Solve Heat Balance Problem: 50g, 30 Deg, 530 Sec, 10W, 100g, 16.1W

In summary, the specific heat of the liquid is 2155.3 J/kg-K, calculated by setting up an energy balance equation and using the difference in energy input and difference in mass to solve for the specific heat.
  • #1
Here is the problem. 50g of liquid is heated by 30 degrees in a calorimeter in 530 seconds. The power is 10W. 100g is heated by the same amount in the same time with a power input of 16.1W. What is the s.h.c (Cs)of the liquid.

I know that:

Cs = (1/mass) x (dH/dt for liquid) + (dH/dt for calorimeter)

and thus I have a set of two simultaneous equations which can be solved for Cs.

I also know (well, I think I do) that dH/dt for the calorimeter is equal to the power input. The questions is, what is dH for the liquid? Am I barking up the right tree in the first place?
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  • #2
Well, there are two equations, and also two variables, the specific heat of the liquid and the heat (energy) delivered to the calorimeter, which does have some mass.

Now one knows that the heating takes place of the same time 530 s. In one case the heat rate is 10 W (or 10 J/s), and in the other case the heat rate is 16.1 W.

Now set up the two energy balance equations, and solve for the specific heat of the liquid and the energy into the calorimeter.
  • #3
Astronuc, many thanks for your help there.

I read your message yesterday but, as I reached the end of the post, the telephone rang and I was called away with some bad news. Thankfully, things didn't turn out anywhere near as bad as first thought.

I shall return to the problem over the weekend when things settle down and post my solution up here.
  • #4
50g of liquid is heated by 30 K in a calorimeter in 530 seconds. The power is 10W. 100g is heated by the same amount in the same time with a power input of 16.1W. What is the s.h.c (Cs)of the liquid.

Made a mistake in original post - what I know is that:

Cs = (1/mass) x [dH/dT]liquid + [dH/dT]calorimeter

and dH for the calorimeter is IVt (power x time), So:

Cs(1) = 1/0.05 x [dH/30] + [10 x 530 / 30]
Cs(2) = 1/0.1 x [dH/30] + [16.1 x 530 / 30]

Cs(1) = 20[dH/30] + 176.67
Cs(2) = 10[dH/30] + 284.43


(1) 176.67 = Cs - 20[dH/30]
(2) 284.43 = Cs – 10[dH/30]

Subtract (1) from (2):

107.76 = 10 [dH/30]

[dH/30] = 107.76 / 10

dH = 10.776 x 30 = 323.28 J

Substitute dH into one of the equations:

Cs = 20 x (323.28 / 30) + 176.67 = 392.19 J Kg-1 K-1

Does this look right. It seems low for a liquid unless it something like Mercury?
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  • #5
My answer to the question:
  • #6
Well, I think you may be making this more complicated than it is.

I would recommend doing an energy balance and not worry about heat rate (dH/dt), in which case, one has the following general equation:

(energy into liquid) + (energy into calorimeter) = energy input = power * time

or mcs[itex]\Delta T[/itex] + Ecal = P * t.

In the first case one has

0.05 kg * cs * 30K + Ecal = 10 W * 530 s = 5300 J
and in the second, one has
0.10 kg * cs * 30K + Ecal = 16.1 W * 530 s = 8533 J.

Two equations and two variables. One can multiply the first by (-1) and add to second equation.

But wait.

What is the difference between the two cases? The mass of liquid and the power input. All the other parameters are the same.

The difference in power * time (same in both cases) = difference energy = 8533 J - 5300 J = 3233 J.

Where does that difference go? Into the difference between the masses (100 g - 50 g) = 50 g or 0.05 kg.

So the 3233 J = 0.05 kg * cs * 30 K or

cs = 3233 J / (0.05 kg * 30 K) = 2155.3 J/kg-K.

FAQ: Solve Heat Balance Problem: 50g, 30 Deg, 530 Sec, 10W, 100g, 16.1W

What is a heat balance problem?

A heat balance problem is a type of engineering or scientific problem that involves calculating the amount of heat transferred between different objects or systems. It takes into account factors such as temperature, time, and power to determine the equilibrium state of a system.

What is the significance of the given values in this specific problem?

The given values in this problem represent the initial conditions and parameters of the system. Specifically, they tell us the mass of the object (50g and 100g), the initial temperature (30 degrees), the duration of the process (530 seconds), and the power input (10W and 16.1W).

What is the formula for solving a heat balance problem?

The formula for solving a heat balance problem is Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat transferred, m is the mass of the object, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

How can this problem be solved using the given information?

Using the formula Q = mcΔT, we can first calculate the heat transferred for each object. For the first object (50g), the heat transferred would be 50g x (4.18 J/g°C) x (30°C - 0°C) = 6270 J. For the second object (100g), the heat transferred would be 100g x (4.18 J/g°C) x (T - 30°C) = 5300 J, where T is the final temperature. Since the two objects are in thermal equilibrium, we can set these two values equal to each other and solve for T, which would be approximately 19.4°C.

What are some real-life applications of heat balance problems?

Heat balance problems have many practical applications, such as in designing heating and cooling systems for buildings, determining the efficiency of engines and other mechanical systems, and understanding the thermal properties of materials. They are also important in fields such as thermodynamics, meteorology, and environmental science.

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