Solve Bohr Atom Problem: Find Radius, Energy, Wavelenght

  • Thread starter Fabio010
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    Atom Bohr
In summary, the first radius of the hydrogen atom with a meson orbiting the centre of mass is 2.6*10^-13m, which is slightly different from the book's solution of 2.8*10^-13m. The energy of "connection" between the hydrogen proton and the meson is -4.4*10^-16J, while the book's solution is -4.04*10^-16J. The problem arises when trying to find the wavelength of the first risk of the Lyman series, where the book's solution of 0.656nm differs from the calculated 0.45nm. This discrepancy is due to the assumption that the meson orbits the centre of mass,
  • #1
Find the first radius, the energy of "connection" and the wavelenght of the first risk of Lyman series of a hydrogen atom that electron has been "replaced" for a meson with negative charge with a mass 207*electron mass. Radius:

r = (h^2*n^2)/(4pi^2*e^2*k*me)

we know all constants so we just replace me for 207me and the solution is 2.6*10^-13m
in book solution the result is 2.8*10^-13m (i don't think that the difference is not significant)Energy of "connection"

E = - (ke^2)/(2r)

as we now radius, the energy is -4.4 *10^-16 J
in book is = -4.04*10^-16 JWavelenght (the problem)

E = hc/l (l = wavelenght)

l = hc/(4.4 *10^-16) = 4.5 * 10^-10 m 0.45 nm
but in book solutions l = 0.656nm

the problem is that with book results

l = hc/(4.04*10^-16) = 4.9 * 10^-10 m 0.49 nmSo i guess that i resolved it in a wrong way.PS: Sorry my english.
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  • #2
By simply replacing me with 207me, you are assuming that the meson is orbiting the centre of mass of the hydrogen proton. This assumption is valid for electron orbits as their mass is negligible for all intents and purposes, but as the proton is only ~9 times more massive than the meson, we must account for the fact that the proton and meson will orbit the proton-meson system's centre of mass.

To do this, we have to use the concept of reduced mass to reduce the problem back to a one-body problem. (the wiki below is quite good, as is the hyperphysics page).

I recommend that you give those a read. If you need any more information, this concept is covered in every undergrad physics textbook I've come across.
  • #3
ok, so i resolved my problem in wrong way.

because i can not replace the me for 207me?
  • #4
I wouldn't say it was resolved in the wrong way, your reasoning will work well enough for any purpose where the orbiting particle has negligible mass compared to the nucleus.

The same idea applies when we model planetary orbits. Assuming that the orbiting body orbits the centre of mass of the more massive body gives us an accurate enough prediction, but for increased precision we have to take into account the fact that the massive body isn't stationary, it instead orbits the centre of mass of the entire system.
  • #5
Ok but what i assumed, is what the book assumed because the solutions are correct.

Just, the wavelength solution is different. I don't know if the solutions are wrong, or E = hc/λ is not the right way to do it.
  • #6
Well, your solution is incorrect at two significant figures, so I presume your book didn't make that assumption, and you may have to use reduced mass in the future.

It seems like you have been asked to find the first Lyman series wavelength for this atom, correct? You have worked out the wavelength of a photon with energy equal to that of the n=1 level for this atom. The first Lyman series wavelength will be brought about by the transition of the meson between the n=1 and n=2 energy levels. This should give you the correct answer.

FAQ: Solve Bohr Atom Problem: Find Radius, Energy, Wavelenght

1. What is the Bohr model of the atom?

The Bohr model of the atom is a simplified representation of the electron structure in an atom. It was proposed by Niels Bohr in 1913 and suggests that electrons orbit the nucleus in specific energy levels or shells.

2. How do you find the radius of a Bohr atom?

The radius of a Bohr atom can be calculated using the formula r = n²h²/4π²me², where n is the principal quantum number, h is Planck's constant, m is the mass of the electron, and e is the charge of an electron.

3. What is the energy of a Bohr atom?

The energy of a Bohr atom is determined by the energy level or shell that the electron is in. The formula for calculating the energy is E = -13.6/n² eV, where n is the principal quantum number. The energy is negative because energy is released when an electron moves closer to the nucleus.

4. How do you find the wavelength of a Bohr atom?

The wavelength of a Bohr atom can be found using the Rydberg formula, which is given by λ = hc/RZ², where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, R is the Rydberg constant, and Z is the atomic number of the element.

5. What is the significance of solving the Bohr atom problem?

Solving the Bohr atom problem allows us to better understand the behavior of electrons in an atom and the properties of different elements. It also helps us to predict and explain phenomena such as atomic spectra and chemical bonding.
