Solutions to equations of motion for free scalar field

In summary: This solution satisfies the equations of motion $\partial^2\Phi = 0$ and $\partial^2\bar{\Phi} = 0$ as well as the identification $\Phi \equiv \Phi + 2\pi R$. However, it is unclear how this solution can be split into a holomorphic and antiholomorphic part, as it seems to only have an antiholomorphic part to begin with. There may be some mistake in the calculations or in the understanding of the problem.
  • #1
I hope this fits this section. This doesn't all fit into the title, but this comes from a homework on conformal field theory, and I am slightly stumped on it. I just can't seem to get anything sensible out of it at the end, but it may be because I've just done something wrong (even though I've calculated it several times, or that I just don't understand the question correctly.

Homework Statement

We have a 2D field theory defined by the action:

[tex] S = \frac{1}{2\pi\alpha'} \int d^2z \partial\bar{\Phi}\partial\Phi [/tex]

where [itex]\partial = \frac{d}{dz}[/itex] is the holomorhpic derivative. We also have the identification:

[tex] \Phi \equiv \Phi + 2\pi R [/tex] (1)

Note that [itex] \Phi(z,\bar{z}) [/itex], where [itex]z[/itex] and [itex]\bar{z}[/itex] are treated as independent variables.

a) Find a general classical solution for [itex]\Phi[/itex] using the complex coordi-
nates [itex]z[/itex] and [itex]\bar{z}[/itex] that is consistent with (1).

Homework Equations

The variation of the action should be 0:

[tex] \delta S = 0 [/tex]

If [itex]\Phi(\bar{z})[/itex] is real-valued on its restriction to the real numbers, then

[tex]\Phi(\bar{z}) = \bar{\Phi}(z) [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

My attempt at a solution first of all finds the equations of motion for [itex]\Phi(z,\bar{z})[/itex] using that the variation of the action should be 0:

[tex] 0 = \delta S = \frac{1}{2\pi\alpha'} \int d^2z \delta(\partial\bar{\Phi}\partial\Phi) = \frac{1}{2\pi\alpha'} \int d^2z (\partial(\delta\bar{\Phi})\partial\Phi + \partial\bar{\Phi}\partial(\delta\Phi)) [/tex]

Then using partial integration, and realizing that the boundary terms are zero due to the definition of the variation, one gets:

[tex] \frac{1}{2\pi\alpha'} \int d^2z (\delta\bar{\Phi}\partial^2\Phi + \partial^2\bar{\Phi}\delta\Phi) = 0 [/tex]

From which follows that we get the equations of motion [itex]\partial^2\Phi = 0[/itex] (2) and [itex] \partial^2 \bar{\Phi} = 0 [/itex] (3). Solving (2) by integrating twice, we get (note that integration constants depend on [itex]\bar{z}[/itex]:

[tex] \Phi(z,\bar{z}) = z\alpha(\bar{z}) + \beta(\bar{z}) [/tex] (4)

and then we must have:

[tex] \bar{\Phi} = \bar{z}\bar{\alpha}(z) + \bar{\beta}(z) [/tex]

Now, here comes my problems. Using (3), we get:

[tex] \partial^2 \bar{\Phi} = \partial^2(\bar{z}\bar{\alpha}(z) + \bar{\beta}(z)) =0 [/tex]

Which once again after integrating twice gives a similar expression (the constants are just complex constants in ℂ this time):

[tex] \bar{z}\bar{\alpha}(z) + \bar{\beta}(z) =az+b [/tex]

Isolating \bar{\beta}(z) and taking the complex conjugate, we have:

[tex] \beta(\bar{z}) = \bar{a}\bar{z}+\bar{b} - z\alpha(\bar{z}) [/tex]

Which if we put this into our expression (4) for [itex] \Phi[/itex] gives:

[tex] \Phi(z,\bar{z}) = z\alpha(\bar{z}) + \beta(\bar{z}) = z\alpha(\bar{z}) + \bar{a}\bar{z}+\bar{b} - z\alpha(\bar{z}) = \bar{a}\bar{z}+\bar{b} [/tex]

Now, if I have done this correctly, I don't see how I am supposed to fit this with criterion (1) in the statement of the problem. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure I understand the criterion since it seems to just cancel the Phis on both sides to give [itex] 0 \equiv 2\pi R[/itex] which I am pretty sure is not the case. I am also later supposed to split [itex]\Phi[/itex] into a holomorphic and anti-holomorphic part, which I should be able to derive left- and right-momentum from. My final solution here seems like it only has an antiholomorphic part to begin with. This is where I am kind of stuck, and not sure if I've done this correctly or not.--- Thanks to anyone that takes time to read this through!
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  • #2
The general classical solution for $\Phi$ that is consistent with equation $(1)$ is given by$$\Phi(z,\bar{z}) = \bar{a}\bar{z}+\bar{b} + 2\pi R n$$where $a, b \in \mathbb{C}$ and $n \in \mathbb{Z}$. We can rewrite this as$$\Phi(z,\bar{z}) = \bar{a}\bar{z}+\bar{b} + 2\pi R \left(\frac{\Phi(z,\bar{z})}{2\pi R} \right)$$where the quantity in brackets is an integer. We can also write this in terms of holomorphic and antiholomorphic parts:$$\Phi(z,\bar{z}) = \phi(z) + \bar{\phi}(\bar{z}) + 2\pi R \left(\frac{\Phi(z,\bar{z})}{2\pi R} \right),$$ where $\phi(z) = \bar{a}z + b$ and $\bar{\phi}(\bar{z}) = \bar{a}\bar{z} + \bar{b}$ are holomorphic and antiholomorphic functions, respectively.

FAQ: Solutions to equations of motion for free scalar field

1. What is a free scalar field?

A free scalar field is a mathematical concept used in physics to describe the behavior of a scalar field in space and time without any external forces or interactions.

2. What is the equation of motion for a free scalar field?

The equation of motion for a free scalar field is the Klein-Gordon equation, which describes the evolution of the field in space and time, taking into account its mass and energy.

3. What is the significance of finding solutions to the equations of motion for a free scalar field?

Finding solutions to the equations of motion for a free scalar field allows us to understand and predict the behavior of the field in different physical scenarios, such as in quantum field theory or in cosmology.

4. How are the solutions to the equations of motion for a free scalar field obtained?

The solutions to the equations of motion for a free scalar field are obtained by solving the Klein-Gordon equation using various mathematical techniques, such as separation of variables or Fourier transforms.

5. What are some applications of solutions to the equations of motion for a free scalar field?

Solutions to the equations of motion for a free scalar field have various applications in theoretical and experimental physics, including in the study of quantum field theory, particle physics, and cosmology.
