Solve Lagrangian Oscillator: Damped, Driven System

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of Lagrangian mechanics to solve the equation of motion for a driven, dampened harmonic oscillator. While the usual approach using differential equations can be used, the poster wants to explore the use of Lagrangian mechanics. One member suggests including the energies for the driving and damping forces, while another suggests using the displacement of the particle from a support that oscillates in the same way as the forcing. However, this method does not account for damping. It is recommended to read Morin Classical Mechanics for a detailed explanation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm given a driven, dampened harmonic oscillator (can it be thought of as a spring-mass system with linear friction?) Is it possible to solve the equation of motion using Lagrangian mechanics? I could solve it with the usual differential equation x''+βx'+ωₒ²x=fₒcos(ωt) but as we have just started learning Lagrangian in class I'd like to do it that way.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I know how to do it with an undampened, undriven spring-mass system but am unsure how to include the energies for the driving force and damping force.

For undampended and undriven:
L= 1/2mx'² - 1/2kx²
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  • #2
There are ways of including half derivatives in time which will let you do this but it is significantly more advanced than your typical basic course in Lagrangian mechanics. The usual treatment cannot deal with dissipative systems.
  • #3
Hi tburke2,

I believe that you can solve the system by considering the displacement x of the particle as the displacement from some support that oscillates in the same way as your forcing.

This would lead to a lagrangian of:
L =1/2mx'^2 - 1/2kx^2
were x = x_o - z, where x_o = F_o cos(wt) and z is the actual displacement of your forcing. Of course, this is only valid for some kind of mechanical forcing. I would recommend reading Morin Classical Mechanics as it covers Lagrangian Mechanics is a good level of detail.
  • #4
PhysyCola said:
This would lead to a lagrangian of:
L =1/2mx'^2 - 1/2kx^2
were x = x_o - z, where x_o = F_o cos(wt) and z is the actual displacement of your forcing. Of course, this is only valid for some kind of mechanical forcing. I would recommend reading Morin Classical Mechanics as it covers Lagrangian Mechanics is a good level of detail.

This does not involve any damping, which is a dissipative effect and what the OP was asking for.

FAQ: Solve Lagrangian Oscillator: Damped, Driven System

1. What is a Lagrangian oscillator?

A Lagrangian oscillator is a system in classical mechanics that can be described using the Lagrangian formalism. It typically consists of a mass attached to a spring, with or without additional damping or driving forces.

2. How is damping incorporated into the Lagrangian oscillator system?

Damping in a Lagrangian oscillator is usually represented by a damping coefficient, which is multiplied by the velocity term in the Lagrangian. This accounts for the energy loss due to friction or other dissipative forces in the system.

3. What is the significance of the driven term in a Lagrangian oscillator?

The driven term in a Lagrangian oscillator represents an external force or input that is applied to the system. This can be in the form of a periodic or non-periodic force that causes the mass to oscillate with a specific frequency.

4. How is the Lagrangian oscillator system solved?

The Lagrangian equations of motion, which are derived from the Lagrangian function, are solved using differential equations. These equations can be solved analytically or numerically to determine the position, velocity, and acceleration of the mass in the system at any given time.

5. What are some real-life applications of the Lagrangian oscillator?

The Lagrangian oscillator has many applications in the fields of physics and engineering. It is commonly used to model simple harmonic motion in mechanical systems such as springs and pendulums. It is also used in areas such as electrical circuits, acoustics, and quantum mechanics for analyzing and understanding oscillatory behavior.
