

A potential step is a sudden change in the potential energy of a quantum system. This can be represented as a step function in the Schrödinger equation and can have significant effects on the behavior of the system.

3. How is the Schrödinger equation solved for a potential step?

The Schrödinger equation for a potential step can be solved by breaking it into two parts: the region before the step and the region after the step. In each region, the wave function can be expressed as a combination of incoming and outgoing waves, and the boundary conditions at the step can be used to determine the coefficients of these waves.

4. What are the consequences of a potential step on a quantum system?

A potential step can cause reflection and transmission of the wave function, depending on the energy of the system and the height of the step. It can also lead to the formation of standing waves and can affect the probability of finding the particle in a certain region.

5. Can the Schrödinger equation be used to model real-world systems?

Yes, the Schrödinger equation is a fundamental tool in quantum mechanics and has been successfully used to describe the behavior of various physical systems, such as atoms, molecules, and solid materials. However, it is important to note that the predictions of the Schrödinger equation may not always match with experimental observations, and it is an ongoing area of research to better understand and improve its application to real-world systems.
