Solve Flying Baseball Problem: a-h

In summary, the conversation discusses a physics problem involving a baseball being thrown horizontally and caught by a catcher. The first half of the problem is solved by finding the time, distance, and velocity of the ball. The second half involves calculating the change in velocity, acceleration, and forces involved in the ball being caught by the catcher. The conversation also mentions the use of the equations W=Fscos(theta) and W=Fssin(theta).
  • #1
I couldn't get my head around this problem... I'd like some input and some answers to aim towards please... I'm actually a pretty bright student, I just can't figure this out... maybe a blonde day lol? :smile:

A baseball of mass 55g leaves the pitchers hand at a speed of 48m/s. THe horizontal distance to the batter is 20m. Assuming that air resistance is negligible, determine the following:

a) the time for the ball to travel the first 10m
b) the time for the ball to travel the second 10m
c) the distance that the ball fell in the first 10m of horizontal travel
d) the vertical velocity of the ball just before it reached the batter.

If the ball missedthe bat and was taken by the catcher, whose glove moved backwards 30cm as he caught the ball, calculate the following:

e) the change in velocity of the ball as it was caught
f) the acceleration of the ball as it was caught
g) the force exerted on the glove by the ball as it was caught
h) the force exerted on the ball by the glove as it was caught
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  • #2
i got the first half!

hey shep!
i solved the first half of ur quest...
this is a projectile problem that's launched horizontally...
vx is given that's 48m/s and the totaly x is given =20m
so first thin we cud solve for total time...x/vx(20/48=0.42s
for first ten m...we will put x=10m
10/48= 0.21 s...time taken ta travel first 10 m...
as we know the total time is 0.42 we will simple get the difference between the total time and time taken ta travel the first 10 get the second halve's time.
to get the vertical distance covered in the first 10 m...
we know initial vy(vertical velocity has to be 0, and time taken in first 10 m is 0.21s...
y= ut+.5at^2...y=0+.5(9.8)(0.0441)
now ta get the final vertical velocity...we will use the simple equation..vyf=vyi+at
v= 0+9.8 (0.42)
i guess i will take a quick nap...and then try ta solve the next part...ha a long de!
b4 that if u get the hang of this try n post the answer!
take care...
  • #3
Thanks for your working so far :smile: you make a lot more sense than my physics teacher, I have to tell you that! I had this strange idea that W=Fscos(theta) would be of use... and W=Fssin(theta) also...
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  • #4
second half:
I assume that after the 30 cm the ball stopped. so the change in velocity would be the speed of the ball just before it got to the catcher.
f) If you know the final and initial speeds and the distance that it took to go from one to the other than to find the acceleration you can use:
Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2*a*x tell me if you want to see the derivation.
g) with the acceleration you can find the time, and if you find the impulse you can get the force.
h) Newtons 3rd law.
  • #5
Thanks for all this help :smile: ... I think I'm going to stick around on this board and help other ppl out lol

FAQ: Solve Flying Baseball Problem: a-h

1) What is the "Flying Baseball Problem"?

The "Flying Baseball Problem" is a scientific question that involves understanding and predicting the trajectory of a baseball as it is thrown or hit through the air.

2) How does air resistance affect the trajectory of a flying baseball?

Air resistance, or drag, slows down the motion of a flying baseball and shifts its trajectory. As the ball moves through the air, it experiences a force in the opposite direction of its motion due to the friction between the ball and the air. This force causes the ball to slow down and change direction, resulting in a curved path instead of a straight line.

3) What factors affect the flight of a baseball?

Several factors can affect the flight of a baseball, including air resistance, the angle and speed of the throw or hit, the spin of the ball, and the density and temperature of the air. Other factors such as wind, humidity, and elevation can also play a role.

4) How do scientists use math to solve the flying baseball problem?

Scientists use mathematical equations, such as the equations of motion and aerodynamic principles, to model and analyze the flight of a baseball. They can also use computer simulations and experimental data to validate their mathematical models and make predictions about the trajectory of a flying baseball.

5) Can the flying baseball problem be applied to other sports or objects?

Yes, the principles and equations used to understand the flight of a baseball can be applied to other sports or objects, such as a tennis ball, a golf ball, or a frisbee. These principles can also be applied to other real-life situations, such as the flight of airplanes or projectiles.

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