Solve for Football Field Goal: Height & Time Calculations"

  • Thread starter night_stroller
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about a person asking for help solving a math problem involving a football being kicked and following a certain path. The conversation covers using completing the square or the quadratic formula to solve the problem, as well as discussing different parts of the problem and offering assistance.
  • #1

Can somebody please help me solve this through completing the square?

A football player attempts a field goal by kicking the football. The ball follows the path modeled by the equation h=-4.9^2+10t+3, where h is the height of the ball above the ground in metres, and t is the time since the ball was kicked in seconds.

a) Describe the path of the ball.
b) After how many seconds does the ball reach the ground?
c) The ball must clear the uprights for the field goal to count. The uprights are approximately 5m high. How long does the ball stay above 5 m in height?
Physics news on
  • #2
Must you do it by completing the square? Why not use the quadratic formula?
  • #3
We should have a mod roll call.
  • #4
Tom Mattson said:
Must you do it by completing the square? Why not use the quadratic formula?

I haven't learned it yet.
  • #5
night_stroller said:
I haven't learned it yet.

Why not prove it then =] ? Completet the square on the general quadratic form [itex]ax^2 + bx + c[/itex], where a, b and c are real constants.
  • #6
which bit are you stuck on exactly?

for a), its kind of you know it or you dont.

for b), when the ball hits the ground, you know its height is what?

from there you can simply solve the quadratric using the quadratic formula (be useful if you can derive it, but just search google if you can't be bothered).

for c), same sort of method as b), just use a dif value for height.

need any more help?

FAQ: Solve for Football Field Goal: Height & Time Calculations"

1. What are the steps to solving this problem?

The first step to solving any problem is to fully understand the question or prompt. Then, break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Next, brainstorm possible solutions and choose the most appropriate approach. Finally, test and refine your solution until you reach the desired outcome.

2. How can I improve my problem-solving skills?

Practice makes perfect! The more you engage in problem-solving activities, the better you will become at it. Additionally, try to approach problems from different perspectives and learn from your mistakes. Seeking guidance from others and learning new problem-solving techniques can also help improve your skills.

3. What should I do if I get stuck while solving a problem?

Don't panic! Take a step back and try to look at the problem from a different angle. Break down the problem into smaller parts and try to solve each part individually. If you're still stuck, don't be afraid to ask for help from a friend, teacher, or mentor. Collaboration and seeking different perspectives can often lead to a solution.

4. How can I stay organized while solving a problem?

One helpful tip is to write down the problem and any given information. This can help you keep track of what you know and what you still need to figure out. Additionally, using visual aids such as diagrams or charts can help you visualize the problem and potential solutions.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving a problem?

One common mistake is rushing through the problem without fully understanding it. This can lead to incorrect solutions and wasted time. Another mistake is not checking your work for errors. It's important to double-check your calculations and make sure your solution makes sense in the context of the problem. Finally, avoid getting stuck on one approach and be open to trying different methods if your initial approach is not working.
