Solve for x, a and b in matrix equation aAx + bBx = C

  • Thread starter Panteren
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In summary, the conversation discusses an equation involving constants and vectors, and the possibility of replacing integrals with summations. The system is then rewritten as a linear system, but the solver is not able to handle it. Suggestions are welcome for solving the system in a least norm sense with non-negativity constraints. The conversation also discusses the possibility of using a least-squares solution with a system of equations involving the constants and vectors. However, the unknown vector x proves to be a challenge.
  • #1
Hello everybody

I recently encountered the following equation [itex]C(t) = a\int_0^t{x(\tau)d\tau} + b\int_0^t{\int_0^\tau{x(\tau')d\tau'd\tau}}[/itex], where C, a, b and x are greater or equal to zero. C and x are vectors - in my case around 3500 long - and a and b are constants.

If we take sufficiently small steps we can replace the integrals with summations:
[itex]C(t) = a\Sigma_0^t{x} + b\Sigma_0^t\Sigma_0^t{x}[/itex].
Such a summation can also be written as a matrix of the form [1 0 0; 1 1 0; 1 1 1] etc. using Matlab notation and [1 0 0; 2 1 0; 3 2 1] etc. for det double summation.

Now we have a system: [itex]C = aAx + bBx[/itex] where C and x are Nx1 matrices, a and b are constants, and A and B are NxN matrices. I wish to solve it in some least norm sense for x, a and b, with the constraints that x, a and b should be equal to or greater than zero.

I have tried to solve the first equation using some of the nonlinear optimization tools in Matlab with poor results. I hoped it would be easier to solve when rewritten as a linear system, but I cannot see how.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.
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  • #2
I suppose τ' is a different τ? Like saying τ1 and τ2?

If so, then the inner integral is equal to x(τ2), which yields:

[tex]C(t)= a\Sigma_0^t{x} + b\Sigma_0^t{x(τ_2)}[/tex]

Edit: Nevermind, I thought it was x'(τ')
  • #3
Ok, I found what was bugging me:

You replaced the double integral with two sums from 0-t. However, the inner sum should be from τ'=0 to τ'=τ, and the outer sum should be τ=0 to τ=t
  • #4
meldraft said:
Ok, I found what was bugging me:

You replaced the double integral with two sums from 0-t. However, the inner sum should be from τ'=0 to τ'=τ, and the outer sum should be τ=0 to τ=t

Thank you. You are correct. That is what I meant. Equivalent to using two 'cumsum' in Matlab.
  • #5
Welcome to PF, Panteren! :smile:

I take it your system is actually the following?
$$C(t_i) = aAx(t_i) + bBx(t_i)$$

In that case the solution in a least-norm-sense is given by a least-squares solution.

What you'd do is minimize ##\sum_i (C(t_i) - aAx(t_i) + bBx(t_i))^2##, which is the sum-squared deviation given a certain a and b.
To solve it you'd calculate the partial derivatives to a and also to b and set them to zero.

You'll find the system of equations:
$$a \sum_i (Ax(t_i))^2 + b \sum_i Ax(t_i) \cdot Bx(t_i) = \sum_i C(t_i) \cdot Ax(t_i)$$
$$a \sum_i Ax(t_i) \cdot Bx(t_i) + b \sum_i (Bx(t_i))^2 = \sum_i C(t_i) \cdot Bx(t_i)$$

Its solution (for a and b) appears to be what you want.
  • #6
I like Serena said:
Welcome to PF, Panteren! :smile:

Thank you. :smile: I have read the forums for quite some time. Lots of interesting stuff and insight to be found.

I take it your system is actually the following?
$$C(t_i) = aAx(t_i) + bBx(t_i)$$
Yes, but I am not sure I understand the distinction between that and what I wrote? Please elaborate what I have misunderstood or stated unclear :-/?

You'll find the system of equations:
$$a \sum_i (Ax(t_i))^2 + b \sum_i Ax(t_i) \cdot Bx(t_i) = \sum_i C(t_i) \cdot Ax(t_i)$$
$$a \sum_i Ax(t_i) \cdot Bx(t_i) + b \sum_i (Bx(t_i))^2 = \sum_i C(t_i) \cdot Bx(t_i)$$

Its solution (for a and b) appears to be what you want.

Thank you, but the problem is, that [itex]x[/itex] is also unknown. Perhaps it is obvious how to get that in addition to [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex] from the system of equations, but I do not follow :-(
If I had [itex]x[/itex] I could just turn it into a standard linear regression problem and likewise if I had the constants [itex]a[/itex] and [itex]b[/itex], but when I only have [itex]A[/itex], [itex]B[/itex], [itex]C[/itex] and the non-negativity constraints on [itex]a[/itex], [itex]b[/itex] and [itex]x[/itex] ... ?

FAQ: Solve for x, a and b in matrix equation aAx + bBx = C

1. What is a matrix equation?

A matrix equation is an equation that involves matrices, which are rectangular arrays of numbers. In this type of equation, we are typically trying to solve for the variables within the matrices.

2. How do I solve for x, a, and b in a matrix equation?

To solve for x, a, and b in a matrix equation, we need to use matrix operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We also need to use the properties of matrices, such as the distributive property and the inverse property.

3. Can I use the same methods to solve all matrix equations?

No, the methods used to solve matrix equations may vary depending on the specific equation. Some equations may require more complex operations or the use of specialized techniques, such as Gaussian elimination or matrix inversion.

4. What is the purpose of solving a matrix equation?

The purpose of solving a matrix equation is to find the values of the variables within the matrices, which can then be used to solve real-world problems in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. Matrix equations are also used in computer graphics, statistics, and other areas of mathematics.

5. Are there any tips for solving matrix equations?

Yes, some tips for solving matrix equations include writing out the equations in a clear and organized manner, using the properties of matrices, and using a calculator or software program to assist with calculations. It is also important to double-check the solution and make sure it satisfies all the equations in the matrix equation.

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