Solve for x⁴+16x-12=0 using effective methods

  • MHB
  • Thread starter anemone
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses a problem that involves solving the equation $x^4+16x-12=0$ using various methods. The speaker shares their solution using Descartes' Rule of Signs and Vieta's formula, but expresses dissatisfaction with their method and asks for feedback. Another participant suggests factoring the equation into two quadratics, which leads to a simpler solution. The conversation also touches on the process of noticing and understanding patterns in mathematical equations.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director

This is a problem expected someone to solve it using the shortest route possible, and I've solved it, but using one most ordinary method that is very tedious and less gratifying.:( But I firmly believe this problem is designed and meant for practicing of the heuristic/problem solving skills, the thing is I just don't see there is any shortcut to tackle it.:mad:

If you happened to know there is another way to solve this problem, would you please show me? Thanks a bunch in advance.:)


Solve $x^4+16x-12=0$.

My solution:

Descartes' Rule of Signs suggests there is at most one positive and one negative real roots, and since there is only one inflexion point (if we let $f(x)=x^4+16x-12=0$, then $f'(x)=4x^3+16$ which then implies $f'(x)=0$ iff $x=-4^{1/3}$) for the given function, from $f(1)=5,\,f(0)=-12,\,f(-3)=21$, Intermediate Value Theorem tells us the function $f(x)=x^4+16x-12=0$ has one positive real, one negative real and two complex roots.

If we first let the 4 roots be $a+bi,\,a-bi,\,c+\sqrt{d},\,c-\sqrt{d}$, Vieta's formula says the sum of the four roots is zero. Thus, $2a+2c=0,\,\rightarrow\,a=-c$.

The coefficient of $1$ from the given function allows us to further assume the four roots (2 of which real and 2 of which complex) as $1+bi,\,1-bi,\,-1-\sqrt{d},\,-1-\sqrt{d}$. Note that this can be wrong, as the $+1$ can stick to the real roots and the $-1$ be assigned to the complex roots. That said, we need to check our working to verify of our answer.

According to the Vieta's formula, it tells us again that


This simplifies to $(b^2-2d+1)+(bd-2b)i=0$, i.e.,

$d=\dfrac{b^2+1}{2}$ and substituting this into $bd-3b=0$ gives $b(b^2+1-6)=0$, or $b^2=5$ since $b\ne 0$ and hence $d=3$.

This generates the four roots to be $1+\sqrt{5}i,\,1-\sqrt{5}i,\,-1+\sqrt{3},\,-1-\sqrt{3}$.

I checked and realized this is a valid set of the answer.

But I am not satisfied by my method, I thought there ought to be another easy way to do this good problem. So, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
Try factoring it into two quadratics:

\(\displaystyle x^4+16x-12=\left(x^2+ax+b\right)\left(x^2+cx+d\right)\)
  • #3
Oh My Goodness!

It actually can be rewritten as

See how simple this solution that I found online is! :eek:

Edit: Hey MarkFL, you're right, I'm such a fool, I don't know where my head is...hehehe...
  • #4
$x^4 + 16x - 12 = (x^4 + 4x^2 + 4 ) - (4x^2 - 16x + 16) = (x^2+2)^2 - (2(x-2) ))^2$. Since it is of form $a^2 - b^2$, we can rewrite that as $(a-b)(a+b)$, which yields a product of two quadratic as MarkFL indicated.

EDIT: You beat me to the post.
  • #6
anemone said:
Oh My Goodness!

It actually can be rewritten as

See how simple this solution that I found online is! :eek:

Edit: Hey MarkFL, you're right, I'm such a fool, I don't know where my head is...hehehe...

I did not see that it could be rewritten as the difference of two squares...yet. :D
  • #7
anemone said:
Oh My Goodness!

It actually can be rewritten as

See how simple this solution that I found online is! :eek:

Edit: Hey MarkFL, you're right, I'm such a fool, I don't know where my head is...hehehe...

How does one even notice something like that? :confused:
Trial and error of regrouping and adding and subtracting terms?
  • #8
Rido12 said:
How does one even notice something like that? :confused:
Trial and error of regrouping and adding and subtracting terms?

One will know by experience, Rido12! :eek: Or, since we know the given function could be factored as $(x^2+ax+b)(x^2+cx+d)$, we can still figure out the values of $a,\,b,\,c,\,d$ through a little computation by comparing the coefficients.:)
  • #9
In case anyone wants a rigorous approach, the natural resolvents coming from a quartic are

$$\alpha_1 = (x_1 + x_2)(x_3 + x_4) \\ \alpha_2 = (x_1 + x_3)(x_2 + x_4) \\ \alpha_3 = (x_1 + x_4)(x_2 + x_3)$$

Where $x_i$ are the roots of the quartic. Note that these are left unchanged by the $4! = 24$ permutation of the roots. If we take the quartic in OP, it is not too hard to verify that $\alpha_i$s satisfies the cubic

$$x^3 + 48x + 256 = 0$$

This, however, factors as $(x + 4)(x^2 - 4x + 64) = 0$ by rational root theorem (indeed, this indicates that the Galois group of this polynomial is $D_4$ and shouldn't involve too much radicals). The roots are thus

$$\alpha_1 = -4 \\ \alpha_2 = 2(1 - i\sqrt{15}) \\ \alpha_2 = 2(1 + i\sqrt{15})$$

By some tedious computations, one retrieves the original roots of the quartic back

$$2x_1 = \sqrt{-\alpha_1} + \sqrt{-\alpha_2} + \sqrt{-\alpha_3} \\ 2x_2 = \sqrt{-\alpha_1} - \sqrt{-\alpha_2} - \sqrt{-\alpha_3} \\ 2x_3 = -\sqrt{-\alpha_1} + \sqrt{-\alpha_2} - \sqrt{-\alpha_3} \\ 2x_4 = -\sqrt{-\alpha_1} - \sqrt{-\alpha_2} + \sqrt{-\alpha_3}$$

Which are, after the application of the identities $\sqrt{-2\left (1-i\sqrt{15}\right)} + \sqrt{-2\left(1+i\sqrt{15}\right)} = 2 \sqrt{3}$ and $\sqrt{-2\left(1-i\sqrt{15}\right)} - \sqrt{-2\left(1+i\sqrt{15}\right)} = i2 \sqrt{5}$ and appropriate signs (this is the real pain in the neck) are

$$x_1 = -1 + \sqrt{3} \\ x_2 = -1 - \sqrt{3} \\ x_3 = 1 + i\sqrt{5} \\ x_4 = 1 - i\sqrt{5}$$

These methods are much more practical while doing calculations of these sort, although they do not describe describe any of the beauties of manipulation whatsoever.

Related to Solve for x⁴+16x-12=0 using effective methods

1. What is the first step in solving x⁴+16x-12=0?

The first step in solving this equation is to rearrange it into standard form, with the highest degree term first. In this case, we would move the constant term to the other side of the equation, giving us x⁴+16x=12.

2. How do I factor x⁴+16x-12=0?

To factor this equation, we need to find two numbers that when multiplied together give us -12, and when added together give us 16. These numbers are 6 and -2. So we can rewrite the equation as (x²+6)(x²-2)=0. Then, we can factor each of these quadratic expressions further to get our final answer: (x²+6)(x+√6)(x-√6)=0.

3. Can this equation be solved using the quadratic formula?

No, the quadratic formula can only be used to solve equations in the form ax²+bx+c=0. Since our equation is in the form x⁴+16x-12=0, we cannot use the quadratic formula to solve it.

4. What are the solutions to x⁴+16x-12=0?

The solutions to this equation are the values of x that make the equation true. In this case, we have four solutions: x=√6, x=-√6, x=-4+2√6, and x=-4-2√6. These values can be found by factoring the equation, or by using a graphing calculator.

5. Can this equation be solved using logarithms?

No, this equation does not involve logarithms and therefore cannot be solved using logarithms. The methods for solving this equation are factoring or using a graphing calculator.

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