Solve Dynamics Questions: Get Help and Advice

  • Thread starter Motorbiker
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In summary, the person is seeking advice on how to approach a dynamics question and specifically how to handle the forces and work involved. They mention that their teacher has not taught this topic well and that their course exam is approaching. The expert suggests assuming that the work is done slowly and ignoring kinetic energy and accelerations. They also advise considering the forces acting on the block and breaking them down into components parallel and normal to the plane. The work done will then be the net force on the block in the direction of motion multiplied by the distance moved.
  • #1
Mod note: Thread moved from technical section so no homework template shown.

Hello there,

I am working on a dynamics question, but I am not sure how to tackle it since my teacher has not really taught this topic well.

I would like some advice on how to start the question off and the method that I can use to solve, I don't need you to do all the work for me. My course exam is coming up soon, so its important that I learn how to tackle these kinds of questions alone.

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  • #2
Since nothing is said about velocity, assume it wants the minimum work necessary, i.e. you can assume that it is done so slowly that you can ignore KE. That also means you can ignore accelerations.
If there were no friction you could just use work conservation (potential energy change), but since there is friction you have to deal with the forces.
So take the box as sliding at a slow steady speed. What forces act on the box? What force balance equations can you write?
  • #3
The work done will be the [net forces on the block (in the direction of motion)] multiplied by the distance moved. What forces are acting on the block. Can you break down the forces into components parallel to the plane, and normal to the plane?

FAQ: Solve Dynamics Questions: Get Help and Advice

1. How can I improve my problem-solving skills in dynamics?

To improve your problem-solving skills in dynamics, it is important to first understand the fundamental principles and concepts. This can be achieved through studying textbooks, attending lectures, and practicing solving different types of problems. It is also helpful to seek guidance from experienced individuals or join study groups to discuss and solve problems together.

2. What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving dynamics questions?

One common mistake to avoid when solving dynamics questions is not drawing accurate and complete free body diagrams. Another mistake is not considering all the forces acting on the system, including friction and air resistance. It is also important to use the correct equations and units, and to double-check calculations for errors.

3. What resources are available for getting help with solving dynamics questions?

There are many resources available for getting help with solving dynamics questions. These include online tutorials, practice problems, study guides, and textbooks. You can also seek help from tutors, professors, or classmates. Some universities also have tutoring centers or study groups specifically for dynamics.

4. How can I approach solving dynamics questions more efficiently?

To approach solving dynamics questions more efficiently, it is important to first read and understand the problem carefully. Then, break the problem down into smaller, manageable steps. It can also be helpful to draw diagrams and label all the known and unknown variables. It is also important to continuously practice and review problem-solving strategies to become more efficient.

5. What strategies can I use to check my solutions for dynamics questions?

One strategy to check solutions for dynamics questions is to use the principles of conservation of energy, momentum, and angular momentum. These can help determine if the final answer is reasonable and in line with the laws of physics. It is also helpful to plug in the final answer into the original equation to see if it satisfies all the given conditions. Additionally, double-checking calculations and units can help catch any errors.

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