Solve Conditions to Preserve Bondi Gauge Vector Field

In summary, the Bondi gauge vector field is a mathematical concept used in general relativity to describe gravitational waves. It is important to solve conditions to preserve this vector field in order to accurately understand the behavior of gravitational waves and their effects on space. The conditions that must be satisfied include the vanishing of time and spatial derivatives, as well as the divergence of the gauge vector field. This vector field is crucial in the study of gravitational waves and has practical applications in astrophysics, cosmology, and technology development.
  • #1
I'm going through the "Advanced Lectures on General Relativity" by G. Compère and got stuck with solving one set of conditions on the subject of asymptotic flatness. Let ##(M,g)## be ##4##-dimensional spacetime and ##(u,r,x^A)## be a chart such that the coordinate expression of ##g## is in Bondi gauge, so that ##x^A## are coordinates on the ##2##-sphere with ##A=2,3## and: $$g_{rr}=g_{rA}=0,\quad \partial_r\det\frac{g_{AB}}{r^2}=0.\tag{1}$$ Let ##X^\mu## be a vector field. The infinitesimal transformation generated by ##X^\mu## preserves the Bondi gauge (1) if $$L_X g_{rr}=0,\quad L_X g_{rA}=0,\quad L_X\partial_r\det\frac{g_{AB}}{r^2}=0,\tag{2}$$ where ##L_X## is the Lie derivative with respect to ##X^\mu##. Compère says in page 76 that it is possible to solve (2) exactly and write the components ##X^\mu## in terms of four functions of just ##(u,x^A)##. That's what I'm trying to do.

I've tried writing down the equations (2) explicitly using that $$L_X g_{\mu\nu}=X^\lambda \partial_\lambda g_{\mu\nu}+(\partial_\mu X^\lambda)g_{\lambda \nu}+(\partial_\nu X^\lambda)g_{\mu \lambda}\tag{3}.$$
By employing (3) and the Bondi gauge conditions (1) I was able to write the first two equations in (2) as $$2(\partial_r X^u) g_{ur} = 0,\quad (\partial_r X^u)g_{uA}+(\partial_r X^B)g_{AB}+(\partial_A X^u)g_{ur}=0.\tag{4}$$ Now there is that determinant equation. Since the determinant of ##\frac{g_{AB}}{r^2}## is just a real-valued function, I think the Lie derivative becomes just $$X^\mu \partial_\mu \partial_r \det\frac{g_{AB}}{r^2}=0.\tag{5}$$ Then I have considered expanding the determinant using the Levi-Civita symbol as $$\det \frac{g_{AB}}{r^2}=\frac{1}{r^{4}2!}\sum \varepsilon_{A_1A_2}\varepsilon_{B_1B_2}g_{A_1B_1}g_{A_2B_2}\tag{6},$$ and therefore writing the equation as $$X^\mu \partial_\mu \partial_r \frac{1}{r^{4}2!}\sum \varepsilon_{A_1A_2}\varepsilon_{B_1B_2}g_{A_1B_1}g_{A_2B_2}=0\tag{7}.$$

But now I'm stuck. Indeed the first equation in (4) can be solved assuming ##g_{ur}\neq 0## to give ##X^u = f(u,x^A)##. Now I have the other equation in (4) which doesn't seem immediate to solve. Finally there is the determinant equation, but the way I have written it I can't see how it can be solved in terms of functions of just ##(u,x^A)##.

So how can I proceed to do what Compère says and "solve (2) exactly expressing the components ##X^\mu## in terms of functions of just ##(u,x^A)##"? I don't want a full solution, I prefer some guidance on how to continue by myself.

Thanks a lot !
Physics news on
  • #2

Thank you for your question. It seems like you are on the right track in your approach to solving the conditions for asymptotic flatness. To continue, I would suggest looking at the remaining equation in (4) and seeing if you can manipulate it to get it into a form that is easier to solve. You can also try using the determinant equation (7) and the fact that the Lie derivative is a linear operator to see if you can simplify the equation further.

Another approach you could try is to look at the terms in the Lie derivative equation (2) that involve the vector field components ##X^\mu## and see if you can find any symmetries or patterns that will help you in solving the equations.

I would also recommend consulting other resources on asymptotic flatness and the Bondi gauge to see if there are any other techniques or insights that can help you in your solution. Sometimes, a different perspective can make all the difference.

I hope this helps and wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.
Scientist in General Relativity

FAQ: Solve Conditions to Preserve Bondi Gauge Vector Field

1. What is Bondi gauge in general relativity?

Bondi gauge is a coordinate system used in general relativity to describe the behavior of gravitational waves. It is based on the concept of a "Bondi frame," which is a set of coordinates that are adapted to the expansion of the universe.

2. What is the significance of preserving the Bondi gauge vector field?

Preserving the Bondi gauge vector field is important because it ensures that the coordinates used to describe gravitational waves remain consistent and accurate. This allows for a more precise understanding of the behavior of these waves and their effects on the universe.

3. How do you solve conditions to preserve the Bondi gauge vector field?

Solving conditions to preserve the Bondi gauge vector field involves finding a set of equations that describe the behavior of the gravitational waves in the Bondi frame. This can be done through mathematical calculations and simulations.

4. What are some challenges in solving conditions to preserve the Bondi gauge vector field?

One of the main challenges in solving conditions to preserve the Bondi gauge vector field is the complexity of the equations involved. This requires a high level of mathematical expertise and computational power. Additionally, the behavior of gravitational waves can be affected by various factors such as the presence of matter and energy in the universe, which adds another layer of complexity to the problem.

5. How does preserving the Bondi gauge vector field contribute to our understanding of the universe?

Preserving the Bondi gauge vector field allows us to accurately describe the behavior of gravitational waves, which are an important aspect of understanding the dynamics of the universe. This can lead to a better understanding of the evolution of the universe and the role of gravity in shaping its structure.

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