Solve for Time When Two Boys Meet While Moving - Travel Problem

  • Thread starter chawki
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In summary, the distance between Jack and Tim is x metres. They started moving at different speeds, with Jack running at a m/s and Tim walking at b m/s. To find the time when they would meet, the equation t=x/(a+b) can be used if they are moving towards each other, and t=-x/(a-b) can be used if they are moving in the same direction with Jack in front. The concept of relative velocity can also be applied to make the calculations easier.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Jack and Tim were standing in the main street. The distance between the boys was x metres. At the same moment the boys started to move. Jack was running at a m/s and Tim walked at b m/s.

Homework Equations

Find the time when the boys met if
a) they moved towards each other,
b) they moved in the same direction, walker in front.

The Attempt at a Solution

a) t=d/s
They will meet after x/(a+b) seconds.
Physics news on
  • #2
like in forst case you superimposed the velocity of a on b to find the vel. of a wrt to b

do the same in case (b) ... find the vel. of a wrt to b and do the math
  • #3
use the simple concept of relative velocity. that should do
  • #4
Where is the HELP ?!
I haven't understand anything what it said in these two replies...what is this 'wrt'
You haven't even said if I'm right for the first question...
  • #5
chawki said:
I haven't understand anything what it said in these two replies...what is this 'wrt'
wrt = with respect to
You haven't even said if I'm right for the first question...
Your answer for the first question was correct. (Not sure how you got it though.)

Using relative velocity makes it easier, but not if you've not covered that concept.
  • #6
Doc Al said:
wrt = with respect to

Your answer for the first question was correct. (Not sure how you got it though.)

Using relative velocity makes it easier, but not if you've not covered that concept.

Thank you for your help Doc Al...let's concentrate on the first question at the moment...Can you please tell me another method
  • #7
chawki said:
Can you please tell me another method
Let's start by you explaining your method, since you got the right answer.
  • #8
Doc Al said:
Let's start by you explaining your method, since you got the right answer.

I can't explain it...i copied it from another exercise that looked like this one.
Also i haven't practised for a long time..i think all i need is a law or a rule from which i can start...the other things will come..i'm sure
  • #9
It's rather difficult to give advice since I have no idea what you know or don't know. Nonetheless...

One way to go is to write expressions for the position of each as a function of time. (Measure position from the same point, of course.) Then you can solve for when and where they meet. Be sure to give the speeds the correct sign, depending on their direction of travel.
  • #10
It's NOT difficult.
Just write the starting formula and i will remember how to do it...
I haven't done these exercises for about 10 years...
  • #12
Ok thanks :) i will try...
  • #13
xj = at+x0
xt = bt+x0

and then ?
  • #14
The distance between them is the difference of those two, xj- xt.
  • #15
chawki said:
xj = at+x0
xt = bt+x0

and then ?
Some comments:
(1) Careful with signs. When they move towards each other, their velocities have opposite signs.
(2) The starting point x0 is different for each. Measure the position of each from the same point: The initial position of Jack, for example.

Revise the equations accordingly. Then you can solve for the time when their positions are equal.
  • #16
i think i can do part B by revising another problem which i posted few days ago...

b) we write the equations with respect to Jack

xj = at
xt = bt-x

t = -x/(a-b) ...the time they will meet

FAQ: Solve for Time When Two Boys Meet While Moving - Travel Problem

What is a "travel simple problem"?

A "travel simple problem" refers to any issue or difficulty that may arise during travel. This can include problems with transportation, lodging, language barriers, or unexpected events.

How can I avoid travel simple problems?

To avoid travel simple problems, it is important to thoroughly research your destination and have a detailed travel plan. This includes booking transportation and accommodations in advance, familiarizing yourself with local customs and laws, and having a backup plan in case of any unexpected events.

What should I do if I encounter a travel simple problem?

If you encounter a travel simple problem, remain calm and try to find a solution. This may involve asking for help from locals or contacting your travel insurance provider. It is also important to have a backup plan and be prepared for unexpected events.

Is travel insurance worth it for avoiding travel simple problems?

Yes, travel insurance can be beneficial for avoiding and dealing with travel simple problems. It can cover unexpected expenses such as flight cancellations, lost luggage, and medical emergencies. However, it is important to carefully research and choose a reputable travel insurance provider.

Are there any resources available for dealing with travel simple problems?

Yes, there are many resources available for dealing with travel simple problems. These can include online forums, travel blogs, and government websites. It is also helpful to have emergency contact information for your embassy or consulate in case of any serious problems.

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