Solve Average Speed Problem: How to Qualify for a Race with Engine Trouble?

In summary: Oh don't worry i have my significiant digits correct, like i didnt write them correct on here but on my sheet i have them correct.
  • #1
Hi I am having problem with this question and keep getting the wrong answer.

1. A racecar driver must average 200km/h for four laps to qualify for a race. Because of engine trouble, the car averages only 170km/h over the first two laps. What average speed must be maintained for the last two laps?

Ok what i had done is this:

200=(170 +x)/2
Well my teacher said this is wrong and that we need to think of this question in terms of Vavg=(d1 +d2)/(t1+t2) to figure it out but i don't understand how to do that since we don't have time or distance. Apparently we are to try and think of an equation that will have constant terms cancelling each other out to get the right answer but i can't figure it out. If anyone could show me how to do this question i would appreciate it greatly!
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  • #2
Consider for simplicity that one lap is 200Km long...(Though it sounds unreasonably more).Then u can compute times,distances & average velocities.
Question:What is then (in this simple numerical case) the condition to qualify...??

  • #3
Remember, average speed is distance/time.
  • #4
To be more strict,average velocity is total distance divded by total time and NOT THE AVERAGE OF VELOCITIES ON PARTS OF THE TRAJECTORY...

Do the calculations for the # that I've offered...

  • #5
The answer should be roughly 243Km/h...

  • #6
Ok you i figured out what u meant and i got an answer of 242.8658km/h so you thanks, i understand completely now.
  • #7
majinknight said:
Ok you i figured out what u meant and i got an answer of 242.8658km/h so you thanks, i understand completely now.

Careful with sigfigs though.
  • #8
vsage said:
Careful with sigfigs though.

He probably rounded the result and wound up with 7 sign.figures.Seriously now,if the velocities are given with 3 sign.figures,then the result must be given with the same accuracy.Therefore 243Kmhr^{-1} is the correct one.

  • #9
Oh don't worry i have my significiant digits correct, like i didnt write them correct on here but on my sheet i have them correct.

FAQ: Solve Average Speed Problem: How to Qualify for a Race with Engine Trouble?

What is the definition of average speed?

The average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time taken. It is a measure of the overall rate at which an object moves, taking into account any changes in speed or direction during the journey.

How do you calculate average speed?

To calculate average speed, you need to divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken. The formula is: average speed = total distance / total time.

What is the difference between average speed and instantaneous speed?

Average speed is a measure of the overall rate at which an object moves, while instantaneous speed is the speed at a specific moment in time. Average speed takes into account any changes in speed or direction, while instantaneous speed only shows the speed at that exact moment.

What units are used to measure average speed?

Average speed can be measured in different units, depending on the distance and time units used. For example, if distance is measured in kilometers and time in hours, the unit for average speed would be kilometers per hour (km/h).

Can average speed be greater than the maximum speed?

No, average speed cannot be greater than the maximum speed. Maximum speed is the highest speed reached during a journey, while average speed is the overall rate at which an object moves. It is possible for average speed to be equal to the maximum speed, but it cannot exceed it.
