Solve Inferometer Problem: URGENT

  • Thread starter GreatEscapist
  • Start date
In summary, the homework statement is that optical computers require microscopic optical switches to turn signals on and off. One device for doing so, which can be implemented in an integrated circuit, is the Mach-Zender interferometer. The problem is that after trying to do it all night the night before it was due, and no avail on just scouring the internet, the student would really appreciate some quick help if anyone is still up.
  • #1
Inferometer problem: URGENT

After trying to do this problem all night the night before it was due, and no avail on just scouring the internet, I would really appreciate some quick help if anyone is still up. (Or early in the morning)

Homework Statement

Optical computers require microscopic optical switches to turn signals on and off. One device for doing so, which can be implemented in an integrated circuit, is the Mach-Zender interferometer seen in the figure(Figure 1) on the next page. Light from an on-chip infrared laser ( wavelength = 1.080 nm) is split into two waves that travel equal distances around the arms of the interferometer. One arm passes through an electro-optic crystal, a transparent material that can change its index of refraction in response to an applied voltage. Suppose both arms are exactly the same length and the crystal's index of refraction with no applied voltage is also 1.564.

What is the first index of refraction of the electro-optic crystal larger than 1.564 that changes the optical switch to the state opposite the state you found in part a?

Homework Equations

I don't know- my teacher barely covered this, and not very well. This problem is not like any of the others in the book.

(2*pi*Δx)/λ = 2*pi*m for constructive, where Δx is the path length difference
(2*pi*Δx)/λ = 2*pi*(m+.5) for destructive, where Δx is the path length difference
λ/n = λ_n

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that it comes out dimly (from a previous problem). I want to then make this constructive, however, I am completely and utterly stumped at how to do that. A hint given to my class by my professor on the school forum was:

I started to set up a similar problem today in class - what you want to do is look at the path length difference - including the fact that some of the path is inside the material so you have to shift the wavelength to lambda/n (where n is the index of refraction). You're told that the paths are the same distance, so the only difference is the length it goes in the plastic - so you're comparing light that doesn't go through plastic to light that goes through plastic: x/lambda compared to x/(lambda/n) where x is the distance traveled that is different for the two rays (one in plastic and one not in plastic)

So we know that it only goes through the plastic...but how do I compare? I'm so lost...
Physics news on
  • #2

There appears to be information missing. The diagram. What is the thickness of the electro-optic crystal? What is "the state you found in part a"? What is the switch and what makes it change states?
  • #3

The crystal changes the path length to xn, where x is the length of the arms, so the path difference between the two arms is
xn - x = x(n-1) so this needs to be an integral number of wavelengths for constructive interference (assuming no phase change).

Related to Solve Inferometer Problem: URGENT

1. What is an interferometer?

An interferometer is a scientific instrument used to measure small changes in light waves. It works by splitting a beam of light into two or more parts and then recombining them to create an interference pattern that can be used to make precise measurements.

2. Why is solving the interferometer problem urgent?

The interferometer problem is urgent because it is a crucial part of many scientific experiments and research projects. Accurate measurements are necessary for drawing conclusions and advancing our understanding of various phenomena. Additionally, the longer the problem remains unsolved, the longer the delay in progress and potential setbacks in the scientific community.

3. What are some common challenges in solving interferometer problems?

Some common challenges in solving interferometer problems include alignment issues, calibration errors, and environmental factors such as temperature and vibration. Additionally, understanding the complex mathematical equations and algorithms involved can also be a challenge for some scientists.

4. How can the interferometer problem be solved?

The interferometer problem can be solved by carefully examining and adjusting the alignment of the interferometer components, calibrating the instrument accurately, and minimizing environmental factors. It may also require advanced mathematical and analytical skills to properly analyze the data and make precise measurements.

5. What are some potential applications of interferometers?

Interferometers have a wide range of applications in various fields, including astronomy, physics, and engineering. They are commonly used in the measurement of small motions and distances, such as in gravitational wave detection, distance measurements in space, and precision machining in manufacturing. They are also used in the study of optics, materials science, and atmospheric sciences.
